In the starry sky, the great thousand boats are moving slowly.

In the cabin, mu Qingge looks at the map of the world in silence. Si Mo walks to her side, hands light on her shoulders, asked: "still can't determine the direction?"

Mu Qingge frowns and nods. "The breath of killing evil spirits gathers and disperses from time to time, so it is impossible to capture the specific position."

At the beginning, Simao located the position of the Fu clan through the magic spirit flag, which made her wonder whether she could use Zhuxie as the location, so that she could find Jiang Li in the vast starry sky and three thousand worlds.

But there is a huge gap between theory and reality.

When they finally got out of the main world and began to look for it, she found that although she could sense the position of killing evil spirits, it was still uncertain.

Several times, she thought she had found it. She rushed over excitedly, but she threw herself into the air.

Si Mo sat down beside her and comforted in a low voice: "don't be discouraged. As long as we keep looking for it, we will always find it."

Mu Qingge took a deep breath and nodded.

You can't find Jiang Li and will never give up. "If I can't find it in ten years, I'll find a hundred years. If I can't find it in a hundred years, I'll find a thousand years. If I can't find it in a thousand years, I'll find ten thousand years.". I don't believe it. I've turned the whole world upside down and I can't find her! "

In the eyes of the stars, let her smile.

At the beginning, he was attracted by her firm eyes. This attraction is the eternal fall of the enemy.

"But..." Mu light song didn't pay attention to the tender feelings in the eyes of Si Mo, immersed in his own thoughts, murmured: "why so many places, there is the breath of killing evil?"

She raised a pair of suspicious eyes and looked at Si mo.

That clear through the bottom of the eyes, reflecting the beauty of Si mo.

Blinking an eye, mu Qingge suddenly put his hands on his cheek and gave him a hard kiss on his pink lips. That strength, let Si Mo's lip color have deepened a few minutes.

Si Mo a Leng, Po color eyes deep, rise a dense rose.

However, just when he wanted to get closer to Mu Qingge, the woman who only set fire to extinguish the fire, stabbed him in the chest with her finger.

Just put his heart that piece of beautiful to poke No.

"You are so knowledgeable and experienced, do you know why?" Mu Qingge is not ashamed to ask questions.

Si Mo's eyes but dangerous squint up. "Is xiaoge'er hating her husband?"


"No, no!" Mu Qingge quickly waved his hand.

Say it, but also blinked a thorough eye, showed his innocence.

Si Mo helplessly shakes his head and laughs. His helplessness for mu Qingge has made him a wife fearing name in the Lord world, but he is actually happy about it.

In the expectation of moqingge, Simao only got the way: "there is a situation that may lead to such a result."

"What Muqingge immediately came to the spirit.

Si Mo laughingly lightly touched the tip of her nose. This doting action makes mu Qingge's cheeks quickly dyed with blush, and quickly retreats.

Knowing that mu Qingge is worried about Jiang Li's whereabouts, Simao no longer betrays his concerns and says to her: "maybe, in the process of Jiang Li's falling, it really passes through the place we went before, so there is a residual breath of killing evil spirits. Zhuxie is a artifact, and you refine it by yourself. Jiang Li refined it with his own blood. Others can't feel it, but you can't

Mu Qingge listened carefully and nodded.

Si Mo said the possibility is very big. She immediately found out where she had sensed the evil spirits before and outlined them from the map.

However, when she finished, her frown became deeper.

"These places look disorganized and out of order." She stares at the map.

Si Mo Juan glanced at the map and comforted: "maybe it was Jiang Li who passed these places unconsciously in the process of falling. Or maybe we haven't found the connection. "

Mu Qingge purses his lips and doesn't speak. He just stares at the map and doesn't speak.

Si Mo could see that she was worried about Jiang Li, so she said, "looking for someone is a patient life. Not to mention looking for a person in the three thousand worlds in this starry sea. Don't worry too much. Jiang Li is the ancient witch queen. She has the atmosphere to carry in her body. She won't be in trouble. Maybe, she has a chance of her own. "

"I hope so." Mu Qingge sighed.

She knows that Si Mo is telling the truth. I can't wait to find someone.

However, even if she knew that, she was still worried, as if she could not see Jiang Li standing in front of her intact, her heart could not calm down.

Before, there was no ability to find. Now, with the ability, she became more eager to find Jiang Li.


On the deck of daqianzhou, the little monster knew that his mother was in a bad mood, so he didn't go up to look for abuse.

He was bored lying on the side of the ship, and his smart eyes looked at the star sea.

All of a sudden, his eyes lit up and he could not help but "wow"! Body also from the lazy prone, stand straight. He gazed at a blue star in the distance and said in surprise, "how beautifulThe blue star, like a sapphire inlaid in the night sky, is extremely bright and constantly attracting people to go.

However, this star, attracted the attention of the little monster, but did not let the boat change course. Seeing the big thousand boat gradually deviate from the track of the star, the little monster was anxious.

