Cold inch of land, that piece of green has been in front of you. But if you really want to get there, there is still a long way to go.

Mu Tianyin's breath was chasing after them, as if deliberately playing with them.

All of a sudden, Jiang Li stopped and said solemnly: "if we go on like this, no one can escape. You leave with a light song, and I'll hold him back! "

"Miss Jiang Muchen stopped.

I don't agree with you.

However, Jiang Li insisted: "don't hesitate. If you drag it down, you will die!"

After that, she turned and rushed out, holding mu Qingge's evil spirit in her hands.

I'm afraid, after that resolute turn around, Jiang Li also knows that this is the last time to say goodbye to Mu Qingge in this life


There is a substance called "void" in the void sea of stars.

No one knows where it came from and why it exists. It should be said that many people in the three thousand world can not perceive its existence.

There is only one kind of person who can perceive its existence.

That is - half dead!

Moreover, only the half dead people who are banished from the Starry Sea can they feel the existence of emptiness.

What is a half dead man?

The so-called half dead people refer to those whose bodies have been engulfed by the void, and only their souls remain. Some of them wandered in the void for too long, became more and more weak, and finally were swallowed up by the void and died. And some, will be in the wandering process, devour the void, become more and more powerful, so as to obtain new life!

Jiang Li doesn't know how long she has been wandering in the starry sky. In her mind's memory picture, the earth is broken and the mountains and rivers collapse. She saw the sky breaking into pieces, falling one by one

She suffered severe trauma. When the power of Mu Tianyin's hand fell on her, she felt that her soul would be extracted from her body, and the ancient blood in her body also gave out a painful cry.

Admire the sky! It's really the strongest enemy she's ever seen so far!

However, fortunately She's OK!

In the sea of stars, Jiang Li's body has long been wiped out. Only the spirit is still floating in all the world, aimlessly.

She turned into a pale blue transparent figure with starlight. The beautiful appearance of the prosperous age is still clearly visible, but it seems that she is asleep, and her smile is full of peace of mind.

‘…… Light song, Mu light song He's here, and you're safe. Although I can no longer fight with you, can no longer accompany you to enjoy the mountains and rivers, but I do not regret! Because, I know, if it was you, you would make the same choice. It is said that life is rare to have a confidant. It is enough for me to meet and know each other in this life. May you live in peace forever... "

The last obsession, turned into a perpetual blessing, continued to spread to the three thousand worlds, like a ripple, covering the whole Hongmeng universe.

The Zhuxie had already returned to its dormancy, and was covered on Jiang Li's wrist with a faint light.

It is floating with ginger glass, its breath is also inadvertently, left in the world. What's more, it doesn't know how much hindrance this unconscious move has caused to Mu Qingge's search for Jiang Li.

In the starry sky, there is little wind, but the invisible air current affects everything in the dark.

Jiang Li does not know how long he has been wandering in the Starry Sea void. There is no concept of time here. The moment is eternal. Gradually, the starlight around her weakened and was drowned by more chaotic darkness.

A void, quietly appeared near her, looking at her silvery light blue transparent soul, as if to see the delicious food, let it can't wait.

After a long time of observation in the dark, the Xu slowly approached Jiang Li. As long as you swallow her up, it can evolve again and become a more powerful void!

Finally, it came to Jiang Li.

The chaotic nihility body gradually evolved into a huge mouth, which was full of sharp teeth and snapped at Jiang Li's big mouth.

Suddenly, Jiang Li, who has been calm, suddenly opens his eyes.

Two golden lights burst out of her eyes, like two beams of golden light in the sky. This sudden change made the preparation of the attack virtual pause.

Just at this moment, Jiang Li's chest suddenly drilled out of an illusory python, ferociously roared at the unfortunate Xu.

"No!" He retreated in fright. It has not been easy to grow up until now, and has its own wisdom, how can it die like this?

"Is this woman still so horrible when she dies?" While escaping, Xu sighs with its only wisdom.

However, it is not so easy to escape.

Python quickly from the ginger glass body out of the body, constantly long side, the only virtual close pursuit.

Virtual speed is not slow, but Python's speed is faster!

Between the electric light and flint, the Python's ferocious head has come to the front of the virtual, its body directly entangles the virtual, and instantly drags it to the front of Jiang Li.

