Chapter 374

"You're a bitch, you know how to cry. Are you a dead man in your family?"

Wu Xiang was in a bad mood. When he heard carambola cry, he was very upset.

"Don't cry, or I'll strangle you!"

Wu Xiang threatened carambola harshly, while pinching her neck with his hand.

Carambola can't help crying now, but she is still more afraid of death.

She was afraid that Wu Xiangzhen would strangle her, so she forced to stop crying.

In doing so, carambola is obviously very uncomfortable.

Wu Xiang didn't care whether carambola was good or not.

His eyes were like knives, poking the pale cheek of carambola.

His face was twisted, his face was ferocious, and he said: "bitch, I want you to plead for me, and let Mu Ling take back the decision to expel me!"

"Angkor, general manager Mu and I are not relatives. How can we get her to withdraw the decision?"

The carambola was in a dilemma.

In her opinion, she is just a small employee of the group.

She went to ask Mu Ling, and it didn't work at all.

Wu Xiang said coldly, "I didn't ask you to ask Mu Ling. I asked you to ask your classmate."

"The relationship between your classmate and Muling is extraordinary. If you can ask him for help and ask him to go to Muling for help, my business will turn for the better."

"I'll ask Shen Ze?"

Understanding Wu Xiang's meaning, carambola still shows the color of embarrassment.

Before that, she regarded Shen Ze as a bottom food delivery worker.

All kinds of people despise and despise Shen Ze, and think that Shen Ze is a waste with no ambition.

Show superiority and ability in front of Shen Ze.

Although her performance is not obvious, under normal circumstances, Shen Ze should be able to detect it.

It has left a bad impression on Shen Ze.

Now if you ask him again, can he promise to help?

Carambola is not sure.

Of course, she didn't want to do it.

And the target is Shen Ze, who has always harbored resentment.

That Shen Ze status is not general, this gap has been very difficult to accept carambola.

Let her beg Shen Ze again, she is really very reluctant.

Wu Xiang from the look of carambola, carambola do not want to see Shen Ze.

This, obviously, is not the result he wants.

"Carambola, I don't care whether you like it or not, you have to ask Shen Ze!"

Wu Xiang threatened: "if you don't ask Shen Ze, I won't spare you!"

Carambola didn't want to annoy Wu Xiang, but she couldn't help saying, "Angkor, my relationship with Shen Ze is not very good."

"Even if I asked him, he would probably not help me."

"How do you know he won't help if you don't ask for it?"

Wu Xiang's face was horizontal, and he said in an unquestionable tone: "don't talk nonsense, just do what I mean, and now go to Shen Ze for help."

"If you don't go, I'll strangle you now!"

Wu Xiang's mood is more excited. As soon as he finished, he squeezed the carambola's neck and began to work hard.

With Wu Xiang's effort, carambola suddenly felt a pain in his neck and it became more and more difficult to breathe.

Carambola is afraid of Wu Xiangzhen strangling her. Forced by helplessness, she can only nod her head and agree.

"OK, I'll ask Shen Ze..."

"Angkor, release your hand..."

"I'll be watching you all the time. If you don't do what I mean, you won't come to a good end."

After saying these words, Wu Xiang loosened carambola's neck.

Carambola rubbed her sore neck with her hand. Then she looked at Wu Xiang and begged in a low voice: "Angkor, can I tidy up first, and then go to find Shen Ze?"

Wu Xiang looked fierce and said coldly, "if you don't go now, Shen Ze will leave later."

"Don't tidy up, you go to him now!"

As soon as the words were finished, Wu Xiang reached out and pushed the carambola.

Yang Tao was afraid that Wu Xiang would beat her, so she had no choice but to cover her red, swollen and painful cheek and walk towards the outside of the personnel department.

Wu Xiang is now a dead horse doctor. He hopes that Yang Tao can ask Shen Ze to make a change in his dismissal.

Wu Xiang is afraid that Yang Tao won't ask Shen Ze, so he follows Yang Tao and plans to supervise the latter to do it.

Carambola was really reluctant to ask Shen Ze, but because Wu Xiang followed her, she did not dare to run away, so she had to go to the sixty sixth floor.

Carambola learns from her secretary that Shen Ze is in Muling's office.

So she and Wu Xiang stayed at the elevator door, waiting for Shen Ze to come out.

Obviously, they did not dare to go directly to muring's office to find Shen Ze.

And even if they want to, they don't have that qualification.

Wu Xiang had this qualification before, but he doesn't have it now.

He is no longer an employee of the company.

And carambola is just a small staff, not qualified at all.

Because there was nothing wrong, Shen Ze had a cup of tea and a chat in Muling's office for a while, and then he had plans to leave.

"I'm leaving. You're busy with your work."


After saying goodbye to Muling, Shen Ze walked out of Muling's office alone.

When Shen Ze came to the elevator door, he was surprised to see Wu Xiang and carambola waiting here.