Chapter 272

When he heard Shen Ze's order and asked Qin Chao to do it, Wang Meng was almost scared to pee.

He subconsciously wanted to get up and run away, but a black god guard came forward and held him down, making him unable to move.

"Marshal, please spare me!"

"Father Shuai, you save me!"

Wang Meng panics and can't escape. He can only beg Shen Ze to spare his life while seeking Wang Tianyuan to save him.

At the moment, Wang Tianyuan is really flustered.

In a hurry, he threatened Shen Ze, "Shen Diaolong, if you kill Wang Meng today, I will never die with you!"

"Even if you are the Grand Marshal of the Ministry of war, named Dragon God, and powerful, if I fight you to death, even if I can't kill you, I can make you lose your skin!"

At this time, Wang Tianyuan completely let go, with a sense of breaking the pot.

Of course, he did not exaggerate, but said more close to the truth.

As the commander of the Qilin army, Wang Tianyuan has been in charge of the Qilin army for nearly 20 years, and has absolute voice and ruling power in the central war zone.

If he and Shen Ze fight each other, even if he can't use the whole Kirin army, he can also use some of his strength.

In addition, he has been in a high position for a long time, and has some contacts in the court and the Presbyterian Church.

Even if he can't fight Shen Ze, it can make Shen Ze stand in great trouble.

Shen Ze is not blind and arrogant. He is very clear about Wang Tianyuan. He knows that the latter is telling the truth.

If he really executed Wang Meng today and Wang Tianyuan fought with him, he would be in great trouble.

Of course, their fighting at this level is likely to cause unrest and hurt the innocent.

Especially for the Ministry of war, it will be an internal fight of self consumption. If things go too far, it may even damage the foundation of the Ministry of war.

However, even though he thought of these, Shen Ze would not change his mind to kill Wang Meng.

The Ministry of war is a special and important department of a country. It is no exaggeration to call it the cornerstone of the country.

Just because the Ministry of war is the top priority of a country, it naturally needs to belong directly to the country and can't intersect with any other secular forces.

It is clearly stipulated by the Ministry of war that all members of the Ministry of war should not collude with secular forces.

Wang Meng used his status and power in the Ministry of war to collude with the four big families of Zhou qiansun and Li to seek personal interests, which obviously violated the provisions of the Ministry of war.

Shen Ze has always been very strict in running the army. In the fifth World War Zone of the Dragon Kingdom, the five major armies, and the Qinglong army under Shen Ze's command, the discipline is the most strict of the five major armies, and the combat effectiveness is also the strongest.

As the Grand Marshal of the army, Shen Ze obviously won't let Wang Meng, a pest of the army, retreat after using his power for personal gain.

When he met Wang Meng in Mu's mansion that day, Shen Ze had plans to kill Wang Meng.

And the reason why he has been waiting until now is that he really wants to use the excuse to beat Wang Tianyuan.

No matter whether Wang Tianyuan will kneel down and kowtow today or what he wants to do, his determination to kill Wang Meng will not change.

Even if Wang Tianyuan would rebel and fight with him afterwards, he would not hesitate.

Of course, he also has the confidence and ability to deal with Wang Tianyuan.

Shen Ze is indifferent to Wang Tianyuan's threat and ignores it.

Seeing that Shen Ze had made up his mind and didn't want to change his mind, Qin Chao took the purple dragon sword in his hand and walked to Wang Meng fiercely.

"Marshal, I don't want to die. Don't kill me..."

Wang Meng saw Qin Chao walking towards him with the purple dragon sword. He suddenly screamed and struggled like crazy.

When Wang Tianyuan saw that Qin Chao was going to fight Wang Meng, he was so excited that he roared at Shen Ze and said, "Shen Diaolong, if you insist on killing my son, are you really not afraid of my rebellion?"

Shen Ze stood with his hands down and looked up into the distance, still ignoring Wang Tianyuan.

"To NIMA!"

Wang Tianyuan sees that Shen Ze directly ignores himself and insists on killing Wang Meng. He curses in his heart angrily, and then plans to rush to protect Wang Meng.

And just when Wang Tianyuan wants to move, Shen Ze's body is swept by an invisible force, which immediately envelops him.

Wang Tianyuan felt as if he had lost control of his body. Except for his consciousness, his body could not move at all. He could not even open his mouth and make a sound.

He can only watch Qin Chao go to Wang Meng, and then take up the sword.


Accompanied by a shrill scream, a shocking bloodstain appeared on Wang Meng's Adam's apple.

Wang Meng was killed by Qin Chao!

Wang Meng widened his eyes and looked frightened. He covered his throat with his hand and fell to the ground. A few convulsions, and then there was no movement.

Wang Meng died here!

Wang Tianyuan stares at Wang Meng, who is lying on the ground and has become a corpse. His eyes are splitting, and his eyes seem to be staring out. He looks very ferocious.

Wang Tianyuan couldn't move or make a sound, but the great indignation and hatred in his heart made him suffer from internal injury and shed blood and tears in his eyes.

Wang Tianyuan roared in his heart: "Shen Diaolong, you scum, I'm a grass mud horse. You dare to kill my son. I'm at odds with you. I'll kill you and your family!"

Watching his own son be killed, but can't do anything, Wang Tianyuan at this time how uncomfortable and painful, can imagine.

He was so angry that he felt like killing him. He wanted to cut Shen Ze and Qin Chao to pieces.

Shen Ze can feel Wang Tianyuan's killing intention, but he can guess what Wang Tianyuan thinks.

Shen Ze takes his eyes back from afar. Then he turns around and looks at Wang Tianyuan calmly, facing the latter's red and resentful eyes.

Shen Ze didn't take back the power that was acting on Wang Tianyuan. He still made the latter unable to move and speak.

His eyes light and Wang Tianyuan looked at each other for a while, and then slowly said: "if you are not satisfied with my killing your son, just come to me."

Shen Ze's meaning is very obvious. He is not afraid of Wang Tianyuan's revenge or his rebellion.

If you don't mind, I'll take them one by one. Let's live or die, and do it if we don't agree!

Wang Tianyuan can't speak, and even if he can speak, he can only choke after listening to Shen Ze's words.

Because Shen Ze's tone and posture are too domineering and awe inspiring. His aura is so powerful that his heart is shaking and shivering!

At the moment, even the commander-in-chief of the first army, Wang Tianyuan, who has been fighting for decades and is used to fighting and killing, is stunned by Shen Ze.

Liu Yanshu and others, who were present, were also shocked and awed Shen Ze to the extreme.

After that, Shen Ze didn't talk to Wang Tianyuan any more. He turned and walked towards the cemetery.

Qin Chao, who has just wiped the blood on the purple dragon sword, puts it into a black wooden box and hands it to Shenwei in black, then follows Shen Ze.

Two Shenwei in black came back to the business car with a black wooden box for the first time.

It was not until Shen Ze entered the cemetery that the external force acting on Wang Tianyuan disappeared.

After he regained his freedom, Wang Tianyuan yelled at the dead body on the ground. Then he spat blood at his mouth, blackened his eyes and fell on the ground.

Because of Wang Meng's death, Wang Tianyuan vomited blood and fainted. It can be said that he was extremely sad!