Chapter 71

"All right, brother Qiang!"

Two unruly young men with yellow hair answered, and then they went to Su Shiman's back and grabbed Su Shiman's arm.

Sushman, with a black face, yelled, "what are you doing? Let go of me

"Don't waste your breath, we won't let you go!"

The two yellow haired youths didn't mean to let go.

"It's against the law for you to do so! Let me go! Or I'll call the police and let the patrolman catch you! "

Sushman tried to shake off the hands of the two yellow haired youths while threatening.

Women's strength can't compare with men's, plus two yellow haired youths holding Su Shiman's arm together, Su Shiman can't get away with all her efforts.

Finally, she had no choice but to give up and save her physical strength.

Of course, Su Shiman would not wait to die. She immediately said to Jiang Fang, "Mom, please call the police!"

Jiang Fang was so flustered when she saw that Su Shiman was arrested. After listening to Su Shiman's words, she subconsciously took out her mobile phone and prepared to call the police.

At this time, Zhao Qiang rushed up, reached out and knocked out Jiang Fang's mobile phone.


The mobile phone hit the ground and broke into pieces.

Zhao Qiang stares at Jiang Fang fiercely in his eyes. Chiguoguo threatens: "old lady, if you dare to call the police, you will not have good fruit to eat!"

Jiang Fang knows that Zhao Qiang is a ruthless person. When she heard Zhao Qiang say this, she immediately trembled and did not dare to report to the police again.

Jiang Fang looked at Zhao Qiang with tearful eyes and said in a begging tone, "brother Qiang, we can have a good talk about money. Please let Shiman go first."

"Good talk!"

Zhao Qiang raised his eyebrows and said impatiently: "if the labor and capital talks with you again, I'm afraid they won't get back the money in their whole life!"

Jiang Fang burst into tears: "brother Qiang, if you give me a few more days' grace, I will give you the money and give it back to you."

"Labor and capital have given you a grace period of more than a month. I have no patience to give you a few more days!"

"Old lady, I'll take your daughter back to Zijin club today. I don't care what you do. I'll raise a million dollars, and then I'll redeem her tomorrow morning!"

"If you don't bring the money tomorrow, you'll never see your daughter again!"

After the cruel words, Zhao Qiang waved to the two yellow haired youths and said, "take the people away!"

Seeing that Zhao Qiang is going to take people away, Jiang Fang pours on him and grabs Zhao Qiang's arm.

"Brother Qiang, if you want to arrest someone, just arrest me and let my daughter go!"

At this time, Jiang Fang still has some responsibilities. She wants to work alone.

"An old woman like you, it's useless to catch her!"

Zhao Qiang disdained to scold, and then raised his foot to kick Jiang Fang's stomach.

Zhao Qiang is just like a fat pig. He weighs 200 Jin. It's obvious that Jiang Fang can't bear this.


Jiang Fang opened her mouth and let out a scream. She fell heavily on the ground. Then, she covered her stomach and rolled on the ground in pain.

Seeing this scene, Su Shiman was very angry. She yelled at Zhao Qiang excitedly: "you bastard, don't touch my mother!"

Hearing the speech, Zhao Qiang turned his head and gave Su Shiman a cruel smile. He threatened: "if you go with the labor force obediently, the labor force will not touch your mother any more. If you don't go with the labor force obediently, the labor force will kick this old woman again!"

Zhao Qiang and his followers are numerous and powerful. Su Shiman knows that he can't resist now. He can only endure his anger and unwillingness and promises: "OK, I'll go with you!"

When Zhao Qiang heard the speech, he gave a cold smile: "you little girl know the current affairs!"

Su Shiman stares at Zhao Qiang coldly, and then says in a loud voice: "let me go, I'll go by myself!"

Zhao Qiang felt confident that Su Shiman could not escape from his palm, so he told the two yellow haired youths, "let her go."

"Yes, brother Qiang."

Two yellow haired youths let go of sushman's arm.

Without the shackles, Su Shiman wanted to help Jiang Fang, who was rolling on the ground in pain, but he was stopped by Zhao Qiang: "don't dally, go with labor!"


When Zhao Qiang spoke, two yellow haired youths standing behind Su Shiman pushed her a few times.

Su Shiman had no choice but to follow Zhao Qiang.

"Release my daughter, don't leave, Shiman... Shiman..."

Jiang Fang wants to stop Zhao Qiang from taking Su Shiman away, but her stomach hurts so much that she has no strength to get up from the ground. She can only watch Zhao Qiang take Su Shiman away.


After su Shiman was taken away, Jiang Fang curled up on the ground and cried helplessly and sadly.

After crying for a long time, her tears dried up and her stomach didn't hurt so much. Jiang Fang struggled to get up from the ground.

"I'm going to raise money. I'm going to raise a million dollars to redeem seaman tomorrow morning."

Jiang Fang knows that Zhao Qiang's group of people are cruel characters who eat people and don't spit out bones. If she doesn't redeem people with a million tomorrow morning, Su Shiman will certainly suffer terrible harm.

Jiang Fang immediately thought of various ways and began to raise money.

Because the Su group nearly went bankrupt some time ago, the losses were heavy, the capital chain was completely broken, and even the Su family's real estate was mortgaged.

Jiang Fang could only call all the people she knew to borrow money. All her acquaintances looked for it, but she only borrowed 200000 yuan, which was 800000 yuan less than the one million yuan owed.

"It's still 800000 short. Where can I get it?"

Jiang Fang is just like a grasshopper on a hot pot. She can't calm down. At the same time, she worries so much that her hair is straight off.

Jiang Fang wants to break her head. She thinks about it and finally thinks about Shen Ze.

"Shiman said Shen Ze had a million dollars in cash. I'll go to borrow it from him!"

Although Jiang Fang doesn't want to look down to Shen Ze to borrow money, and she doesn't know whether Shen Ze will lend it to her, she is in a critical situation. She can't care so much and can't think of a better way. She can only try to borrow money from Shen Ze.

As for whether it can succeed or not, it's up to fate.