Some people, even after reincarnation, you can still recognize his existence in the crowd for the first time after the dream turns thousands of times.

In this case, generally, the person is either a lover or an enemy!

Mu Qingge opens his eyes and looks a little more playful.

She didn't expect to meet an old acquaintance here. Think about it carefully, they are really predestined, and still evil fate!

Mu light song thought, the figure disappeared in place.

When she reappeared, she was already standing outside a house.

This house is not small in scale and looks like a very high family. In the homestead, one enters one after another, and the courtyards are scattered and undulating.

At first glance, you can see that it is not ordinary people.

Mu Qingge slowly raised his head and saw the plaque. There are four big characters on it: "Huanlang Yifu". What do these four words mean? She has no interest in knowing.

Then, she turned into a streamer, then quietly into the house.

Now it is night, the house began to light, also become a bit quiet. The courtyard she was going to was in a very remote part of the mansion.

From the position point of view, we can see the status of the people living in the mansion.

There was no pause all the way, and soon muqingge fell outside the remote courtyard.

Dark, a little light away.

Instead of rushing in, she stood outside listening to the sound of weapons waving inside. Some people are practicing martial arts in the courtyard, and there is not much movement. It seems that they don't want to attract the attention of others in this mansion.

Mu light song picked eyebrows, it seems that some unexpected.

The person she knew never knew what a low profile was. How to rebirth, but learned to low-key and dormant?

"It's interesting."

Mu light Song mouth hook up a faint smile, disappeared in place.

When she reappeared, she had already appeared in front of a very busy courtyard. A group of beautiful maids are carrying dishes and drinks, toward the bustling courtyard.

Their smiling faces were moving and their expressions were keen, which made the remote courtyard seem to be forgotten by the world.

All of a sudden, the beautiful maids were stunned and settled in place.

Muqingge appeared in front of them, and their powerful divine consciousness quickly covered the past, and the memories in their minds were also peeped at once.

This kind of peeping common memory means, for today's moqingge, is already handy.

A gust of breeze, the figure of Mu Qingge has disappeared.

And the group of beautiful maids also recovered, as if nothing had happened in general, continued to talk and laugh, and walked towards the lively courtyard.

After they left, the figure of moqingge gradually emerged in the dark.

With her hands behind her, she looked at the brightly lit, laughing and bustling courtyard and whispered to herself, "a common family is born with one arm and cultivates waste materials. Compared with his gifted brother, he is as cheap as shoe mud. In particular, there is a mother caught in bed? "

Suddenly, she began to laugh. "Your life is really interesting."

She is not worried about the existence of the remote people. In fact, with her current cultivation, no one in the world will find her unless she is willing to.

If we say that the main world is the only divine world among these worlds. Then, in her present position in the Lord world, she is the God of the gods.

In front of the remote courtyard, the sound of practicing martial arts continued.

It can be seen that people who practice martial arts are very hard.

Mu Qingge strolled into the courtyard, through the gate, through the winding path, three broken courtyard, has appeared in her eyes.

She came in with great magnanimity. The people who were waving swords in the courtyard could not see her at all.

Mu Qingge didn't disturb him. He just went to the tree in the courtyard, lifted up his robe corner and sat on the stone bench under the tree, looking leisurely at the man practicing martial arts.

This is a boy of 16-7 years old, with his left arm empty.

According to the memory of those beautiful maids, this common young master was born without an arm.

At the moment, he is holding a Epee with his only right arm and waving his sword moves.

These swordsmanship moves are somewhat unskillful. They seem to be self-made.

Mu Qingge narrowed his eyes and found some shadows in those unsophisticated sword moves. "He can integrate modern military fighting skills into sword moves and create his own moves. Bullying wolf is bullying wolf, which is worthy of No. 2 sharp knife in the organization."

When I first felt the breath of wolf, muqingge also felt very surprised.

Although there has been speculation before, it is only speculation after all.

I didn't expect that this conjecture will be confirmed one day.

At that time, because of her jealousy, bully wolf designed her to be killed by a bomb. In the end, she dragged him into the bomb together, and no one escaped.The two people are the hatred of life and death. When they are alive, they understand each other. Death is also death together, so she is very familiar with the breath of wolf.

Even if he had changed his body and face, his breath still could not escape the divine consciousness of Mu Qingge.

She believed that if she lifted her breath now, the wolf would recognize her at the first sight.

"Can we say that because such a large amount of high explosives explode at the same time, tearing the links between spaces. What's more, tyrant and I are both powers, and their mental power is different from that of ordinary people, so we can cross the world and be reborn? If so, what is the reincarnation of the wolf? " Mu light song in the heart of the silent way.

The time difference in each world made it impossible for her to determine that.

Finally, the bully wolf, who was practicing sword in the courtyard, finished his practice. At the moment, his breath has begun to be a little rough, and his skin color has become ruddy. Even on the top of his hair, there is a trace of heat.

