No one loves, no one pity, poor as a beggar, what are you doing alive?

She slowly tore the sheet open, woven it into a rope sleeve and tied it to the bedstead. Then she lay in it for a long time. When despair finally appeared in her eyes, she put the rope sleeve around her neck and rolled to the bedside.

Right now.

Bu Wuhuan suddenly heard a slight footsteps, and then saw a small gap under the door. Something bounced in.

I don't know what it is. She doesn't think about it.

But she couldn't wait to climb over. It was a brocade bag. There was a piece of paper in it. It said: "if you don't ask for the double perfection of the world, you'd rather bear the world than the Qing!"

"Better bear the world than the king!"

"Ah..." suddenly, there was no laughter. Laughter was like flowers and tears were like rain.

After all, their efforts were not in vain. Men did not abandon themselves. At this moment, bu Wuhuan became active, just like being reborn suddenly.

No one knows how much power hope can bring to people.

But bu Wuhuan suddenly had endless power, because she was full of hope.

When the old woman came in again, she didn't expect that the man would come back to life at once.

Bu Wuhuan looked at himself in the mirror. He looked very comfortable and satisfied.

The old woman's evil began in her heart and began to abuse.

But bu Wuhuan didn't hear it at all. Her eyes were all about herself and her brain was all about the man. She wouldn't give a little space to the old woman at all.

Suddenly, she said, "I'm married tonight. Your life should end!"

Her eyes were filled with endless strange self-confidence. Rao was cruel and cruel. She was scared back, hit the table directly and fell to the ground.

Inexplicably, the old woman was frightened and empty.

Dusk passes quickly, just like this day.

Qi Pengju changed himself into a new dress and wiped some powder on his old face. He was almost a little fresh meat. He nodded with satisfaction and said, "come on, play music!"

In an instant, singing and dancing became equal.

The portrait of the grandmaster is the parents of heaven and earth. The three incense sticks are considered a ceremony. Qi Peng sat with a Damascus golden knife, waiting for someone to invite Bu Wuhuan out. The whole sunset cave is the bridal chamber, so he decided to work in this hall.

Until now, Duan Xin hasn't come.

He is afraid to come.

Qi Peng pondered whether to kill Bu Wuhuan directly or keep it for later.

He didn't know that Duan Xin had come.

In fact, none of the disciples of the guard had seen Duan Xin, but Duan Xin only changed his face a little. Under the leadership of Mr. Feng, he swaggered in.

Because Mr. Feng is the captain and it is his job to patrol and guard up and down, no one doubts at all.

At this point.

The old woman finished the last makeup for bu Wuhuan. She looked down at the time and said, "well, the wedding has begun. Bu Wuhuan, where's your lover? Where's your hero? Where are the people? "

"Hehe, after a while, the whole hall will be used as a bridal chamber to work with you in front of everyone. It's really cheap, you bitch."

Bu Wuhuan had no anger or fear. He turned his head, smiled safely and said, "he has come. Can't you feel it?"

The old woman said, "how do you feel? Hehe, I'm sorry I laughed. You should be crazy. You should be crazy. "

"Of course you can't feel him," Bu Wuhuan said, adding, "but if you can't even feel death, it's too damn."

"Ha ha!" The old woman laughed, danced, and even turned around. She was very proud and said, "where is death? I live well! "

Bu Wuhuan said faintly, "maybe it's right behind you."

The old woman said, "don't dream. If you want to die, you have no joy..."

Suddenly, her voice stopped.

With her movements stopped, a pair of old eyes burst out, just like seeing a ghost. Looking at the door, she raised her hand and said, "you..."

Plopping to the ground, she finally felt her blood.

"Er..." put her hand in front of her, and the old woman's old face was distorted with fear.

"Look, you don't listen to me!" Bu Wuhuan carefully looked at the knife edge of the old woman's heart, and then slowly moved her eyes to the door and watched the door open. Although she hadn't seen anyone yet, her eyes were bright and there was no more melancholy.

Someone came in.

Duan Xin!

He just appeared quietly, crossed over from the old woman, came to bu Wuhuan, held her hand and whispered, "she bullied you?"

Bu Wuhuan said, "HMM."

Then Duan Xin walked towards the old woman step by step. The old woman was frightened. When she saw someone close the door, she was terrified and said, "you... Don't come here. What do you want to do? I don't want to die. You can't kill me!"

Duan Xin said, "you are just a poor woman who has already reached dusk, aren't you?"

The old woman said, "yes, yes, you don't have to kill me. I can't live for a few days."

"Don't be afraid!" Duan Xin gently comforted her and helped her up with a little mercy, saying: "in fact, you should have died earlier. You should have this consciousness, but now, you meet me. When I know you bully Bu Wuhuan, your end..."

Needless to say, the old woman has trembled like chaff. Now, if someone wants her to kill her son for another life, I'm afraid she will do it too.

She was so surprised that she gave a very.

Duan Xin said, "I will make you feel ten times and one hundred times the pain. I will make you suffer at the last moment of your life!"

His tone is very light, but his knife is too sharp.

One knife cut off the old woman's hand.

As soon as the old woman was about to howl miserably, Mr. Feng covered her mouth. She twisted her body, but it didn't help.

Duan Xin cut off one of her feet with a knife.

Then another one

Mr. Feng thought he was good enough. At least he killed people without blinking an eye. It can be seen that Duan Xin tortured an old woman in this cruel and almost inhuman way. He still felt cold, but he didn't dare to stop it.

After a short time, the old woman's limbs were cut off, her ears and nose were gone, and the ground was full of blood. It was her.

But she's not dead yet.

Her eyes were about to crack and she looked at her heart.

Duan Xin wiped the blood on the knife on her and said, "does it hurt? Sorry, it's not over yet, but it's coming soon. I hope you remember that even if you're a ghost, you should remember that you can't be bullied! "

Hello, the old woman was completely scared to death.

The next moment, Duan Xin stood up and despised her like losing a cigarette end. He said to Mr. Feng, "take a step first and go away without joy!"

It's not easy to quietly send out Wuhuan. If she can walk, she can change into the clothes of the guard and follow Mr. Feng out, but now Mr. Feng can only use another way.

Soon, bu Wuhuan changed his clothes.

Mr. Feng first gave in. Wu Huan wiped some blood on the ground on his clothes, then squatted down, patted himself on the shoulder and said, "Duan Shao, I've offended."