Chapter 375

See Wu Xiang and carambola, Shen Ze slightly surprised to pick eyebrows, but that's all.

Shen Ze didn't pay attention to their plans. He pretended that he didn't see them and decided to take the elevator to leave.

Wu Xiang didn't want Shen Ze to leave like this. He stood in front of the elevator door.

At the same time, he reached out and pushed a carambola standing in front of him. In an unquestionable voice, he said, "go and ask for help!"

Carambola caught off guard and was pushed to the front, very close to Shen Ze.

People have come out, carambola can only harden the scalp, raised his head, with a complex look at Shen Ze.

At the moment, carambola's eyes are red and swollen, and her cheeks are red and swollen, and she looks pitiful.

Shen Ze took a deep look at the carambola, his thin lips slightly opened, the tone is not salty: "what's the matter?"

Carambola bit red lips, and then whispered: "Shen Ze, do you have a special relationship with general manager mu of our group?"

Shen Ze's face was expressionless and gave a gentle hum.

He didn't admit it, but with a kind of doubt.

Carambola is embarrassed to look at Shen Ze and lowers her head.

After a while, she clenched her teeth and said in a thin voice: "Shen Ze, I want to ask you to help me. I want to ask for the favor of Angkor in front of general manager mu, and let general manager Mu withdraw the decision to expel Angkor."

On hearing this, Shen Ze understood what was going on.

Wu Xiang forced carambola to ask for his help and asked him to intercede with Muling for Wu Xiang.

Although carambola and Shen Ze are high school classmates, their relationship is not good enough to help.

Shen Ze has no intention of helping Wu Xiang.

Because in his view, Wu Xiang used his power for personal gain and did something harmful to the Mu group.

Wu Xiang was expelled and deserved the punishment.

For this reason, Shen Ze would never help Wu Xiang.

Shen Ze did not hesitate, indifferently to the carambola said four words: "powerless."

Shen Ze was so directly rejected, carambola did not feel surprised.

Before that, she had the psychological preparation to be rejected by Shen Ze.

Of course, because of Wu Xiang, carambola will not give up so easily.

"Shen Ze, for the sake of our old classmates, please help me!"

"If you don't help me, I'm finished."

Said carambola, with tears in her eyes, showing a look about to cry.

The end of Carambola naturally means that if she doesn't ask Shen Ze for help, Wu Xiang won't make her feel better.

Although carambola did not say, but Shen Ze or roughly guess.

However, he was indifferent to this and was not affected in any way.

A series of things happened today are all caused by carambola.

Had it not been for carambola's superiority and ability in front of Shen Ze, which exposed Wu Xiang's use of power for personal gain, there would not have been such things that happened later.

Carambola will be what punishment, she asked for, no wonder others!

"Sorry, I can't help you."

Shen Ze still did not hesitate, once again very simply refused carambola.

Shen Ze refused two times in succession. Seeing Shen Ze again, she didn't mean to help herself. A feeling of despair came into being in carambola's heart.

Carambola suddenly realized that she couldn't get Shen Ze's help.

Thinking of what she was going to face next, she began to cry both wrongly and fearfully.

In the twinkling of an eye, carambola is pear blossom with rain, sobbing in a low voice.

Wu Xiang, who is at the door of the elevator, listens to the conversation between Shen Ze and carambola.

Seeing that carambola couldn't get Shen Ze's help, Wu Xiang's face became extremely gloomy and he was in a terrible mood.

If carambola can't get Shen Ze's help, there will be no turning point for his dismissal from the group.

His end, can only be ash to leave from the Mu group.

Since then, he has been tainted and not accepted by the financial circle. He has to find another way to make a living.

For Wu Xiang, the ten years of struggle in the Mu group have all come to nothing.

This is obviously unacceptable to Wu Xiang!

The more Wu Xiang thought about it, the more upset he was.

He suddenly raised his head and stared at Shen Ze with his bloodshot eyes.

His fists were clenched and his eyes burned with anger.

Wu Xiang showed his hatred and hostility to Shen Ze.

The cry of carambola is pitiful.

But Shen Ze turned a blind eye and turned a deaf ear. His heart was like a rock, and he was not half hearted.

Shen Ze doesn't want to pay attention to carambola any more. He takes his eyes back from the latter.

Then he went around the carambola and toward the elevator.

Shen Ze suddenly came to Wu Xiang.

At this time, Wu Xiang was staring at Shen Ze with a kind of killing eyes.

"Boy, did you report to Mu Ling that Lao Tzu used his power for personal gain?"

Wu Xiang stares at Shen Ze with a ferocious look and asks.

Shen Ze gave Wu Xiang a light look, but he didn't say anything.

If you don't speak, you are acquiescent.

When Wu Xiang saw this, he was angry.

"Grass Mud Horse, you son of a bitch, I will kill you!"

Wu Xiang resented Shen Ze very much. In a rage, he raised his fist and smashed it at Shen Ze's head.

Shen Ze watched Wu Xiang hit with a fist. He didn't move. He didn't mean to escape.

Just when Wu Xiang's fist was about to hit Shen Ze's forehead, something strange happened.

Wu Xiang seemed to be swept by a strong wind, and people flew out to one side.