"Mother! Mother

The little monster cried out.

Although he is small, he knows that the man in charge of Daqian boat is his mother who is domineering and side leaking.

The voice reached the cabin, that kind of urgency, let the Mu light song nestling in Si Mo's arms stand up, eyebrows light frown.

"What happened to Nezha? I'll go and have a look Mu Qingge goes out in no hurry.

She knew very well that there would be no accident on the boat, and the safety of the little guy was not to be considered.

Si Mo's face is black, whenever they are affectionate, there will always be a little guy who likes to make trouble! Is this really his son?

Are you sure you didn't come to rob his daughter-in-law?

"What will happen to him?" Si Mo stops Mu light song, the tone is full of grievances.

Mu light Song mouth a pull, pacify a way: "little guy's temper you still don't know, if nothing, won't shout, I'll come."

Something's wrong! How can it be ok?

Si Mo said in the heart. The boy made it clear that he and his wife had been in the cabin for a long time and wanted to destroy them!

"I'll go with you." Si Mo didn't stop mu Qingge from leaving, but he couldn't help but grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the cabin and went to the deck.

He looks like a child, mu Qingge just shakes his head and laughs bitterly, and does not refuse.

She really did not understand, this father and son in front of her, why unconsciously presented a mode of competing for favor. Are these two people comparable?

"Mother! Come on, my mother

When they went out, snzha's voice came again.

Little guy's words, make Mu light song a smile.

She strode out of the cabin, stepped on the deck, saw the figure of the little guy and asked, "what's the matter? It's a big fuss. "

"Mother, you're here!" At the sight of moqingge, Si Nezha's small face carved with powder and jade, laughed like a flower, and rushed over.

"Mother, shall we go there?"

This little guy, completely ignored the existence of Si mo. However, he deliberately opened his hands and occupied his position. He took mu Qingge to the side of the boat.

"To where?" Mu Qingge does not know why.

I don't know, but I don't know.

"Damn it! We must find a way! " Si Mo Mou in cold awn flash, finger clenches fist to loosen again.

He promised that if the boy was not his own son, he would pat him into meat.

"That's it, the blue star." Si Nezha stood on tiptoe, raised his hand and pointed to the stars which had become dark and hard to light at the moment.

Mu Qingge squints and looks at the direction he points to.

Daqianzhou has gone far now. I can't see what Si Nezha refers to.

However, this is the first time that the three of them left the main world, and she couldn't bear to refuse.

Mu Qingge controls the Daqian boat and approaches in the direction of snzha.

Mother and son two people's attention, also attracted the attention of Si mo. He walked slowly behind mu Qingge and sinazha, and looked at the stars which were constantly unfolding in front of them.

With the order of moqingge, daqianzhou kept approaching the blue star. Gradually, the appearance of the star became clear in the sight of the three people.

"Wow! It's beautiful. It must be fun there, mother. Shall we go and have a little fun? " Like his father, sinazha's eyes were full of excitement and expectation, with the same color as his father.

However, when mu Qingge saw the star, her eyes suddenly shrank in shock, and even her body shook violently.

Her strange appearance is so obvious, Si Mo is aware of immediately. Only sinazha, who was immersed in his excitement, did not notice his mother's abnormality at all.

"Xiaoge'er, what's the matter with you?" Si Mo's eyes of concern fall on the Mu light song body, big hand also put on her shoulder.

However, mu Qingge did not respond, just staring at the more clear blue star, her brain has fallen into a blank.

The star

No, it should be said that the planet, she is too familiar!

Even every outline is clearly engraved in her mind, lingering.


Her mother star! The hometown that she could not forget even though she was in a different world. The land for which she once bled, sweated and dedicated herself, the motherland!

"Little song?"

A violent drink, in Mu light song ear suddenly ring.This is Si Mo for a long time did not see Mu light song response, had to shake her awake.

His drink not only brought mu Qingge back from memory and shock, but also made snezha, who knew nothing about it, turned his head and found his mother was different.

"Mother, what's the matter with you?" The little guy pulled the skirt of moqingge and pulled it carefully.

as like as two peas, the two eyes of the father and son looked worried.

Mu Qingge's eyes fell on the father and son, and in their tense gaze, a smile appeared. "It's nothing. I just thought of something."

She didn't intend to say everything at this time. He just bent down to pick up sinazha, pointed to the earth and asked, "where do you want to go?"

Sinazha nodded honestly.

But, did not look at the earth again, just stare at mu Qingge's face. A little, he said: "if that place makes his mother uncomfortable, Nezha won't go."

Mu Qingge smiles and shakes his head.

How could that place make her uncomfortable?

"Let's go and have a look." Mu light song to Si Nezha.

Her tone, as usual, was not a bit different. However, Si Mo but heard that one of them tried to hide a trace of shaking.

Is his little song afraid?

