"Are you a villain? Your father gave you all your life. He said he would take it back. How can you say no? " The woman in white suddenly stopped crying, but changed into a very severe look. From here, Ling Feng shouted.

"Watching your father suffer here, you are indifferent here. Is this what a son should do? I now order you to go quickly and replace your father. " Ling Feng still didn't move. The woman in white shouted again. This time, she was more severe, just like a magic spell, which became tight in Ling Feng's heart.

"It's false, all these are false, all of them are false..." Ling Feng kept repeating these words in his heart. He wanted to leave these things behind, but there was no way. These things were like memories burned in the depths of his soul.

"Inverse son, go to me quickly." The woman in white didn't know when she suddenly took out a long whip in her hand. The braid was black and made up of wickers. The woman in White said so and pulled it hard on Ling Feng.

However, the whip just passed through Ling Feng's body, but Ling Feng's heart was really like being whipped. This feeling made him feel very uncomfortable.

Finally, Ling Feng opened his eyes. He looked at the woman in white very calmly. It seemed that he was branding each other's face in his heart. Then he opened his mouth, "I'll go."

"Yes, this is my good son. Go and get your father back." After hearing this, the woman in white smiled and became very kind. This is what Ling Feng wants to do. He is very happy.

Ling Feng nodded slightly and began to walk in this direction step by step. Slowly, he came to the side of the cage.

"Son, you're here at last. Open the lock quickly and let's change it." When the man inside saw Ling Feng coming, he immediately pointed to the lock. It was a yin-yang eye shape that could be reincarnated.

"Yes, I'm here..." Ling Feng looked at his father and smiled at the corners of his mouth. But the next second, he immediately clenched his fist and waved it suddenly. An aperture hit the cage in an instant, turning the man in the cage into a lump of ash.

Ling Feng looked at the lump of ash, and a tear in his eyes slowly flowed down.


Ling Feng woke up. He saw Xu Jingying and bald. They should be real. There must be some feelings about the real and false fantasy. Ling Feng seems to have returned to reality now.

"If you can come out, it shows that your mind is deeper. What I have to do now is to forget what happened in the dreamland, whether they are good or bad, okay?" Seeing Ling Feng coming out, Li Tong hung a smile around his mouth, and then said to Ling Feng like this..

"Yes, I see." Ling Feng nodded and wanted to forget the scene in her heart. After all, what he did was treacherous. Although he knew it was false, he did it. This also shows that his nature should be like this. Maybe he would choose the latter between saving his father and his own life.

Ling Feng's nature of mind has been honed by time. If Xu Jingying is replaced, Ling Feng will not hesitate to replace it, because Xu Jingying was with Ling Feng since she was a child. This feeling cannot be erased, and her father has never seen it and has not borne his father's love. In this case, Ling Feng can't do it.

"And you have to forget that kind of thing, then that kind of thing is false." Li Tong turned to his bald head and Xu Jingying and said that beating them must have done something immoral, unforgettable and disgusting. otherwise. It will not be so easy to escape from this fantasy, so Li Tong hopes they will forget all these things!

"Don't worry, sir. What's inside is just a dream. I'll forget it." Xu Jingying said so, but it was just a talk. He didn't think he would really forget. At this time, he also secretly glanced at Ling Feng. At that time, Ling Feng was so vicious that he hated or he had to kill him.

"Elder, what are you talking about? What a bad situation... I don't remember. " Bald head is more smooth. He laughed and said like this. Obviously, he doesn't want to mention that kind of thing..

"It's good that you can come out of it, so take these magic weapons first and try to survive this danger." Li Tong took out several gadgets from his arms and gave them to his bald head. It can be said that Li Tong liked the strength just shown by his bald head, so she wanted him to live.

"Well, elder, you are so kind. I thank you. You are the best person in the world." Baldheaded smiled and took over these gadgets, which were his magic weapon to save his life.

"Elder, you mean this is only the first level... Is there a more important problem behind it?" Hearing what Li Tong said, Xu Jingying felt even more uneasy. It was only the first level that tortured people. What would the next few levels be like? Can you really break through? He really has no confidence, no confidence at all.

"Don't worry, Jingying. No matter what happens in the future, I will accompany you." Ling Feng also knew that it was not so simple, so he turned his head, looked at Xu Jingying, smiled and said to her.

However, after seeing Ling Feng's smile, Xu Jingying subconsciously stepped back, because for him, Ling Feng's appearance was very similar to that just in the dreamland, so she was a little afraid.

"We should have entered a magic weapon similar to the type of breakthrough. We must teach them to hit all the levels before we can break through. What we just did was the first level. What we need to face will be more difficult. You must be careful." Li Tong obviously knew the attribute of this magic weapon, so he said to the people like this. He was right.

