Chapter 302

Because of the close distance, Ishikawa and houguang, as well as Chen Ping kneeling on one side, all heard Zhao Xinghua asking Qin Chao.

Is that young man who calls himself Shen Diaolong?

Although Qin Chao didn't answer, Shichuan and Zhao Xinghua guessed that Shen Ze was the Dragon God.

Because no matter from Shen Ze's temperament or acting style, as well as the incomparable force, he is very similar to the Dragon God Shen Diaolong.

Realizing this is different from Zhao Xinghua's feeling of luck and warmth. All three of them are heartbroken.

Shen Diaolong wants them to die. How can they live?

Shichuan, houguang and Chen Ping are all deeply regretted.

I regret that I should not murder Zhao Xinghua so as to bring about my own death!

Ishikawa three immediately after the surprise is more hard to beg for mercy up.

But at the moment, Zhao Xinghua is no longer soft hearted.

Zhao Xinghua said to Qin Chao, "brother Qin, break your neck and send the three of them on the road."


Qin Chao grinned when he heard the speech.

Then, with a fierce look on his face, he looked at the eyes of Ishikawa three people, showing a cold killing.


Shen Ze walked out of the ring and went back to Bentley.

He sat down in his seat, then took out a cigarette and lit it up.

The smog shrouded Shen Ze's gloomy face.

Obviously, Shen Ze is in a bad mood because of the recent events.

After almost a cigarette, Qin Chao and Zhao Xinghua walked out of the boxing hall and came to Bentley.

Qin Chao immediately reported to Shen Zechen, who was sitting in the back carriage, "young master, everything is done."

Shen Ze kept quiet and gave a gentle hum.

After Qin Chao said that, Zhao Xinghua also expressed his gratitude to Shen Ze for the first time, "brother Shen, thank you for saving my life tonight. I will remember your great kindness in my heart and strive to repay you in the future."

Hearing this, Shen Ze waved his hand to Zhao Xinghua and said softly, "you and I don't have to be so polite. It's nothing to worry about tonight, and you don't have to worry about it."

Zhao Xinghua thinks that the young man sitting in the back compartment is Shen Diaolong. How dare he be rude?

However, although he thought so in his heart, Shen Ze said so. Zhao Xinghua did not dare to disobey Shen Ze's meaning, so he nodded obediently and said nothing more.

Of course, Shen Ze's great kindness will be remembered in his heart.

Shen Ze didn't think much about it. He immediately asked Zhao Xinghua, "are you going home now or what are you doing?"

Hearing the speech, Zhao Xinghua immediately replied, "go home."

Shen Ze asked again, "do you want to send you back?"

Zhao Xinghua showed a simple and honest smile on his face and replied, "I have a motorcycle. I don't need to send it."

Shen Ze knew that it was not good to force Zhao Xinghua to go back, so he didn't say more about it.

"In that case, you can go back by motorcycle. It's very late now."


Zhao Xinghua nodded, then he looked at Shen Ze, twisted Nini for a while, asked in a low voice, "brother Shen, will you come on the day of my brother's funeral?"

Shen Ze answered two words without hesitation, "of course."

Hearing the speech, Zhao Xinghua nodded happily, "Oh, I'll see you in a few days!"

Shen Ze said.

Then Zhao Xinghua said goodbye to Shen Ze and Qin Chao, and left on his motorcycle.

After Zhao Xinghua left, Qin Chao got into the driver's seat, started the engine and drove back to Mu's home.

After the car drove slowly, Qin Chao suddenly said, "young master, I think the little brother Xinghua is just fighting in the boxing hall. He is really buried."

Shen Ze hears the speech and doesn't say a word, waiting for Qin Chao's following.

Qin Chao then said, "like his brother Xingyang, the younger brother Xinghua is a brave man. He is very suitable for fighting in the battlefield."

"I think if the younger brother of Xinghua joins the army, he will certainly be as successful as Xingyang."

Shen Ze knew that Qin Chao wanted Zhao Xinghua to join the army out of his love for talent, but he didn't agree with him.

Shen Ze said, "Zhao Xinghua is the only man left in the Zhao family. We should not let him go to the battlefield where his life and death are uncertain."

Qin Chao felt that Shen Ze's words were very reasonable, and said, "yes, the young master's words are reasonable. It's my lack of consideration."

Shen Ze then asked, "don't tell Zhao Xinghua about joining the army."

Qin Chao immediately said, "yes!"

That night, Shen Ze and Qin Chao reached an agreement that they did not want Zhao Xinghua to join the army.

However, they didn't know that Zhao Xinghua, who had been following his brother's example and striving for the goal, had long planned to join the army.

In the near future, Zhao Xinghua will leave his hometown and join the army.

Zhao Xinghua, who is as brave as his brother Zhao Xingyang, will make great achievements on the battlefield in the near future.

It's also because of this saving grace tonight. In the long future, when Shen Ze is in a great disaster, Zhao Xinghua, who has already played an important role in the Ministry of war, will step forward to protect and support Shen Ze and help him tide over the difficulties.

All this, as if there is a providence.


With Shen Ze's compliments, all parts of the Dragon Kingdom publicized Zhao Xingyang's deeds for several days.

Zhao Xingyang's native place is Haicheng, and local reports about him are overwhelming, which almost all local people in Haicheng know about his deeds.

After a few days, the day of Zhao Xingyang's funeral finally came.

On this day, Zhao Xingyang's interview videos were put on the display screens all over Haicheng.

People walking on the street saw it and stopped in silence.

This morning, many local people began to rush to Xifeng village. They were impressed to see Zhao Xingyang off for the last journey.

On the day of Zhao Xingyang's funeral, Shen Ze will not be absent.

Early in the morning, he got up and had breakfast, then washed and changed clothes.

Shen Ze is holding a state funeral for Zhao Xingyang. In order to show his solemnity, he wears a purple dragon robe that directly shows the identity of the Dragon God.

It was the first time that Shen Ze wore purple dragon robes in the secular world after he became a Dragon God.

When Shen Ze puts on his Purple Dragon Robe and appears in front of the world, we can imagine what kind of sensation it will cause!