He came to the tree in the courtyard, under the tree where mu Qingge was sitting.

Of course, he did not find the existence of moqingge, but used to rest under the tree after practice.

There are only two stone benches beside the stone table under the tree.

On the stone table, there is a set of simple tea set, which is not a good tea.

Bully wolf gradually close, Mu light song did not move.

He went to the stone table, carefully laid the Epee on the stone table, then poured himself a cup of tea and drank it slowly.

Don't drink too much after strenuous exercise.

Some modern common sense, he unconsciously revealed.

Close, mu Qingge easily see his eyes. She could see that the eyes were very silent and deep.

Bully wolf's hatred of her is never material.

His envy of her stems from honor and combat effectiveness. Her dazzling, covered up his light, but also triggered the dark side of his heart, moved to kill.

Today's bully wolf, mu Qingge can still see ambition from his eyes.

However, this ambition does not lie in the inheritance of the family, nor care about the status of wealth, but the pursuit of force.

Mu light song clear eye bottom, eyes light light flash for a while, gradually remove the body of the art of breath.

Ba Lang, who was standing in front of the stone table, suddenly saw a gorgeous man in red on the stone bench. His eyes suddenly widened. Subconsciously, he grabbed the heavy sword on the table and swept to Mu Qingge.

One shot, whether hit or not, he quickly retreated and pulled out a safer distance.

"Who are you?" He looked warily at the undamaged Mu light song, and sternly questioned.

Mu Qingge is still sitting leisurely with a smile of unknown meaning in his mouth. "You don't know me?"

Bully wolf heart a Lin, carefully look at mu Qingge that face.

It is a very beautiful, let people take a look, a lifetime will not forget the face. However, he did not find the slightest memory. When he looked at those clear eyes, a strange sense of familiarity rose from the bottom of his heart.

Gradually, because of that pair of eyes, his memory of a long old face, emerged, and slowly replaced this unique face, with the pair of eyes

"It's you!" Bully wolf's frightened way. After a shock, he quickly calmed down, eyes light intensified, from the teeth, squeeze out two words: "dragon teeth."

Mu Qingge smile, but, that beautiful smile, but let the bully wolf's heart grow cold.

He knows Longya too well!

Those who have provoked her will not end well. Even he, even if extremely prepared and careful, finally calculated on her, but also on his own fate.

Longya's ruthlessness lies not only in her cruelty to the enemy, but also in her cruelty to herself.

In this world, there is nothing Longya dare not do.

There is nothing that Longya, as he knows, can't accomplish!

She's too strong!

Strong enough to be unable to breathe under her light, so he could not bear it, and wanted to break the myth by himself to free himself.

After the explosion, he died, and he also thought that Longya could never survive such an explosion. At the moment of death, his heart was relaxed, because he felt that he would never live in the shadow of dragon teeth.

But then he was reborn.

When he regained consciousness and became a born one armed baby, his first thought was dragon teeth? Will dragon teeth live again in this way?

Fortunately, in the next ten years, Longya did not appear again. The man who made him fear to his bones gradually faded out of his memory.

However, at this moment, the people he thought would not meet again actually appeared in front of him, still in such a dazzling way

That body's blood red, dazzling as the sun, scorching dazzling, people feel ashamed.

"Very well, you seem to remember me." Mu Qingge slowly stood up and walked forward with ease.She deliberately shortened the inner safety distance of bully wolf, making him more nervous.

"I didn't expect you were born again." The wolf said in a deep voice. He had a mood wave that didn't match his age. At that time, the wolf was 30 years old. It was normal.

Without leaving a trace, he stepped back two steps to pull the distance apart.

"Are you afraid of me?" Mu Qingge laughs and takes two steps forward. Continue to press bully wolf, as if she was just playing a game.

Bully wolf was silent. This time, he did not retreat. "Afraid? Yes, I'm afraid I'll kill you. " His tone was a little smug. It seems that killing mu Qingge once is the most proud achievement in his last life.

Mu Qingge was not infuriated, "even if I die, you will still be with my fear, reincarnation."

“……” The wolf's face became tense. Because of the fact that Mu Ge is light. "What do you want?"

"It's simple." Mu light song eyebrows a pick, smile means difficult to understand. "Debt collection."

"Have you been spying on me?" The wolf suddenly said. Otherwise, he could not think of the reason why moqingge would suddenly appear. After all, he is so deep and shallow. In addition to concentrating on cultivation, he wants to avoid moqingge.

Because, he is not sure whether dragon tooth is also in this world, this country.

Mu Qingge laughs.

Bully wolf looked at her graceful and unrestrained manner, and his eyes showed a trace of jealousy. It is such a dragon tooth, any action, can attract all the attention, so that everything around the dark.

Her kind of self-confidence, stronger than itself, people envy, awe at the same time, but also with jealousy.

