Chapter 249

Although Shen Ze's heart has been honed as solid as a rock, he was deeply touched by Mu Ling's hard work. His nose was sour and his eyes became moist like sand.

Shen Ze looked at a little girl who loved him and said with a smile, "when did you learn to care about people like this?"

Mu Ling touched Shen Ze's head again, and then took back her hand. She replied with a smile: "I learned from my mother."

Shen Ze jokingly said: "it seems that when I was a child, the slug who had been following me around all along really grew up!"

Mu Ling curled her lips and said unconvinced, "I've grown up long ago, OK?"

"I'm two years younger than you? It's like I'm still very young! "

Shen Ze grinned and joked: "yes, you're really big. You're 22 years old. You can get married."

After hearing this, Mu Ling blinked her long eyelashes. It seemed that she suddenly thought of something. Half joking and half serious, she said, "brother Ze, you avenged my father. I'm very kind. Otherwise, I'll give you a promise to repay your kindness."

Shen Ze was stunned when he heard that Yan was stunned, but soon he reacted and said to Mu Ling with a smile: "ling'er, you are my sister and I am your brother. How can a sister marry her brother? Don't make such a joke any more. "

After saying this, Shen Ze immediately changed the topic: "I regard my uncle Mu as my own uncle. It's natural for me to avenge him. I don't need to repay him at all. You don't want to repay me anything."


Muling nodded. She took a deep look at Shen Ze. Then she lowered her head and whispered, "you and I are not brothers and sisters. Why can't we marry you?"

Muring's voice is very small, but Shen Ze, who has a very good ear power, can hear the little girl clearly.

When did this little girl become so stubborn?

Shen Ze knew that some things could not be said too clearly, otherwise it would hurt his feelings, so he pretended to hear nothing.

Shen Ze sighed in his heart, thinking that if the little girl is more mature, maybe some things can be solved, now don't worry too much.

Shen Ze didn't think much about it. Looking at Muling still keeping her head down, he said softly, "ling'er, the stars are bright tonight, and the night sky is beautiful. Look up quickly."

After listening to Shen Ze's words, Mu Ling raised her head and looked up at the bright night sky full of stars.

Shen Ze took a look at Muling, and then looked up at the bright starry sky.

They were silent, and the whole back garden was quiet.

Breeze slowly, from time to time there are all kinds of flowers Qinru nose.

It's a beautiful night, it's intoxicating.

I don't know how long later, Muling suddenly said: "brother Ze, you are so powerful, can you pick a star for me?"

When Shen Ze heard the words, he was dumbfounded, but he was still regarded as a God?

After a while, Shen Ze said with a smile, "I can't pick the stars from the sky."

"If you can't pick the stars, can you fly away?"

"No, it's a little lightness skill at most."

"Can you resist the barrage of bullets?"


"Are you invincible?"

"I can't say it's invincible."

"How do you differ from the storyteller's description?"

"Storytellers are all made up, most of them are exaggerating."

Muling asked Shen Ze many questions about Shen Diaolong. Time passed unconsciously.

The deeper the night, the colder it is.

Shen Ze was afraid that Mu Ling would catch cold, so at about ten o'clock in the evening, he proposed to go back to her room to have a rest.

After muring agreed, she made a request to Shen Ze: "brother Ze, I want you to carry me back to my room."

Looking at the little girl with a look of hope, Shen Ze simply agreed: "OK, I'll carry you back to the room."

When she was a child, Mu Ling often asked Shen Ze to carry her.

Although she hasn't been carried by Shen Ze for many years, she is still familiar with climbing on Shen Ze's back.

After holding Shen Ze's neck with both hands, Mu Lingxi smiles: "brother Ze, you can go."


Shen Ze clamped Mu Ling's two legs with his arms, then carried the latter on his back and went to the bedroom.

Mu Ling put her head on Shen Ze's broad and soft shoulder, enjoying and happy.

She had many fantasies and innocent dreams, but she never thought that Shen Diaolong, the world famous and incomparable God of war, was her brother Ze.

Moreover, at this moment, he is carrying her, touching and seeing, very real.

The little girl was so naughty that she rubbed Shen Ze's shoulder with her chin. She was so satisfied that she thought, "if you can make Shen Diao dragon's back, you should have no regrets in your life."

It's not a long way from the back garden to the bedroom, and Shen Ze's physical strength is not good enough, so within ten minutes, he came to the bedroom door of the latter with Muling on his back.

Although at the door of the room, Muling didn't mean to come down from Shen Ze's back.

Aware of this situation, Shen Ze smile, can only say euphemistically: "ling'er, it's a little late, it's time to rest."

Muring hugged Shen Ze's neck and said, "I've only carried it for a while, but I don't think it's enough."

Shen Ze couldn't smile bitterly: "you can't let me carry you all night?"

"It's coming down."

With that, Shen Ze loosened Mu Ling's legs.

But Muling is still hanging on Shen Ze like a sloth.

"I'm about to be strangled by you."

Shen Ze had no choice but to pretend that his neck was strangled.

Mu Ling is really afraid that Shen zele can't get angry, so she can only reluctantly go down Shen Ze's back.

"Good night."

Shen Ze turned his head and waved to the little girl with a smile on his face. Then he slipped back to his room.

Qin Chao was waiting in Shen Ze's room. When he saw Shen Ze coming back, he immediately said with a smile: "young master, it must be wonderful to have a world with Miss Mu Ling, isn't it?"

"No nonsense!"

Shen Ze glared at Qin Chao and said, "if you have something to do, just say it."

Qin Chao chuckled, and then put away his unorthodox appearance.

"I just received the news that Wang Tianyuan is currently on a mission abroad and should not be able to come to Haicheng for a while," Qin Chao reported

Shen Ze nodded and then said, "let's see Wang Meng. If Wang Tianyuan doesn't come, he won't let people go."

Qin Chao said: "I have called two Shenwei to the hospital to look at Wang Meng."

Then, Qin Chao asked curiously, "young master, did you ask Wang Tianyuan to come to Haicheng to meet Wang Meng in person just to settle your account with him?"

Shen Ze's eyes were deep and motionless. He said in a light tone: "son is not the fault of Godfather. I just want to ask him how to educate his children."

Shen Ze doesn't seem to say that he wants to settle accounts with Wang Tianyuan, but Qin Chao, who knows Shen Ze's style well, knows that if Wang Tianyuan comes to Haicheng this time, he won't have good fruit to eat.