Chapter 251

The car passes through the entrance and enters the Haicheng boundary.

Wang Tianyuan, reclusive and indifferent, said, "where is the boy named Shen Ze?"

Sitting in the co driver's seat of the car, a man in his thirties named Huang Bo, Wang Tianyuan's deputy, replied: "Wang Shuai, according to intelligence, Shen Ze will attend the funeral today and will go to Yunshan cemetery."

Wang Tianyuan heard the speech, and decisively ordered: "half of the people go to find Wang Meng, and the other half go to Yunshan cemetery with Ben Shuai."


Huang Bo answered, and then conveyed Wang Tianyuan's order.

Ten military off-road vehicles, the latter five soon separated from the former five.

After giving the order, Wang Tianyuan then fell into silence.

Huang Bo hesitated for a moment and began to admonish him: "Wang Shuai, that boy named Shen Ze is a martial arts master with strong fighting power. For your safety, I suggest you not go to him in person."

"Just leave it to your subordinates to teach him a lesson."

When Wang Tianyuan heard this, he gave a cold hum and said with disdain, "what about master Wudao? Can he stop thousands of troops? In the face of heavy firepower, it's not just the sieved ones! "

"Lao Tzu has been on the battlefield for decades, and he is not afraid of any martial arts masters. Moreover, he does not dare to touch Lao Tzu even when he is in the air."

"That little boy hurt Wang Meng, detained him and humiliated our father and son in public. I want to see for myself whether he has three heads and six arms, or has eaten bear heart and leopard gall, and dares to break ground on Tai Sui's head!"

At the end of the story, Wang Tianyuan was angry and had a strong intention to kill.

After listening to Wang Tianyuan's words, Huang Bo knew that the former would not change his mind, so he said nothing more.


Shen Ze and Qin Chao are sitting in the last black Maybach of the funeral motorcade.

Sitting in the co pilot's seat, Qin Chao, who had just checked his mobile phone message, turned back to Shen Ze, who was sitting in the back seat and closed his eyes and said, "young master, I just received the message that Wang Tianyuan has come to Haicheng."

Shen Ze heard the speech, calm, he thin lips slightly open, light said: "let Wang Qingsong take some people to Yunshan cemetery, do security work, today is uncle Mu's funeral day, I don't want to funeral any problems."

"I understand."

Qin Chao nodded, then he called Wang Qingsong and asked him to take people to Yunshan cemetery immediately.

Mujia mansion is located in the urban area, while Yunshan cemetery is located in the suburb.

Almost two hours later, the funeral procession arrived at Yunshan cemetery.

Although it is a long way to go, the local dignitaries and dignitaries of Haicheng arrived at Yunshan cemetery ahead of the funeral procession.

Today, Mu family is a unique family in Haicheng.

Naturally, these local dignitaries in Haicheng dare not and do not want to be absent from mu Yunbin's funeral.

Just before the funeral procession arrived at Yunshan cemetery, Wang Qingsong arrived with 100 members of the Silver Dragon carving, driving 25 military jeeps.

Although the jeep team is not as powerful as 250 cars, it also has a great momentum, which makes all the dignitaries present look at each other.

Seeing soldiers wearing silver combat clothes and boots and armed with guns come down from jeeps, people are still awed by the fact that they are all called by Shen Ze. They are so nervous that they dare not come out.

One hundred soldiers in silver, well behaved, soon stood at the important places of the cemetery and guarded them.

Shen Ze got out of the car and went to Muling alone.

Looking at the little girl, her eyes were slightly red and swollen, her face was stained with tears, and she looked like she had just cried. At the same time, Shen Ze stretched out her hand and gently lifted Mu Ling's shoulder to comfort her.

At this time, Mu Ling was very sad, but she did not cry.

Aware that Shen Ze came to her side, she cast a reassuring look at the front.

Both of them didn't say a word. Everything was silent.

Everyone arrived, and then the burial ceremony began.

Accompanied by a burst of sad music.

The crystal coffin with muyunbin's urn on the hearse was slowly pushed out.

Later, the dozen or so people who had been kneeling on the hearse and belonged to the four families of Zhou Qian and Sun Li were the porters carrying the coffins.

Shen Ze said at the beginning that he would let the four families of Zhou Qian and Sun Li carry the coffin for mu Yunbin, but now he has said so.

Under the complicated gaze of the public, these ten people, step by step, carried the crystal coffin to the cemetery.

There was a distance between the hearse and the cemetery. Because the coffin was too heavy, it took them about ten minutes to carry it to the cemetery.

After that, the four families of Zhou Qian and Sun Li suddenly buried their coffins again.

After burying mu Yunbin's coffin, these people knelt on the ground consciously.

Of course, these people are not the only ones kneeling on the ground. Today, all the other four families who were arrested in the house hunting a few days ago also came to the cemetery to worship mu Yunbin.

But for a moment, all the people of Zhou Qian Sun Li's four families knelt on the ground.

Of course, the rest of the people who attended the funeral didn't have to kneel. They just had to pay attention to the silence.

After the funeral ceremony, all the four families left the cemetery.

And those waiting for them are either expelled from Haicheng, or they are arrested because they are tainted.

After today, the four top families of Zhou Qian Sun Li in Haicheng disappeared completely.

At the end of the ceremony, everyone is ready to finish.

At this time, with the roar of the engine, five military off-road vehicles came roaring towards the cemetery at a very fast speed.

When people heard the news, they followed the trend.

Seeing the roaring of five military off-road vehicles, everyone seemed to realize that the situation was not right and frowned slightly.

As we all know, the funeral scene needs to be solemn, solemn and quiet.

The five military off-road vehicles came to the cemetery in such a noisy manner, which was obviously a bad comer.

Under the gaze of the crowd, five military off-road vehicles roared to the entrance of the cemetery.


With a sharp brake sound and a large amount of smoke, five military off-road vehicles suddenly stopped at the entrance of the cemetery.

I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional. Five military off-road vehicles just blocked the gate of the whole cemetery.

What a troublemaker!

See this scene, people's hearts are coincidentally produced such an idea.

This is mu Yunbin's funeral. Someone made trouble, which made all Mu's family look a little ugly.

Seeing someone making trouble, Muling gritted her silver teeth angrily: "which bastard is this coming to make trouble at my father's funeral?"

Shen Ze, standing beside Mu Ling, said: "no matter which bastard he is, I'll make him regret it."