"I just passed by and found you. It was just an accident." After laughing, mu Qingge calmly looks at the bully Wolf Road.

Passing by? accident?

Bully wolf will not doubt Longya's words, because he knows that Longya disdains to lie.

Most of all, the momentum she exudes


Suddenly, the Epee fell from Ba Lang's hand. He looked at Xiangmu and sang, "I'm not your opponent. Since you say you're here to collect debts, you can kill if you want. "

Mu Qingge's eyes were swept from the heavy sword, and finally fell on him. She jokingly said: "I know the wolf, is not easy to admit defeat."

Bully wolf self mockery way: "once I, naturally don't think I'm worse than you. But now... " He looked at his empty left arm.

As a natural incomplete person, as a person who has not really stepped into the path of cultivation, what does he take to fight with dragon teeth?

Did you rely on powers in your previous life?

This life, but no longer exist!

"Don't worry, I won't take advantage of it." Mu Qingge chuckles. It's just that smile doesn't reach the bottom of my eyes. When the bully wolf cast a puzzled look at her, she continued: "I see that your sword moves still retain the fighting skills you have learned. It seems that over the years, you haven't wasted those things. In this case, let's use what we learned together to settle the old debts between you and me

Ba Lang was stunned, his eyes seemed to be burning with hope. He said without thinking: "good!"


After a stick of incense, the bully wolf hit the ground hard, his skin was covered with bruises, his mouth and nose were stained with blood, and he lay on the ground dying.

Mu light song still stands dust-free, natural and unrestrained, elegant manner.

"I lost." The bully wolf clenched his fist and his hands were covered with dust.

He lost in his own now the most powerful card above, lost no strength to fight back!

Mu light song played the dust on the robe, looked at the bully wolf from a commanding position and said: "from this moment on, the gratitude and resentment between you and me will be written off."

Bully, do not make me surprised

Mu Qingge chuckled and said, "why should I kill you?"

After that, she turned around and disappeared in front of the wolf.

Bully wolf was shocked to see her leave the picture, the eyes gradually condensed a fierce light. He cried out angrily, "Longya --"! You are still the Dragon tooth, ruthless and merciless! It's not enough that you let me have two lives of shadow for you, but also want me to live with fear of you, for generations to come! Hello

"I've been found out by you. If you don't like it, you can kill yourself. I promise that I will not seek your reincarnation again. " In the night sky, floating a leisurely words.


This sentence, let bully wolf spurt a big mouthful of blood, fainted.

The picture of bully wolf in the past is out of the divine consciousness of muqingge. The grudge between her and the bully wolf has come to an end. From then on, this man has nothing to do with her.

Next, she is to continue to look for Jiang Li's whereabouts.


Flowers are similar year by year, but people are different year by year.

In the process of searching, mu Qingge has found many worlds and hundreds of millions of worlds. As long as it is a place with evil spirits, she will look for it in person.One eye blinks, Si Mu already ten years old.

On the daqianzhou, the map of the great world is also drawn in more detail by mu Qingge.

On the deck of the bow, mu Qingge stands against the wind, and the starlight flies by. The stars twinkling in the distance are all one world.

Si Mo appears behind her, lightly embraces her in the bosom. A pair of big hands gently covered her flat abdomen: "xiaoge'er, we have been away from the main world for seven years, shuttling through time and space, looking for countless worlds. Now that you're pregnant, let's go back for a while. As for Jiang Li, I will continue to send people to look for it. After you produce it, if you haven't found it, how about I come with you? "

Mu Qingge bowed his head and looked at his belly with a bitter smile. "This child, it's not the right time."

"Xiaoge'er..." Si Mo is speechless.

He has vowed not to let mu Qingge suffer from the pain of production again.

However, he could not stand the request of Mu Qingge, so he made a compromise to give him a younger sister.

"In my original plan, the child should find Jiang Li." Mu light song in a low voice. She paused and then said with a smile, "however, there is still a long way to go before the delivery date. I can still look for it again."

"Little song." Si Mo also wants to continue to persuade.

Suddenly, Mu light Song Mou Guang a congealing, raised hand interrupted Si Mo's words.

"I feel the breath of killing evil again." Mu Qingge looks forward to the pale gold star tens of thousands of light years away.

Si Mo shakes his head and laughs: "this is not the first time."

"No, it's different this time. This time the feeling is very strong, and There's a smell of ginger glass on the evil spirits. " Mu light song after careful induction, eyes suddenly burst out light.

Si Mo also because of her words and a bright eye.

If they do find it this time, they will be able to return to the main world as soon as possible, so that his little song will not suffer.

"What world is that?" Mu Qingge points to the star.

Si Mo raised his hand for a while, the map of the great world appeared in front of two people.

They quickly locked a point on the map based on the coordinates.

"Nine wasteland!" Si Mo said the name of the pale gold star.

(fanwai Jie)

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