Chapter 304

"Well, I always treat you as brother Ze!"

As if she had been untied by Shen Ze's words, Mu Ling was free and nervous.

She leaned over and looked at Shen Ze's Purple Dragon Robe with a pair of black gem eyes. She said with embarrassment, "brother Ze, I want to touch your purple dragon robe."

Shen Ze didn't mind, nodded without hesitation, "you can touch it if you want."

When she got Shen Ze's answer, Mu Ling didn't worry. She immediately stretched out a small hand, pulled up Shen Ze's Purple Dragon Robe, and stroked it while looking back and forth.

"The cloth of this robe is very good. It feels very comfortable."

"The purple dragon embroidered on it is so lifelike that it feels like it's going to fly out of the robe."

When Mu Ling studied the Purple Dragon Robe, she did not forget to make such a very good evaluation.

Shen Ze laughed but said nothing.

Qin Chao could not help but communicate with Mu Ling, "this Purple Dragon Robe of young master was designed and finalized by dozens of top fashion designers in China, and then made by more than ten top tailors in China."

"Whether it's cloth or sewing, it's exquisite!"

Qin Chao said with a smile, "the Purple Dragon Robe of the young master is just like the Dragon robe worn by the ancient emperors, but it's very elegant and powerful!"

Mu Ling looked up and down at Shen Ze and said with a smile, "brother Ze, wearing this Purple Dragon Robe, is really similar to the ancient emperor."

Qin Chao said half jokingly and half seriously, "with the status and power of the young master today, it's well deserved to say that he is the emperor of the Dragon kingdom."


After hearing Qin Chao's words, Shen Ze hummed coldly, "don't talk nonsense."

Qin Chao heard the speech and said bitterly, "young master, I just brag with Miss mu. I won't say these words in front of outsiders."

Muling didn't think much about it. She said, "brother Ze, I don't think Qin Chao is talking nonsense. Now you are just like the emperor of the Dragon kingdom."

Listen to Mu Ling also say so, Shen Ze for a moment, don't know what to say.

Shen Ze is not a self deceiving person. He also knows that with his current status and power, he is indeed the first person in the Dragon Kingdom, and in ancient times he was the emperor.

The reason why he reminded Qin Chao was just because of some taboos.

In his opinion, some things just need to be known in the heart and don't need to be said clearly.

Of course, he can't care what others want to say, so just let them say it.

On the way to Xifeng village, Shen Ze chatted all the way, and the atmosphere was harmonious and happy.


In recent days, all over the country are publicizing Zhao Xingyang's deeds. Zhao Xingyang has become a national hero and a national hero.

In recent days, however, many people have come to the Zhao family to offer their respects and condolence.

Previously, although Zhao Xinghua and Zhao Su Su's brother and sister reported their funeral in the village, the villagers did not have any extra action except to come to the Zhao family to worship Zhao Xingyang.

Since Zhao Xingyang's deeds were publicized, the villagers came to Zhao's home to help.

In addition to the Xu family, other families, each called out a person to help.

The reason why the Xu family has no one to help is that Xu Liang, the head of the family, is upset because Xu Qiang was wounded and cut off his tongue by Shen Ze.

That day in the hospital, after hearing the news report about Zhao Xingyang, Xu Xiaohua wanted to go to the Zhao family and apologize to Zhao's mother Chen Zhifang.

Xu Xiaohua wants his family to go to the Zhao family to make an apology. Xu Qiang and Liu Rong agree, but Xu Liang resolutely denies it.

Xu Liang not only didn't want to go to the Zhao family to apologize, but also made a decision by himself, forbidding Xiaohua to go to the Zhao family to apologize.

Xu Xiaohua thinks it's inappropriate, like persuading Xu Liang, but Xu Liang insists on going his own way and doesn't change his mind at all.

Because Xu Liang is the head of the family, Xu Xiaohua, Liu Rong and Xu Qiang have to listen to Xu Liang.

As a result, the whole family did not go to the Zhao family to apologize.

For Xu Qiang was injured by Shen Ze and his tongue was broken, Xu Liang has been worried about it and wants to ask Shen Ze for an explanation.

Xu Liang is a tough guy. Once he makes up his mind, he will not change it.

He has been trying to find out Shen Ze's theory these days, but because Shen Ze didn't come to Zhao's house, he didn't know where Shen Ze was, so he couldn't get it right.

Today, when Xu Liang thought of Zhao Xingyang's funeral, Shen Ze would definitely come to Zhao's home to attend the funeral, so he ran to Zhao's door early in the morning and stood there, just like a door god, waiting for Shen Ze to come.

Because it was early and there were not many people in Zhao's yard, Zhao Xinghua noticed Xu Liang standing at the door.

Because before Xu family father and son came to Zhao family to make trouble, Zhao Xinghua was dissatisfied with Xu Liang and Xu Qiang.

Seeing Xu Liang standing stealthily at the door, Zhao Xinghua thinks that the former is trying to do something, so he goes to Xu Liang for the first time.

Zhao Xinghua stares at Xu Liang with poor eyesight and asks harshly, "Xu Liang, our Zhao family doesn't welcome you. What are you doing standing at the door of our Zhao family?"

Zhao Xinghua's tone of voice is very strong, and shows a strong hostility, which makes Xu conscience uncomfortable.

Xu Liang glared at Zhao Xinghua, "Mr. Zhao, as a junior, who let you talk to your elders so impolitely?"

For Xu Liang's preaching, Zhao Xinghua sneers at it.

He glared at Xu Liang and said sarcastically, "I don't need to be polite to an elder like you

"I don't respect for my old age?"

Xu Liang raised his eyebrows and said, "you are Zhao Laoer. You dare to say that at a young age. You are really ill bred!"


Zhao Xinghua snorted coldly, but did not take Xu Liang's words to heart.

Zhao Xinghua didn't want to talk to a lot of nonsense, so he said impatiently, "Xu Liang, I don't want to waste time with you. You should leave here quickly, or don't blame me for being rude to you!"

After listening to Zhao Xinghua's words, Xu Liang's face turned blue and white with anger.

"Zhao Laoer, this is not your home. You have no right to drive me away!" he said

"And even if I'm not an elder in your eyes, I'm also the head of Xifeng village. You should respect me!"

When Zhao Xinghua heard the speech, he gave a cold smile, "respect the point?"

"Do you believe that if you don't go away, I'll let you lie down and get out of here?"