Chapter 35

Chen Bing's anger has come up, and she obviously doesn't want to give up.


Chen lengbing snorted, trying to draw back his fist.

But Shen Ze's hand is like a pair of iron pincers, firmly embedded in her fist, so that she can't pull it back.

Pull back fruitless, Chen Bing in a rage, raise knee, attack to Shen Ze's abdomen.

Seeing that Chen Bing is stubborn and has to ask for trouble, Shen Ze has no patience.

Although he closed his eyes, he could detect Chen Bing's legs.

Between lightning and flint, he also raised his knee and collided with Chen Bing.


There was a dull noise.

Chen Bing felt as if he had hit the steel plate, and his right knee tingled instantly.


Chen Bing couldn't help crying out in pain.

At this time, Shen Ze again.

He didn't feel pity for Chen Bing. He kicked Chen Bing's stomach while loosening her fist.


The next moment, Chen Bing suddenly inverted out.


Under Li Dong's shocked gaze, Chen Bing flew backward two meters, then fell heavily on the ground.

Shen Ze's foot made Chen Bing feel like her ribs were broken and her abdomen was in sharp pain.

She covered her stomach, collapsed on the ground, whining pain, has no strength to get up.

"Kick a person to fly, is this guy a monster?"

Hearing Chen Bing's cry of pain, Li Dong recovered from the shock.

"Chen Bing, how are you?"

Li Dong immediately rushed over and helped Chen Bing up from the ground.

Chen Bing's face was a little pale. She bit her teeth and said, "I can't die yet!"

Li Dong felt that Shen zegang's foot was too fierce and Chen Bing couldn't bear it, so he proposed: "do you want to take you to the hospital?"


Chen Bing, who has a strong disposition, shakes her head and refuses without thinking about it.

Li Dong knew that Chen Bing was stubborn. Seeing that the latter didn't want to go, he didn't insist any more.

Chen Bing doesn't really have to go to the hospital.

Because Chen Bing is a woman, when Shen Ze just stepped out, he was merciful.

The thunder and rain of his foot were small, which only made Chen Bing suffer some skin injuries. The pain would be better after a while.


After Li Dong helped Chen Bing to sit on the chair for a while, she felt much better.

After slowing down, Chen Bing focuses on Shen Ze again.

"What's the origin of this guy? Why is it so powerful? "

Chen Bing has just been taught a lesson by Shen Ze. He is more angry with Shen Ze and more resentful with him.

And because of the lesson, she did not dare to act rashly again, for a moment, there was no way to take Shen Ze.

Looking at Shen Ze's still calm and relaxed manner, Chen Bing's eyes are burning with anger.


Chen Bing slapped the table angrily and threatened: "Shen, do you know you were attacking the police? I can lock you up for that now! "

Shen Ze hears the speech, and youyou opens his eyes.

Then, he raised his eyes and stared at Chen Bing.

Shen Ze's glance made Chen Bing, who was already fierce, lose his momentum, and even dare not look at Shen Ze with a guilty heart.

Shen Ze looked at Chen Bing, expressionless, light said: "with your previous disrespect to me, you will be closed for ten days and a half months."

"If you're not stupid, don't provoke me again."

Shen Ze's words made Chen Bing angry and stand up.

She looked at Shen Ze fiercely and said in a angry voice: "I'm disrespectful to you. I'm going to be locked up for ten days and a half months? Do you think you are my leader? It's ridiculous

"Don't think that if you live in a rich area and have a few stinky money, you can be lawless and lawless!"

"I tell you, today I will do you anyway!"

"Since you don't cooperate, I don't want to talk to you."

"I'm going to lock you up for assaulting the police. You're not honest!"

After saying this, Chen Bing goes to Shen Ze.

Obviously, she is going to lock Shen Ze up.