Chapter 303

At the beginning, Shen Ze ascended to the top. When he was granted the title of Dragon God, a top tailor specially made a purple dragon robe for him.

The Purple Dragon Robe and the purple dragon sword are two objects that directly reflect Shen Ze's identity as the Dragon God.

On the day Shen Ze became the God, the Purple Dragon Robe and the purple dragon sword were publicized to the public.

Some people act in a high-profile way and make a big fuss all the time, while others are very low-key and silent.

Shen Ze is a very low-key person. He never makes a big show. Except for attending important occasions, he never wears Purple Dragon robes.

Today, on the day of Zhao Xinghua's funeral, he put on a Purple Dragon Robe and will appear in front of the world.

Mujia mansion, guest room, bedroom.

Shen Ze took out the purple dragon robe made of special cloth from the red sandalwood box.

Then he shook his robe away and put it on.

The background color of the Purple Dragon Robe is snow white, and there is a purple scale dragon embroidered on it, spanning from the shoulder to the waist.

As soon as the Purple Dragon Robe was put on Shen Ze's body, it was like a purple scale dragon wrapped around his body. In an instant, it was bright and dignified.

Shen Ze, though not in a yellow robe, wears a Purple Dragon Robe. Like the ancient emperors, Shen Ze has his own imperial style and temperament.

The world's most beautiful!

I'm the only one in the world!

After wearing the Purple Dragon Robe, Shen Ze pasted a medal on his chest.

Although Shen Ze's military career is only a short four years, he is the most meritorious person in the Ministry of war and naturally gets the most medals.

After pasting all the medals, Shen Ze's chest was dazzling.

Qin chaoshou was at the door of his bedroom. He was also wearing military uniform and medal of merit.

Of course, his medal of merit is half as bad as Shen Ze's.

Seeing Shen Ze wearing a Purple Dragon Robe and a medal for meritorious service, Qin Chao felt awe and respect in his heart.

He subconsciously faces Shen Ze, kneels on one knee and bows his head to say hello.

Although Shen Ze turned his back to Qin Chao, he noticed that the latter was kneeling down to greet him, but he didn't say anything about it.

Dressed neatly and ready, Shen Ze doesn't linger any longer. He turns around and walks out of the bedroom.

Qin Chao didn't get up until Shen Ze came out of the bedroom.

Now, at six o'clock in the morning, it's still early and it's dawn.

Most of the Mujia people who live in Mujia mansion haven't got up yet, but important figures like muyunfeng have got up.

They plan to go to Zhao Xingyang's funeral with Shen Ze.

Mu Yunfeng, Mu Ling and others also got up early to get ready, and then waited at the door of Mu's mansion in advance.

Shen Ze and Qin Chao, one after the other, walk from the bedroom to the door of Mu's mansion.

Along the way, a servant of Mu family who got up early to work saw Shen Ze in Purple Dragon Robe.

Although Shen Ze's identity is no secret in the Mu family, the servants were shocked to see him wearing a Purple Dragon Robe.

All the servants who saw Shen Ze suddenly stopped their work and knelt down with respect.

For these people's kneeling, Shen Ze is calm to accept, without any discomfort.

Of course, he doesn't have to do anything.

After a while, Shen Ze went to the door of Mu's mansion and appeared in front of Mu Yunfeng and Mu Ling.

Although muyunfeng knew that Shen Ze was the Dragon God Shen Diaolong, they saw Shen Ze wearing purple dragon robe with their own eyes, and their hearts set off a huge wave.

At this moment, Shen Ze's Purple Dragon Robe means that he is not Shen Ze, but Shen Diaolong.

In the face of Shen Diaolong, the first person in the Dragon Kingdom, no one can be calm.

See dragon god, need to kneel down please.

Although they were in a state of shock, they soon recovered.

A group of people take their eyes away from Shen Ze, and then look in awe. They hang their heads down one after another, ready to bend down and kneel down to say hello.

Seeing this, Shen Ze said, "no need."

When they heard the words, they obeyed Shen Ze's instructions and didn't kneel down, but they still kept a respectful posture.

Qin Chao went to a black Rolls Royce ahead of time and opened the back door for Shen Ze.

Shen Ze knew that if he didn't leave, they wouldn't dare move. So he saw Qin Chao open the car door and walked towards Rolls Royce for the first time.

As he passed by Muling, Shen Ze stopped and said in a low voice to the little girl who kept the same respectful posture, "do you want to sit with me?"

Hearing the sound, Muling slowly raised her head and looked at Shen Ze with a pair of black jewel eyes. She said in a suspicious way, "is that ok?"

For this seemingly silly inquiry of Muling, Shen Ze smiles, "of course."

Hearing this, Muling nodded her head in excitement and surprise. "Oh, I'll sit with you."

Shen Ze nodded to Mu Ling, then he turned and got into the back compartment of Rolls Royce.

After a moment's hesitation, Mu Ling went to Rolls Royce and sat down beside Shen Ze.


After Shen Ze and Mu Ling got on the bus, Qin Chao closed the car door, got into the driver's seat, started the engine and drove to Xifeng village.

After the Rolls Royce that Shen Ze took left, Mu Yunfeng and his family returned to normal. Then they drove to Xifeng village.


After getting on the bus and sitting beside Shen Ze, Mu Ling became a little stiff and nervous.

The little girl is sitting in front of her. She looks at the front of her. She has a cherry mouth and keeps silent.

Seeing that Muling is not normal today, Shen Ze feels funny and happy.

He knew why Mu Ling was so unusual today, but it was because he saw that he was wearing a Purple Dragon Robe and clearly understood the identity of the Dragon God. All of a sudden, he became high, sacred and inviolable.

Shen Ze is not surprised.

Because he knew very well that no one could face him calmly when he presented himself as a Dragon God.

It's normal for a little girl to have such a situation.

Of course, Shen Ze doesn't want to get along with Mu Ling like this.

Shen Ze turned his head and looked at Muling's mellow and soft face. He broke the silence and said, "linger, are you afraid of me? Why are you so stiff and nervous? "

Mu Ling heard the speech and blinked. Then she slowly turned her head and met Shen Ze face to face.

Mu Ling looked at Shen Ze with a look of awe in her eyes. Her lips wriggled and she said in a low voice, "brother Ze, you are the Dragon God now, just like the tiger. I'm really afraid of you."

"Like a tiger?"

After listening to Mu Ling's words, both Shen Ze and Qin Chao could not help laughing.

"I'm not a big tiger."

Shen Ze couldn't laugh or cry. He reached out and rubbed Muling's head gently. Then he said softly, "ling'er, I'm just brother Ze in front of you, not a dragon god or any other identity."

"You treat me as brother Ze, and you don't have to worry about the rest."

After listening to Shen Ze's words, Muling is as sweet and warm as honey.

She smiles at Shen zezhan and nods like a chicken pecking rice.