Chapter 36

Chen Bing has lost her mind because of Shen Ze's anger.

Li Dong did not.

"Chen Bing, you can't do that!"

Li Dong rushes forward and reaches for Chen Bing's arm.

Chen Bing is dissatisfied, scold a way: "Li Dong, you let go of me!"

Li Dong earnestly advised: "Chen Bing, you have no right to do this, you calm down, don't mess!"

"I'll take the responsibility alone!"

"If I don't deal with this bastard today, I can't swallow it!"

Chen Bing did not listen to advice and was resolute.

"Li Dong, if you still take me as a colleague, let me go at once."

Chen Bing's status in the bureau is quite special. After listening to what she said, Li Dong hesitated and finally let go.

Without hindrance, Chen Bing immediately took out her handcuffs, went to Shen Ze and yelled, "stretch out your hands!"

Is this woman out of her mind?

Shen Ze looks at Chen Bing like an idiot, and then he puts his hands in his pocket without any intention of extending them.

Seeing this, Chen Bing's face became very ugly.

"Do you really think you can do whatever you want in this place? I don't believe that

Chen Bing can only do it by himself.

She went to Shen Ze's back, reached for Shen Ze's wrist, wanted to drag it together, and then handcuffed it.

Chen Bing's ideas are very rich, but the reality is very backbone.

No matter how she drags, how she drags, Shen Ze doesn't move, his hands are always in his pocket.

"Is this son of a bitch made of iron?"

Chen Bing uses all her strength, but she can't even shake Shen Ze's arm. She grits her teeth and is extremely angry.

Although Chen Bing was unconvinced, after a while, she was so tired that she couldn't breathe.

Chen Bing had no choice but to let go.

And then, already mad, she takes out the pistol and butts the muzzle on the back of Shen Ze's head.

Chen Bing looked excited and yelled: "I order you to put your hands behind your back immediately, or I'll shoot you!"

"Chen Bing, don't be impulsive!"

Seeing that Chen Bing has taken out his pistol, Li Dong, who is worried and anxious, immediately opens his mouth to dissuade Chen Bing.

"Don't worry, put the gun away quickly!"

At this time, Chen Bing is in a state of anger. He doesn't listen to advice and ignores Li Dong.

Chen Bing saw that Shen Ze didn't move and didn't follow her orders. She immediately poked Shen Ze's head with the muzzle of a gun and yelled again: "do as I say now, or I'll shoot!"

In principle, no one is not afraid of death, the head was muzzle to resist, people will act according to words in order to survive.

However, Shen Ze has no response, just like the pistol is not against his head.

Not only did he not follow Chen Bing's instructions, but he was not afraid of Chen Bing's shooting. He was as calm as a mountain.

Seeing the order again, Shen Ze remained motionless.

Chen Bing blew it up!

She looked ferocious and roared, "are you deaf? Or don't you understand what I'm saying? "

"You don't do what I say, do you really think I dare not shoot?"

Shen Ze, who has been silent all the time, opened his mouth at this time. His tone is not salty, and he even said impatiently: "don't talk nonsense. If you want to shoot, just hurry."

Chen Bing is stupid when he hears the speech!

What kind of monster is this?

He told her to stop talking nonsense and shoot quickly. Does he care so much about his own life?