"You dog, dare to stare at me. Come and lick the shit for me!" Ling Feng looked at the bald eyes and was even more angry. He directly wanted to open his mouth and scold.

"Although my cultivation is not as good as you, I can't let you humiliate me!" Barehead bit his teeth and stood up. He shouted at Ling Feng, "go to hell."

Then he jumped at Ling Feng with his bald head crazy. In his heart, he wanted to tear Ling Feng up completely. He would not let go of the person who humiliated himself, just like the person who used to be.

This illusion does not appear out of thin air. It will be generated according to the shadow in the hearts of the people entering. Therefore, it will come whenever you are afraid. Bald head has been humiliated by a very disgusting humiliation, so such an environment will appear.

At that time, the bald head was not strong, but he completely killed the other party with his own heart, and let the other party die very miserably. Therefore, when he faced the deja vu situation again, he still felt that he should be brave.

So the bald head got up and jumped at Ling Feng like a hungry wolf, but Ling Feng looked at her with a smile on his face, because such a bald head was just vulnerable to attack for Ling Feng, just like an ant. He could pinch it whenever he wanted.

"You are not even a mole ant in front of me..." Ling Feng looked at the bald head running over and laughed. Then he directly lifted it with his hand. Suddenly, a light wave sent out and hit the bald head who was running wildly, which suddenly hit him and flew out.

"One finger can beat you... You loser." Ling Feng looked at her bald head with disdain on her face, and then shook her body. She felt very comfortable.

"I'm so incompetent, I'm so weak, I'm really inferior to mole ants." Bald, he lay on the ground and felt very powerless. He was really not Ling Feng's opponent. There was a big difference between them.

"If you are given a chance, you can hurt him badly, but you will accompany you, will you?" Suddenly, a voice sounded and appeared in the bald head's mind. This voice is very familiar, just like the bald grandfather. He grew up with himself. Whenever he encounters danger, he will think of his grandfather's voice.

"Grandpa, I will. Even if I die, I will let those who despise me... Be punished." Grandpa seems to be the backbone of a bald head. As soon as she heard what grandpa said, the bald head immediately lost her temper. She bit her teeth hard and said these words.

"Well, I'll give you a chance. You go and hold her and explode. The impact will make his cultivation... Become an ordinary person." The voice said again, as if to bewitch the bald head.

"Grandpa... No, he's there. I'll beat me up as soon as I get there." Her bald head seemed to cry. She shook her head in tears and said that she was very regretful and thought of giving it to her grandfather.

"Well, I can use a magic weapon to let you give it to live, and then you go over and hold him and explode. That's all." The old voice gave the bald head another way to do it.

"Well, that's it, Grandpa. You fix it. I used to blow it up." This sentence seemed to rekindle his favorite look to his bald head. His eyes were full of anger and he bit his teeth hard.

"Hurry up, I can only hold him for five seconds." The old voice sounded like this. There was a golden light on the bald body, like a bee demon rolled around Ling Feng, and then invaded Ling Feng's body. At that time, Ling Feng couldn't move at once.

"OK, I've resisted him. Come here quickly." The old voice shouted to the bald head again. Now the time is very urgent. After all, his grandfather can only hold Ling Feng for five seconds.

The bald head didn't say anything. He immediately got up and ran to Ling Feng very quickly. It took only two seconds. After he came, the old voice sounded again, "come on, help me blow it up and let these people who despise you die." Listening to this voice, they all look excited, which makes people feel that they are bewitching others.

Bareheaded and biting his teeth, he came to Ling Feng's side. He suddenly hugged Ling Feng's legs. His eyes looked angry when shopping. It was like a fire that could burn all Ling Feng to ashes.

"Yes, that's it. Explode yourself. Hurry up, ha ha." The old voice made a laugh, almost the sadness before you.

Bald did not do so. He held Ling Feng's bare legs and directly bowed his head. The lump of shit on Ling Feng's shoes bit down. He didn't seem to feel any nausea. It was all in his mouth.

"What are you doing... What are you doing?" The old voice, like seeing some terrible scenery, screamed so loudly.

"My grandfather once said... Don't trust anyone." Bald, he grinned at the corners of his mouth. With the juice dripping down, it was very disgusting anyway.

"Ah......" the old voice groaned like this, and then the light bees rushed out of Ling Feng's body, all of them disappeared into his bald body.

At this moment, the day seemed to dawn.


"There seems to be something wrong with the situation. How can he do it..." he felt incredible when he saw that the bald head actually got up, and he looked sober without being bewitched.

According to the truth, although this is only to sharpen the mind, a bald man who has not practiced can actually make a living, which is not invaded. Obviously, he also has a man with a story and is very strong in his heart.

"What's the matter?" After getting up bald, he looked around and said such a sentence. His look was even more sober than when Xu Jingying just got up.

"You passed, too." Li Tong looked at his bald head and said, to tell you the truth, he just cracked the environment with magic. If this bad environment let him go, he really can't be sure of the whole past.

"What do you mean, are those just fake?" Baldheaded, after all, he is an ordinary person and has not practiced, so now even if he passes, he doesn't understand very much, so he asks.

"Yes, it was false just now. It's to see if you can sink forever. If you don't see through what you do and make your heart feel that you have done wrong, then you have to really stay here." Li Tong said to his bald head like this. Obviously, it's a good seedling to come out of here. To tell the truth, he really has the feeling of being an apprentice.

"But why? Brother, he hasn't come out yet? " After learning that everything was a bad situation to test his mind, he still felt that he had done well. Then he saw Ling Feng still lying on the ground and asked Li Tong.

"He didn't wake up, it was in his own heart that he met an impassable barrier..." Li Tong also looked at Ling Feng, and then sighed. If he cracked Ling Feng's bad situation now, Ling Feng would be more injured, so he had to go to the Kang by himself. Others can't help him. After all, he is equal to the master of the array, Or not as good as each other.


Ling Feng, when he looked at the sky, only a few seconds later, the sky changed. A huge chain changed from the sky and slowly fell to the ground. At the end of a chain, there was a cage. The cage was a bird cage with a person in it.

"Ling Feng, my child, come and save me." The man in the cage is somewhat similar to Ling Feng, more like Ling Feng after the elder. This has always been like his father in Ling Feng's fantasy, but now it is scarred. In the cage, life is better than death, and his expression is very ferocious and terrible.

After hearing this, Ling Feng flashed an echo in his eyes, but he didn't move. He still stood there and looked at him from a distance.

"Ling Feng, come and save me quickly. I'm so sad. I'm dying. You're my child." The man in the cage appeared again. At the same time, there was an electric current emitted from the cage, which made him more uncomfortable.

"Ling Feng, do you remember when I taught you martial arts? How old were you then... "The man in the cage shouted again, and his look was very painful.

"It's fake. I just need not move. I can't move." As soon as Ling Feng heard the sound, his heart was like being stabbed by a knife, but he stood there with his fist tightly clenched, as if he had turned a blind eye to such things.

"Chen'er, why don't you save your father..." at this time, there was a light around Ling Feng. A white woman who looked like a fake and composed of light particles appeared. The woman was in her thirties. It was the image of the mother Ling Feng had dreamed of.

"Do you know how dangerous your father is to save you?" The woman in white cried when she came out. Her tears splashed to the ground. She sat down on the ground and shouted to Ling Feng, "Ling Feng, you should know that he is your father and your closest person. If you don't save him, you have to face your own heart. Can your heart comfort you?"

Ling Feng stood there and directly closed her eyes without any action, but her tightly clenched hand was tighter and her joints were white.