What is she afraid of? The star?

Si Mo good-looking eyebrows slightly frown. He was thinking whether to destroy the star, so as not to make his little song unhappy again.

Mu Qingge put down Si Nezha.

After all, sinazha was a child. When he heard his mother's consent, his face was filled with joy. "Really?"

Mu Qingge nodded.

At this time, daqianzhou's constant approach to the route also confirmed what she said was true.

According to the speed of the boat, they can enter the earth's atmosphere in half a day.

Mu light song turned to see Si Mo and said to him, "O Mo, you come with me, I have something to say to you."

Si Mo's eyes flashed, nodded lightly, and walked back to the cabin with her, leaving the excited sinazha alone on the deck.

As the great Qianzhou approached the earth, sinazha did not take care of his parents' departure.

Anyway, in the days on the boat, most of them were his own. Who let mu Qingge and Si Mo take the education of stocking?


"What's wrong with you, little song?" As soon as he entered the cabin, he immediately asked.

He only thought that murongge before the unusual inconvenient in front of the children to explain, but did not want to, mu Qingge next words, but will suppress him.

In the face of his eyes, Mu Song turned.

Such expression, let Si Mo's eyes also follow dignified a few minutes.

"Ah Mo, there's one thing I wanted to hide from you for the rest of my life. But today, I want to say it. " Mu light song road.

Si Mo's eyes slightly narrowed for a while, did not immediately open mouth, but waited for her next words.

After taking a deep breath, moqingge coagulates his eyes and says, "I'm not really a moqingge."

Si Mo's eyes shrunk.

Even if he had been prepared, he did not expect moqingge to say this.

"Perhaps I should say so. The real moqingge, as early as sunset in the wilderness, has died. When you met me for the first time, it was when my soul just entered Linchuan and integrated the body of muqingge

Si Mo's eyes, with Mu light song about and open.

Mu Qingge continued: "my real name is mu Ge. The star you saw just now is where I came from. There, is a completely different world from Linchuan. That world has highly developed technology and modern civilization. On that planet, I was a soldier belonging to a country. Longya is my code name in that country. But I died in a mission, but my soul didn't disperse. I entered Linchuan, and even into the body of muqingge, who had just died. "

"A corpse for a soul." Si Mo slowly spit out these four words.

Mu light Song mouth a pull, nod a way: "can say so."

She lowered her head and fell silent.

This is the only thing she conceals from Simao. If daqianzhou had not passed the earth by mistake and let snzha notice it, she would have buried it in her heart for the rest of her life.

All of a sudden, mu Qingge felt her arms tight, and without time to think about it, she was pulled into the arms that made her warm and comfortable.

She felt Simao's chin, gently against her hair.

"Xiaoge'er, I've never been so happy. No matter what kind of power, bring you to my side, I am grateful. It doesn't matter to me whether you are a muqingge or not. I just want you

Si Mo's words, soothed a trace of worry in the bottom of Mu light song's heart.

Although, she is very sure that her origin, will not let Si Mo mustard. But, after all, she is not the original product, is a person who has really died once. Think about it, there is still some diaphragm."So, are we going to visit your real hometown?" Si Mo quickly changed the topic.

He gently opened the moqingge, and there was a smile in her eyes.

Mu Qingge in his infection, showing a relieved smile. She nodded and raised her eyebrows: "when I left, it was 2016 on that planet. It has been more than 100 years since I came to the main world from Linchuan. I don't know what the world I used to be familiar with will become. "

With that, a touch of expectation appeared in her eyes.

"No matter what it turns out, I'll be by your side." Si Mo took the opportunity to express his feelings, which made mu Qingge's mouth curved and deepened a little bit.

Daqianzhou, half a day later, entered the atmosphere.

Because of the fact that the invisible satellites of all countries are not full, they are afraid that they will not be occupied.

Through the atmosphere without hindrance, the familiar mountains and rivers reappear in front of Mu Qingge.

As a soldier, mu Qingge is very familiar with the terrain overlooking the sky. In front of her, the mountains and landforms overlapped with the pictures in her memory, which made her frown.

"After more than 100 years, the landscape has not changed at all." She was confused, but then explained herself. "Maybe a hundred years is not enough to turn the sea into a mulberry field."

"Wow! Mother, this star is so strange. What are those tall little boxes? And what about those iron boxes that crawl like ants? " Si Nezha's excited way.


The sound of the engine of the plane passed by the great thousand boats.

"Big iron bird!" Sinazha pointed to the far away plane and yelled.

Si Mo's eyes also raised surprise, he looked around curiously, and said in his heart: "is this the world that xiaoge'er once lived in? It's really unique! "

"That's called a plane." Mu Qingge corrected.

Suddenly, another plane flew past them.

This time, mu Qingge saw the advertisement on the fuselage.

"2017!" Her eyes shriveled and she lost her voice: "how could it have been only a year?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!