Chapter 248

The night is like ink and the stars are all over the sky.

Mu family mansion, in the dining room.

Mu Yunfeng stood up straight, raised his glass with both hands, and said solemnly to Shen Ze, "master Shen, I'd like to propose a toast to you. Thank you for taking revenge for my elder brother and making Zhou Qian and Sun Li get the punishment they deserve."

"Aze, Auntie Yun also wants to thank you. Auntie Yun also has a toast to you!"

Yunlan said, got up from his seat and raised his glass.

"Brother Ze, I want to thank you, too!"

Mu Ling stands up and raises her glass to Shen Ze.

Shen Ze, sitting in his seat, stood up and raised his glass.

Shen Ze took a look at the three of them and said, "this is what I voluntarily and reasonably do for uncle mu. You don't have to thank me."

"Young master Shen is so kind that we can't repay him by admiring his family. Of course we should respect the wine."

"I'll do it first. Master Shen is free."

As soon as the words were finished, Mu Yunfeng looked up and drank the wine in the cup.

"Aze, I did it, too."

"Brother Ze, I did it, too."

Immediately, Yunlan and Muling drank all the wine in the cup.

Shen Ze didn't say much and simply drank the whole glass of wine.

"Sit down and eat!"

After drinking, under Shen Ze's greeting, everyone returned to their seats and began to eat.

Everyone has formed the habit of eating in silence, so they all eat in silence.

After the meal, Mu Yunfeng said to Shen Ze with some worry: "young master Shen, you killed Wu Xuan today and had a festival with Wang Meng. I'm afraid that the martial arts association and Wang Tianyuan will come to you for trouble. Do you want to stay out of the limelight for a while?"

Shen Ze didn't worry about it at all. He shook his head and said, "no, I can handle it."

Although Shen Ze was confident and didn't worry, Mu Yunfeng was still worried.

After all, the armed forces association is now the largest non-governmental organization in the state of dragon. It has a huge influence and is very important.

Wang Tianyuan is the commander-in-chief of the Qilin army in the central war zone. He has a heavy hand and a high position. He is a country level big man.

How can the armed forces Association and Wang Tianyuan deal with the trouble together?

Mu Yunfeng can't figure out how Shen Ze can deal with it, so he is very worried.

But Shen Ze said so, he is not good to say anything, can only nod.

Perhaps seeing Mu Yunfeng's worry, Shen Ze comforted him with rare words: "Mr. mu, since I say I can handle it, I'm sure. You don't have to worry."

After listening to Shen Ze's words, Mu Yunfeng looked a little relaxed, immediately nodded his head and returned a good word.

Shen Ze then said: "recently, the second master Mu only deals with the affairs of the Mu family. I'll handle all the other things."

"All right." Muyunfeng nodded again.

Then, Shen Ze talked with Mu Yunfeng about Mu's chamber of Commerce and mu Yunbin's funeral, and then everyone broke up.

Mu Ling took Shen Ze to the back garden for the first time.

"Brother Ze, how many secrets do you have that you haven't told me?"

"First the master of the Silver Dragon carving, then the general of three stars, and now the master of martial arts."

"Tell me honestly, do you have any other secrets?"

Mu Ling took Shen Ze to the arbor in the back garden and sat down. Then she said these words.

Shen Ze looked at Mu Ling with a pair of black gemstone eyes, staring at him without blinking, as if trying to see him through completely. He could not help but smile and said, "you almost know all the secrets about me."

Mu Ling stares at Shen Ze closely. She seems to have found something and says firmly: "no, there is one biggest secret I don't know about you!"

Shen Ze heard the words and said quietly, "what's the biggest secret?"

Mu Ling stared into Shen Ze's eyes and asked, "brother Ze, are you Shen Diaolong?"

Shen Ze smell speech, picked pick eyebrow, this little girl guess he is Shen Diaolong?

Seeing that Shen Ze didn't deny it for the first time, Mu Ling said in a positive tone, "you are really Shen Diaolong!"

Now that she had been guessed by Mu Ling, Shen Ze naturally would not hide it. He admitted boldly, "yes, I am Shen Diaolong."

Although it has been speculated that Shen Ze may be Shen Diaolong, when she heard Shen Ze admit himself, there was a huge wave in Mu Ling's heart, which could not be calm for a long time.

Shen Diaolong is a legend known to the people of the Dragon kingdom.

He is both civil and military, invincible, just four years in the army, then from a nobody to grow into the world's first general.

He took part in hundreds of battles, never failed, and made great achievements, especially in the battle of the Dragon kingdom.

He is not only the sharp blade of the country, but also the needle of calming the country.

He was young, less than 30 years old, and his martial arts strength reached the master level. He was one of the best fighters in the Army Department of the state of dragon.

He is the leader of the Ministry of war. He is a dragon god worshipped by countless sons and a national hero admired by the people of the Dragon kingdom.

Such a legendary, distinguished and influential figure is brother Ze, who grew up with her childhood. How can she not let Mu Ling's mood surge?

Shen Ze saw that after learning that he was Shen Diaolong, she was obviously in a state of shock. Instead of making any more noise, she quietly waited for her to digest.

Muling was born in a rich family and had seen a lot of the world, so it was not long before her mood recovered.

Mu Ling took a long breath, and then she looked at the smiling young man with complex eyes. She said with great emotion: "brother Ze has abandoned the identity of the Shen family's son in Yanjing and changed his name to Shen Diaolong. In only four years, he has become the most brilliant star in this era and will remain famous in history."

"I feel like brother Ze is really a God, not an ordinary person."

Shen Ze was amused by Mu Ling's words: "ling'er, you exaggerate too much. I'm an ordinary person, not a God. Don't think so much about me."

Mu Ling shook her head and whispered, "I didn't exaggerate. I think you are more powerful than I expected."

Looking at the little girl's deep belief in her words, Shen Ze didn't know what to say for a while.

After writing for a long time, Shen Ze finally said, "ling'er, I hope you will always regard me as Shen Ze, and don't regard me as Shen Diaolong."

"Why?" asked Muling

Shen Ze seriously replied, "I prefer to be Shen Ze rather than Shen Diaolong."

After hearing this, Muling said thoughtfully, "brother Ze means that you want to be an ordinary person rather than a legend like a God?"

Shen Ze nodded: "it's about this."

"Why do you think so, brother Ze?" Muling asked

Shen Ze pondered for a moment and said with a faint smile: "maybe it's too tired to be a legend. It's easier to be an ordinary person."

When he said these words, Shen Ze had a smile on his face, but his eyes were filled with vicissitudes and fatigue.

Although she seems careless on the surface, she is careful in fact.

At this time, she was shocked by Shen Ze's subtle expression to see the latter's tired and tired heart.

Although the power of the government and the public is respected and worshipped by the world, we can imagine how much pressure we have to bear.

When she thought of this, she felt very sorry for Shen Ze.

Learning from the way that adults love their children, she reaches out her little white hand and gently touches Shen Ze's head. "Brother Ze, you've worked hard."