"Breakthrough mode, that's my favorite." Baldheaded said again at this time that he used a magic weapon inside to add a V0 light Sabre to his hand. This Sabre is also his weapon. It can be said that the lethality is very powerful.

"In short, we should be careful in everything." Li Tong said again. After his words fell, the whole world seemed to light up, just like the sun appeared in an instant. Then it rumbled on the ground, and all the stones turned into ashes in an instant. Huge suction and the gate of the magic array rose from the ground and taught Ling Feng to surround them.

The four doors are the same in color. They are all black, but they are written with different words. They are life, death, wealth and expensive. The color of each word is different.

"Each of these four doors should lead to a checkpoint, maybe true or false. I think we should not be dead end. Each candidate should be one." When the four doors overflowed, Li Tong already felt the situation. He turned to Ling Feng and said to them.

"I'm short of wealth in my life. I'll choose wealth." Baldheaded people feel bad when they see these doors. After all, they emit Feifei ghost gas. Each door is like an intersection of death. In contrast, they still think this door is better.

"Well, you go to Fu." After hearing this, Li Tong didn't say anything, and then he shouted to everyone“ Everyone must have some resistance to death, but I'm not afraid of the old man, so I'll go to the door of death. " After Li Tong finished, he walked to the side of the dead man.

"Jingying, you go to Shengmen." If these four doors don't really mean anything, what Ling Feng hopes most is that Xu Jingying will survive. On the contrary, is this rich road so luxurious? So he said to Xu Jingying.

"OK." Xu Jingying knew Ling Feng's idea and was not hypocritical. She nodded and walked to the front of the students' door.

"Maybe we won't be able to meet again after we walk over, but no matter who can go out alive... Remember our purpose." Li Tong turned around and said loudly. He said this to Ling Feng and Xu Jingying. If one of them fell, the living people must save Ling Feng's father.

"I will never forget that. I hope we can all come out alive." Ling Feng also said a word, and then stepped on the door.

Ling Feng was afraid and sad. So he walked quickly and came to the door. He gently touched the door and found that the beauty was actually a layer of mucous membrane. Soon he passed through this layer of mucous membrane and came to the inner world.

After entering, it seems that the whole world is different. The place he is in is like a palace. The situation in this place is very dazzling. There are green bricks everywhere, implying a beautiful image.

"I feel like my body is different..." Ling Feng lowered his head and found that his clothes had long disappeared. Instead, it was a yellow dress. She looked carefully and made a silent sound“ This should not be a Dragon Robe... "

Ling Feng's clothes are yellow and embroidered with golden dragons. Obviously, they are the Dragon robes worn by the emperor. In addition, the situation here is like the palace. Ling Feng suspects that he has passed through.

"Emperor, why are you running around again? Go back to the palace quickly. The Empress Dowager is looking for you." Suddenly at this time, a voice came. A man came from a nearby bridge. The man looked like a eunuch with a white face. He said to Ling Feng.

But after that, before Ling Feng answered, he directly pulled up Ling Feng's watch and walked on the other side. At this time, you found that things seemed not so simple, not to mention that his abilities could not be used, and his body seemed to be shortened. Now he looks like a child.

"I became a child and an emperor..." Ling Feng had such an idea in his mind. I don't know why. He felt very funny about it.


There was no change when Li Tong appeared, but in front of him were tombs. There were no tombstones on each tomb, but there was a tree instead of tombstones.

The one Li Tong took was the gate of death. The gate of death was indeed dead. However, Li Tong was not afraid at all. He still walked slowly towards the front and looked around.

He found that the purpose was very big. At least he couldn't see the edge at a glance, and these tombs seemed to be the same, just like being copied. Both the position and the position of the tree were the same.

"Is there such a dead world? Is there really no living person? " Li Tong looked around and wanted to find it.

But at this time, far away from your house, he seems to see a light. It's a lamp, a lamp carried by a person, with a word engraved on it, Ming.

The light the man was carrying was very far away from Li Tong. He couldn't even see the light clearly, but the word was very conspicuous, just as someone said it directly to Ling Feng..

"Is this the underworld... The underworld?" Li Tong was not afraid and continued to walk ahead“ But even if it's a dungeon, it's made up by you. It's not real. There's no magic weapon to create a dungeon. " Obviously, Li Tong is very confident. He is still confident about this.

"I think the way to solve this level should be to find rules in these tombs." Li Tong looked around at the situation and said that he was very familiar with such things. After all, it's an antique that has lived so long. It's impossible without a little experience.