Mr. Feng said, "Lord Bu, please lower your head as much as possible in a moment. Don't talk and don't look at anyone."

Bu Wuhuan met Mr. Feng, but he didn't expect Mr. Feng to work for Duan Xin. He immediately felt that Duan Xin was crafty. Although he was a little angry, the man was not coy at this time and said, "good."

Duan Xin handed some throwing knives to bu Wuhuan, nodded to her and said, "go!"

Not long after going out, several guard disciples gathered around and asked, "what's the matter with Captain Feng? Who is this? "

Mr. Feng said, "you guys surround the Fengge immediately. Don't let anyone out. Be on full alert until I break in!"

These people saw that Mr. Feng looked serious and another disciple was injured. Knowing that something had happened, they were vigilant and replied, "yes!"

In this way, Mr. Feng left Fengge smoothly with four or five disciples and Duan Xin. Although he met several waves of people, no one doubted Mr. Feng. He was in danger all the way.

To the hall.

Seeing that someone was injured and was about to go out from the South porch, Qi Peng raised his frown and said, "what happened?"

Mr. Feng can only stop.

His heart pounded and he was very nervous. He knew that this was a critical moment. If Qi Peng showed it, he would not go out. Duan Xin and bu Wuhuan were not the worst dead. He must be himself.

But Qi Pengju's words cannot be ignored.

Mr. Feng sighed secretly. Seeing that Duan Xin also made a steady look at himself, he turned and saluted. He just gave in. Wu Huan's head hid his head and respectfully said, "back to the cave master, just now we went to welcome the new lady out. A brother was stabbed and hurt!"

Qi Peng raised his hand and said, "no joy in walking?"

Mr. Feng said, "yes."

"Dead women, still resist, ha ha!" Qi Peng smiled and doubted that he was there. It would be strange if Bu Wuhuan could obediently obey him. He said, "well, take it down to heal."

"Yes!" Mr. Feng answered and the party walked out of the sunset cave.

Next, as long as you walk through the training ground, everyone will be safe. Mr. Feng knows that Qi Pengju is afraid to go to the Fengge in person. If he sees the dead on the ground, he will understand everything. The journey is only two or three minutes. This is also his own running time. It is very urgent and we must race against time.

Mr. Feng secretly glanced back and saw that Qi Pengju had indeed walked.

He quickened his pace.

However, I saw nianqian riding head-on.

Mr. Feng wanted to hide, but the training ground was open, and suddenly he folded his body, which must attract the attention of Nian Qianqi. He had to harden his head and continue to walk forward.

Nian Qianqi said, "what's the matter?"

Mr. Feng repressed his emotions and bowed his head and said, "Miss Hui, a brother was stabbed by Bu Wuhuan."

"Oh, she still refused to obey..." Nian Qianqi looked at the sunset cave and muttered, "maybe we should call Bu's father and son to persuade her. It's a wonderful play at least."

Then he came near and said, "is this brother serious?"

Looking at nianqian's sharp eyes, Mr. Feng felt that he couldn't hide any secrets. He bowed his head and said, "I got a scissors in my belly and shed blood. Fortunately, I have no worries about my life."

Nian Qianqi glanced at Bu Wuhuan's belly and nodded, "so she uses scissors, the kind of scissors for cutting clothes?"

Mr. Feng said, "yes."

Nian Qianqi said, "she has great strength?"

Mr. Feng said, "yes."

Nian Qianqi said, "of course, bu Wuhuan is good at throwing knives. Her strength is no worse than that of men. I heard that she is called invincible. Can you hide if you change it?"

Why is this boy talking so much nonsense? What's none of your business? Mr. Feng was worried, but he didn't dare not answer: "I'm afraid my subordinates can't hide."

"That's for sure." Nian Qianqi smiled and asked, "what about the old woman who serves Qi Pengju every day? Called his old godmother? "

Mr. Feng said, "she's fine."

Nian Qianqi smiled and said, "that's an old bitch. I opened it at a glance. Well, take it down for treatment."

Mr. Feng said, "yes."

The two people passed by until they left nianqian and rode three or four meters. Mr. Feng really wanted to sweat. Not only he, but also he had a dark breath.

Nian Qianqi watched them go out, then shrugged and walked to the cave. At this time, he suddenly thought of something and stopped his steps.

I got a pair of scissors in my lower abdomen. Why are my legs still drooping?

"Stop!" Thinking, Nian Qianqi drank.

Mr. Feng was shocked. Now he turned around. Isn't that the sweat on his forehead? If you start running, how can you run faster than Nian Qianqi?

So he bowed his head, turned around and said, "what's the matter?"

Mr. Feng didn't feel exposed, but Duan Xin and bu Wuhuan knew it was bad. Therefore, when Mr. Feng turned around, bu Wuhuan raised his hand and flew out a knife.

The cold light flashed. The knife was fast and fast.

Rao nianqian rode a powerful horse. At this time, he was more alert. He still didn't hide. Poof, his shoulder was nailed and his body tilted.

This is also Bu Wuhuan's bad hand angle and limited body. Otherwise, I'm afraid what is nailed into is the throat of Nian Qianqi.

At this time, Nian Qianqi also saw that there was no joy in the step, and said with an evil smile: "it's you, hum, so quickly hook up with a little white face? Somebody, stop them! "

His cry didn't matter. The nearby guard disciples ran over. Although they didn't know why they wanted to stop their own people, they all showed a fighting posture.

Seeing that the situation was bad, Duan Xin shouted, "take her!"

While talking, Duan Xin rode away to Nian Qian like an arrow.

Recognizing that this person was Duan Xin, Nian Qianqi was somewhat surprised and said, "ha ha, I didn't expect to meet again. Are you okay? You've really come to save me! "

Duan Xin didn't answer and rushed to kill him.

Bu Wuhuan looked at Duan Xin with concern and worried.

Nian Qianqi saw that Duan Xin seemed to be more refined than before. In particular, his spirit was as strong as substance. That ferocious momentum was not only revealed on the sword in his hand, but also penetrated into the body method of Flowing Clouds and flowing water.

Duan's mind flashed a crazy killing intention. A knife protruded, that is, whether you die or I live. The war knife is like a dark cloud. The whole military training ground is instantly filled with Sen Han knife Qi, which has the power to crush everything.

Nian Qianqi was fearless. With a clang of his sleeve sword, he jumped out of his body like a galloping tiger. One second ago, he smiled. At this moment, he was a murderous God. The murderous spirit was natural and thick like a huge wall.


There was a loud noise.

The two weapons hit each other at the same place, which shocked the people nearby. It was not that they were too fragile, but that the attack was earth shaking. Everyone could feel that it was a great catharsis of just fierce power, and even a shock wave cutting people's cheeks.

They couldn't stop taking a few steps back to see the result.

Seeing Duan's heart shaking slightly, nianqian rode out like an upside down kite. He directly fell 17 or 18 meters and hit the doorstep heavily before he could stop.