Chapter 58

Su Shiman didn't leave. When she saw Xie Hao pointing a pistol at Shen Ze's head, she immediately stopped crying and hurriedly took out her mobile phone to call the police.

However, the police call has not yet been dialed. A young man in black appears beside sushman and reaches out to take her mobile phone.

Then, the young man in black grabbed sushman's two hands roughly and bound her.

"Asshole, let me go!"

Sushman was struggling while she was scolding, but she was obviously unable to break free from the shackles of the young man in black.

The young man in black doesn't feel pity for the jade at all. He drags Su Shiman to Xie Hao.

Shen Ze saw that Su Shiman had been kidnapped, his face became very gloomy, and his eyes were full of murders.

"Shen Ze, if you don't answer my question truthfully, I'll kill this stinky bastard first!"

Xie Hao's face was ferocious and his face was crazy. As soon as he finished, he turned the gun and aimed at Su Shiman's forehead.

The forehead is pointed at by the cold muzzle of a gun, as if it is strangled by death.

Su Shiman, who had never seen such a battle before, was pale and silent. She did not dare to move or make any sound.

Shen Ze didn't like to be threatened by others, especially sushman.

He looked at Xie Hao like a sword and said, "Xie Hao, if you dare to hurt her, I'll bury your family with you."

"With you, my funeral!"

"Labor and capital don't want to listen to your nonsense. Labor and capital count three. If you don't answer the questions of labor and capital again, labor and capital will kill this bitch!"

Xie Hao looks excited and crazy. He stares at Shen Ze with red eyes and starts to count.



"Do it!"

Before he could count Xie Hao's number, Shen Ze gave a big shout and shot out like a cheetah.

See Shen Ze move, Xie Hao is in a rage, pull the trigger.

It's a long way to go.

Shen Ze rushed to Su Shiman with lightning speed.


There was a low shot with a silencer.

The bullet darted out of the barrel, not hitting Su Shiman's head, but into the left side of Shen Ze's back in front of Su Shiman.


The sound of tearing flesh and blood sounded, and a stream of hot blood splashed in the air.

At the same time, Shen Ze's mouth made a dull hum, and a shocking bloodstain spilled from the corner of his mouth.

"Dog, since you want to die, labor and capital will help you!"

Seeing that Shen Ze blocks the bullet for Su Shiman, Xie Hao is very angry. He plans to shoot Shen Ze again.

However, he did not have the chance.

When Shen Ze moved, the cold front also moved.

Leng Feng, like a tiger descending the mountain, broke through the siege of middle-aged strong men. Then, like a ghost, he came to Xie Hao in an instant.

Before Xie Hao wants to pull the trigger again, Leng Feng reaches out his right hand and snatches Xie Hao's pistol with lightning speed.

At the same time, he stretched out his left hand and grabbed Xie Hao's throat.

As long as Leng Feng's left hand makes an effort, he will crush Xie Hao's throat and let Xie Hao die on the spot!

Xie Hao looks at Leng Feng as if he had gone to hell. He stares at Leng Feng in horror. He is afraid that Xie Hao will crush his throat and dare not move.

When Leng Feng controls Xie Hao, Shen Ze also starts to move.

He endured the severe pain from his back and thundered out his fist.

Shen Ze with the speed that the youth in black can't react completely, one punch hits the temple of the youth in black!


At this time, Shen Ze is more irritable, and his boxing power is very terrible.

With this blow, the brain bone of the young man in black's temple was broken.

The young man in Black opened his mouth and let out a scream. Then his eyes turned black and he fell to the ground. He didn't know whether he was alive or dead!