Chapter 250

"Young master, if you kill Wu Xuan, the martial arts association will probably come to you for trouble."

After talking about Wang Tianyuan, Qin Chao talks about Wu Xuan.

"It is verified that Wu Xuan is Sun Jie's niece and son-in-law, and is indeed a disciple of Ouyang Qingfeng, President of the martial arts association."

"Ouyang Qingfeng is a fighting maniac. Before he founded the martial arts association, he swept all the martial arts sects in China in one year."

"If Ouyang Qingfeng learns that young master you killed his own disciple, it will certainly be bad for you. If he knows that you are a martial arts master, he may even come to see you in person."

When Qin Chao said this, he looked a little dignified.

"The Wudao association has now become the largest non-governmental organization in the Dragon Kingdom, and its influence can not be underestimated."

"Ouyang Qingfeng, as a famous martial arts master for a long time, is very powerful and can't be underestimated."

"Young master, if Ouyang Qingfeng takes the Martial Arts Association against you, it should be a big trouble."

In one year, Ouyang Qingfeng swept away all the martial and Taoist sects in the Dragon kingdom. He ascended to the top of martial and Taoist sects in an unparalleled manner and was known as the invincible in the world.

Later, Ouyang Qingfeng founded the martial arts association in Yanjing, and in a few years, he expanded the martial arts association to the major cities of Longguo. The martial arts schools belonging to the martial arts association are all over Longguo.

Today, the Wudao association has become the largest nongovernmental organization in the Dragon kingdom. It is so powerful that it can even cause national unrest.

Shen Ze knows the martial arts association and Ouyang Qingfeng very well.

Because the armed forces Association and the Ministry of war have always had some grudges.

Because of the expansion and expansion of the association, all the other martial arts sects were squeezed and disappeared, leaving only the association alone.

This also makes the association the largest non-governmental organization in the state of dragon.

As a result, the Wushu Association recruited most of the talents to practice martial arts, making the Ministry of war recruit fewer and fewer talents to practice martial arts.

As fewer people are recruited to practice martial arts, the combat effectiveness of the armed forces can not be improved. In recent years, it has not even increased but decreased.

And the chain reaction is to make the army lose on the battlefield, and let many good boys die in battle, with more and more sacrifices.

Although all this can not be completely attributed to the association, it has a lot to do with the association.

In this regard, as the leader of the Ministry of war, Shen Ze inevitably has resentments against the association.

He had tried to use his strength against the association before, but it didn't play much role because there was a Yanjing boss protecting the association.

Things are not easy to handle, and in recent years, the war subsided, so Shen Ze did not take charge of the association, but he was always on guard against the association.

After all, there are those Yanjing tycoons behind the martial arts association. It's hard to guarantee that they won't become the chips of those behind the scenes for private power.

With the current size of the association, once there is chaos, the consequences will be unimaginable. We must keep an eye on it all the time.

What Qin Chao said was true, but Shen Ze didn't pay much attention to it.

"Ouyang Qingfeng is recognized by the people as the top five families in wudaohai city. Without four of them, the Mu family is the only one, becoming the first undisputed family in the country.

Before that, because of the relationship between the four families of Li, the grandson of Zhou Dynasty and Qian Dynasty, the Mu family declined. Most of the local dignitaries in Haicheng stood on the opposite side of the Mu family.

Now, the reverse is striking.

From the next day, the local dignitaries of Haicheng came to the Mu family mansion one after another to pay homage to Mu Yunbin.

Without the four families of Zhou Qian and Sun Li, Shen Ze also had a few days of leisure.

The day of Mu Yunbin's funeral is finally coming.

This day, I don't know if God has eyes, it's a rainy day.

Drizzle is floating in the sky, and the cool wind is blowing slightly.

Early in the morning, nine black cars with white flowers and a hearse in the middle drove out of the Mujia mansion one after another, and then slowly drove to the cemetery.

As the owner of Mu's family, mu Yunbin's status is very high. Although his funeral was very grand, it didn't seal the road like sun fan's funeral a few days ago.

Of course, the Mu family had chosen a very early time. There were very few vehicles on the street, so there was no need to close the road.

When mu Yunbin's hearse set out for the cemetery, ten off-road vehicles with military license plates came to the entrance of Haicheng.

The motorcade came from Yanjing.

Driving in the front of an off-road vehicle, a middle-aged man in a military uniform in his early fifties sat in the back seat.

The middle-aged man is tall and square. Although he is over 50 years old, he is full of energy, sharp eyes and spirit.

He sat there, like a towering mountain, majestic and powerful.

From the middle-aged man's dress, it can be seen that he is a commander in chief of one of the five war zones of the Ministry of war.

From the Qilin pattern on the back of the middle-aged man's uniform, we can see that he is Wang Tianyuan, the commander of the Qilin army in the middle of the Dragon kingdom.

Wang Tianyuan had just returned to Yanjing from abroad by special plane. As soon as the plane landed, he came to Haicheng from Yanjing.

Today, Wang Tianyuan is here for Wang Meng's business!