Chapter 72

Jiang Fang finds the staff of the hospital and inquires about Shen Ze's ward.

Then Jiang Fang went to Shen Ze's super VIP ward for the first time.

When Jiang Fang comes to the door of Shen Ze's ward, he is surprised to see the cold front guarding the door.

In the morning, Jiang Fang was mercilessly slapped and slapped by Leng Feng.

The cold front left a huge shadow in Jiang Fang's heart.

When she saw the cold front, she was afraid to approach it.

Jiang Fang stops one meter away from Leng Feng. Then she looks at Leng Feng with begging eyes and says in a low voice: "handsome man, I have something to do with Shen Ze. Please report it to me."

Having been beaten by Leng Feng, Jiang fang had a grudge against Leng Feng, but at this time, she had to forget those grudges and keep a low profile and ask for Leng Feng's help.

Leng Feng Junzi stands in front of him. He doesn't even look at Jiang Fang. As if he didn't hear Jiang Fang's words, he ignores them directly.

Jiang Fang sees Leng Feng ignore her, the corners of her mouth show a touch of bitterness, her voice is hoarse, begging again: "handsome boy, I really have a very urgent thing to find Shen Ze, please help me report it!"

Cold front face no expression, still ignore Jiang Fang.

Jiang Fang was anxious and aggrieved, and her ruddy eyes burst into tears.

Jiang Fang saw Leng Feng will not help her report, she had no choice but to choose in the room outside the loud voice: "Shen Ze, I have a very urgent matter to find you, please meet me!"

At this time in the ward, Shen Ze is eating watermelon with Mu Ling.

Hearing Jiang Fang's anxious words, Shen Ze picks an eyebrow and thinks what is Jiang Fang doing?

Unexpectedly will have to run to him, and also asked him to see one side, this is really the sun hit the west out!

"Brother Ze, it's not good for this old witch to come to you. Don't see her." Mu Ling's impression of Jiang Fang was so bad that she suggested.

Shen Ze felt that Muling was right, and he didn't want to see Jiang Fang again, so he nodded and agreed.

"I'll ask Leng Feng to drive her away."

As soon as the words fell, Mu Ling got up and went to the door. She opened the door and said to Leng Feng, "Leng Feng, brother Ze doesn't want to see this old witch. Don't let her yell here. Drive her away immediately!"

After giving orders, Muling closed the door and returned to Shen Ze.

Leng Feng listens to Mu Ling's words, turns his head, and looks at Jiang Fang with cold and sharp eyes.

Jiang Fang felt as if she had been watched by a poisonous snake. She was cold and frightened.

Although Leng Feng didn't say a word, it gave Jiang Fang an extremely strong sense of oppression, which made Jiang Fang keep silent and dare not yell again.

Jiang Fang raised her head and looked at Leng Feng. She saw the meaning of driving people from each other's eyes.

If she doesn't go by herself, Leng Feng will drive her out in person!

Jiang Fang doesn't want to leave, but she is afraid that Leng Feng will attack her. For a moment, she is in a dilemma and is very anxious.

Seeing that Jiang Fang didn't leave by himself, Leng Feng suddenly walked towards the former.

Jiang Fang saw Leng Feng walking towards her. In a hurry, she screamed out: "Shen Ze, Shiman has been kidnapped by a villain!"

Sushman was kidnapped?

When Shen Ze heard Jiang Fang's words, he frowned and looked suspicious.

Muling saw that Shen Ze's mood changed as soon as she heard about Su Shiman. She said: "it's still good in the morning. How can she be kidnapped suddenly? Brother Ze, I think this old witch is deliberately cheating you. Don't pay attention to her."

Just as Muling was talking, Leng Feng had already grasped Jiang Fang's arm and was ready to put Jiang Fang on the shelf and put him out of the hospital.

Seeing that there would be no chance if she didn't say it again, Jiang Fang continued to say in a loud voice: "Shen Ze, I didn't cheat you. Shiman was really kidnapped. If she didn't take the money to redeem people tomorrow morning, she would be torn up!"

Hearing this, Shen Ze frowned a little deeper. His eyes twinkled and he hesitated, but he finally said, "Leng Feng, let her in!"

Leng Feng heard Shen Ze's command, and then put Jiang Fang into the ward.