Chapter 59

After the young man in black fell to the ground, sushman had no bondage.

Xie Hao was controlled, and she was no longer pointed at by the pistol. She was relieved and relaxed.

Su Shiman stands face to face with Shen Ze. She knows that Shen Ze is shot because she blocks the gun for her.

Looking at Shen Ze's white face and blood spilling from the corner of his mouth, Su Shiman was worried and asked, "Shen Ze, what's the matter with you?"

Shen Ze reached out to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth and said calmly, "it's OK."

Shen Ze experienced four years in the battlefield and suffered hundreds of injuries.

The gunshot wound was not a big deal for him, even though the wound was still bleeding and the bullet was still in his body.

Shen Ze helps Su Shiman block the bullet. Naturally, Su Shiman doesn't want to see him have an accident.

Su Shiman came forward to support Shen Ze's arm and said anxiously, "you've been shot. Let's go to the hospital as soon as possible."

Although Shen Ze can endure pain, it doesn't mean he doesn't need to deal with the wound.

He nodded and agreed to go to the hospital.

But at this time, another five middle-aged men rushed to surround Shen Ze and Su Shiman.

Seeing this, Shen Ze's eyes once again showed a cold killing.

Because Su Shiman is by his side, Shen Ze is worried that if he starts to do something, Su Shiman will be hurt. Otherwise, he would have solved the problems in front of him.

Shen Ze held back his anger in his heart and said in a cold voice, "if you don't want Xie Hao to die, get out of here now!"

When Shen Ze said this, Leng Feng grabbed Xie Hao's throat and suddenly increased his strength.

The pain came from his throat. Xie Hao, who was very afraid of death, turned pale, and his eyes showed a strong color of fear.

Xie Hao didn't want to be crushed by Leng Feng. He immediately said, "get out of the way!"

All the five middle-aged men were hired by Xie Hao with a lot of money. Xie Hao spoke, and they obeyed the order and gave way.

"Get in my car and I'll drive you to the hospital!"

Su Shiman said while holding Shen Ze to the white BMW parked on the side of the road.

Before he left, Shen Ze looked back at Leng Feng.

He gave Leng Feng an unforgivable look!

Su Shiman helped Shen Ze into the co driver's seat of the BMW, and then tied his seat belt.

Then she went to the driver's seat, started the engine and drove to the hospital.

After looking at the BMW, Xie Hao immediately said to Leng Feng, "brother, Shen Ze, they have gone. You can let me go!"

Cold front smell speech, ruthlessly stare at Xie Hao one eye.

The next moment, he pinched Xie Hao's throat with a firm hand!


The sound of broken bones.

Xie Hao's throat is broken.

Xie Hao's eyes widened, his mouth widened, and blood spilled from his mouth.

He couldn't make a scream, only a whine.

In a few seconds, Xie Hao's head tilted and died.

Before he died, Xie Hao's face was unbelievable. He didn't expect Leng Feng to end him like a chicken.

Seeing that Xie Hao was dead, Leng Feng let go.

Xie Hao suddenly fell to the ground like a pool of mud.

Leng Feng is like a killer without emotion. After he finished Xie Hao, he was very calm and had no emotion change.

He leisurely picked up the silver code box on the ground, then ignored the five middle-aged men and walked to Maybach who stopped by the side of the road.

The five middle-aged men looked at each other, all of them seeing the fear in each other's eyes.

Leng Feng killed Xie Hao in front of them. At this time, Leng Feng left. None of them dared to stop him.

Leng Feng got on the car unimpeded, and then he drove to the hospital.