The poor empty struggled desperately. It was the body of nothingness, but when he met the Python and Jiang Li, who were both nihilistic at the same time, he didn't even have the ability to escape.After catching Xu back, python retreats to Jiang Li's body.

But Jiang Li, who had been lying quietly, suddenly sat up and put his hand on Xu. "You want to eat me?" On her transparent facial features, a banter smile rose from the corners of her mouth.

The instinct between life and death forced her to wake up.

She hasn't found mu Qingge, how can she die? Since she is not dead, she will live and find her way home!

The hapless void struggled in terror.

It's strange that Xu has no shape and expression, but Jiang Li just feels its panic.

The smile on her mouth was even worse. Suddenly, she mentioned Xu and slowly approached her. "In that case, let me eat you."

If you want to eat me, I'll eat you. It's fair!

"Spare your life!" Empty and desperate to express its emotions.

However, it can not stop Jiang Li's behavior.

She raised her head and opened her mouth. When she was close to her mouth, the void suddenly shrank and was inhaled into her body.

"Well!" Will empty inhale in the body, Jiang Li can't help but snort.

That kind of feeling, as if someone was beating a drum in the body, the whole body was shocked.

After an instant, Jiang Li looked down at his hands. Although still transparent, she clearly felt that she was getting stronger.

The shadow of the python reappeared from behind her and wrapped around her shoulder.

The ferocious snake head stretched out the snake letter and licked it with aftertaste. Seems to be very satisfied with the virtual taste!

Sitting cross legged in the void, the look of Jiang Li's eyes gradually condenses, and her smile is with a kind of arrogance of king in the world. "Since it's useful, let's find some more."

She is the queen, the proudest and most graceful queen in ancient witch kingdom!

She has her pride and persistence, even if she does not live or die, she will live as a queen.


Time, in the void, is the most useless!

How long did it take for Jiang Li to wake up. This piece of empty just know, they have a terrible enemy!

Moreover, this enemy's appetite is very good, and feeds on their emptiness!

Originally, they were hunters in the empty tomb, but after her appearance, her status reversed!

"My God! Who can take this horrible woman away? "

This is the most sincere prayer from the heart in this void.

Perhaps the gods in the three thousand worlds, the real rulers, finally heard their prayers, and after Jiang Li's hunting again, they finally saw hope -

"belch!" The transparent soul floating in the void became more and more solid. After a full meal, Jiang Li was satisfied with a belch.

Anyway, she is the only one here, and no one will remind her to pay attention to the image of the noble Queen.

"The soul is always the soul, and it is not the real body even if it is realistic." Jiang Li looked at his body and turned his mouth.

Suddenly, her heart a tight, a strong force can not resist, quickly pull her away to a distant place.

"Lying trough!"

Jiang Li opened his eyes in surprise.

The modal particles learned from muqingge are also used subconsciously.

"What ghost attacked the queen?" A bad idea suddenly attacked Jiang Li.

However, no one can give her the answer.

In front of this force, she can't resist at all, just like a puppet who can only be manipulated!

Gradually, she was more and more far away by this force, and her strong soul was also kneaded into a ball of transparent blue.

Blue ball, through the void, constantly through one world after another.

Finally, the speed slowed down.

However, Jiang Li felt that he had been kicked hard on his buttocks and kicked her out like a ball.


Jiang Li roared.

However, he was like a shell that was fired, and quickly fell to the front.

Her consciousness dissipated in the constant tumbling and finally fell into a deep sleep. When she lost consciousness, there was a sea of stars and clouds ahead.

Nine pieces of wilderness, surrounded as a whole, in the Starry Sea emitting a twinkling light.

Jiang Li's soul was irreversibly put into this world. In this world, he drifted with the tide, seemingly looking for something and waiting for something.

Gradually, the outline of the city appeared from the clouds, and the mountains and rivers gradually became clear. A place with extremely warm noise attracted Jiang Li's soul to the past.

What attracted her was a lifeless body in the corner of the wall.

Just like the discovery of emptiness, an urgent instinct made her rush towards the body with the fastest speed.However, at another angle, there is another transparent ball, and he also takes a fancy to the body. Jiang Li flies into the body at the same speed.

Two spheres of light, coming from different places, are moving towards one goal.


Almost at the same time, two invisible light clusters disappeared into the body, and the body, which had no breath, suddenly gave birth to a trace of life, and the stopped breathing began to recover , the fastest update of the webnovel!