Chapter 273

When Shen Ze's figure completely disappeared in sight, Wang Tianyuan's subordinates dare to move.

Huang Bo and others are pale, palpitating, soaked in cold sweat.

"Take the marshal and the Young Marshal away!" Huang Bo was calmer. He quickly gave the order.

When the other soldiers heard the words, they suddenly recovered.

They flurried Wang Tianyuan, who had fainted, and Wang Meng, who had turned into a cold corpse, onto the SUV.

Later, Huang Bo and others were driving off-road vehicles and left in a hurry.

Xing mu, who was still in the same place, saw Huang Bo and they left, and couldn't help proposing: "Mayor Liu, let's get out of here as soon as possible."

Just now Shen Ze executed his own son Wang Meng on the spot in front of Wang Tianyuan, a state-level tycoon, which had a huge impact on Xing mu.

No matter Xing mu or Liu Yanshu, as well as other patrolmen present, they were all in fear at the moment.

Obviously, they are afraid that Shen Ze will punish them.

That man's wrist is hard-blooded and cruel. If he really retaliates, he may lose his life!

Liu Yanshu is scared to death at the moment, but he still dare not withdraw.

If he ran away without permission, Shen Ze would blame him afterwards and make the crime worse. What should he do?

Finally, Liu Yanshu shook his head, gritted his teeth and said, "we can't withdraw now, just wait!"


Xing Mu sighed and nodded.

"Gather all the people together, and don't make a big fuss." Liu Yanshu said.


Xing Mu nodded and ordered the patrolmen to gather up and stand together.

After that, the hundreds of people stood in silence like a penalty.


As Shen Ze opened the five off-road vehicles blocking the gate of the cemetery, the people inside the cemetery could not hear the sound, but they could see what was happening outside the gate.

They were surprised to see Shen Ze. In front of Wang Tianyuan, they asked Qin Chao to kill Wang Meng with his sword.

Wang Meng, who killed his own son in front of Wang Tianyuan, a marshal of the army, and whose identity was still a major general of the army!

It's just shocking!

All of them were shocked beyond measure, and set off a huge wave in their hearts.

Before that, everyone thought that Wang Tianyuan, the commander-in-chief of the Qilin army, would cause Shen Ze a lot of trouble and even be doomed.

But I never thought that the final result would be like this.

Wang Meng was executed by Shen Ze. Wang Tianyuan was too sad and fainted. A group of his subordinates fled in a hurry.

And Shen Ze is undamaged, and just like nothing happened, he is still calm and calm.

Who would have believed what happened if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes?

Looking at the young man walking slowly, walking back to the cemetery, people's faces showed a strong color of awe.

Under the gaze of the crowd, Shen Ze went back to Mu Ling and others and said, "everything has been dealt with. Let's go back."


Muyunfeng with even in front of the crowd loudly declared that they can leave.

Then, everyone left the cemetery orderly.

Shen Ze and Mu Ling walked out of the cemetery together, but he didn't pay any attention to Liu Yanshu and others who were still standing outside the gate of the cemetery.

Liu Yanshu and others are worried. They don't know what Shen Ze thinks. When the others leave, they leave with a nervous mood.


Maybach drove slowly along the road.

Qin Chao, who was driving in the driver's seat, said, "young master, why didn't you just solve the problem with the old man Wang Tianyuan?"

Shen Zezheng leaned his back against the chair and closed his eyes. Hearing Qin Chao's inquiry, he opened his lips slightly and replied, "Wang Tianyuan is the commander of the Kirin army. His status is unusual. Without his handle, he can't move him easily."

It was Wang Meng who violated the rules and regulations of the Ministry of war. Shen Ze's execution was justified, but Wang Tianyuan did not violate them. Naturally, he had no reason to move Wang Tianyuan.

Without a handle, if Wang Tianyuan is moved at will, it will cause a very bad reaction and the situation will become even worse.

Qin Chao said: "young master, although you say so, you executed Wang Meng. Wang Tianyuan must have a grudge against you. If you let him go this time, it is very likely that you will let the tiger go back to the mountain and raise the tiger for trouble."

Shen Ze said calmly and confidently, "Wang Tianyuan can't make any big waves in front of me."

Then, Shen Ze said faintly: "not everyone dares to fight with me. Wang Tianyuan may not have the courage to avenge Wang Meng."

"Well, the young master has a point."

Qin Chao echoed: "in this world, no one dares to fight against the young master. The old man Wang Tianyuan really does not dare to take revenge on the young master."

Then, Qin Chao suddenly thought of something and said, "young master, let's send someone to stare at Wang Tianyuan."

"Wang Tianyuan's ten thousand soldiers are still on the way from Yuzhou to Haicheng."

"If Wang Tianyuan's own soldiers come to Haicheng, it's hard to guarantee that they won't embolden him to take revenge on you."

Shen Ze didn't care much, but he knew that he despised the enemy strategically and valued the enemy tactically.

So he said, "let Wang Qingsong go and stare at Wang Tianyuan."


"I'll send him a message."

As soon as the words fell, Qin Chao used his mobile phone to convey Shen Ze's order to Wang Qingsong.


Because of Wang Meng's death, Wang Tianyuan was too sad. In addition, he was so angry that he had internal bleeding and his vitality was greatly damaged. Therefore, he would vomit blood and faint.

After Huang Bo and others left Yunshan cemetery, they immediately sent Wang Tianyuan to the hospital.

After the doctor's treatment, it didn't take long for Wang Tianyuan to wake up.

Huang Bo has been guarding the hospital bed, see Wang Tianyuan wake up, he immediately came forward, concern asked: "marshal, how do you feel?"

Wang Tianyuan was pale and numb. He was lying on the bed, motionless, staring at the ceiling.

Seeing Wang Tianyuan's sad look, Huang Bo sighed in his heart.

He hesitated for a moment, or hardened his head and said: "marshal, we sent the Young Marshal to the hospital for rescue, but failed to rescue him. The body of the young marshal is now kept in the mortuary of the hospital."

"Marshal, what are we going to do next?"

Huang Bo mentioned Wang Meng, Wang Tianyuan's face suddenly showed a strong color of sadness.

For a long time, Wang Tianyuan's red eyes filled with blood showed a strong opportunity to kill. He gritted his teeth and said, "I'm going to kill Shen Diaolong and avenge Menger!"

Huang Bo's face became more dignified than ever.