Chapter 416

In principle, Ning Yansong, as the first power holder of the Dragon Kingdom, even if the Presbyterian Council automatically replaced the old and new, he would stay in power for several years before retiring.

Instead of just a few days ago, so suddenly back down.

As for Ning Yansong's sudden resignation, not only Shen Ze is puzzled, but many people in Longguo are puzzled.

At the moment, hearing Shen Ze ask this question, Ning Yansong's face is a touch of complexity.

The old man pondered for a while, and said in a tired tone, "it's Huang Shiping who forced me to step down."

When Shen Ze heard the words, his sword eyebrows frowned, and a startling cold light flashed in his eyes.

Shen Ze had no expression on his face and said in a deep voice, "how do you say that?"

Ning Yansong youyou said, "Huang Shiping has developed the biggest force in the whole national assembly and Presbyterian Council."

"He went straight to me and threatened to liquidate me if I didn't step down."

After listening to Ning Yansong's words, Shen Ze's sword eyebrows wrinkled more tightly.

His tone also became colder, "this Huang Shiping is really brave, dare to threaten you."

Ning Yansong said in a complicated voice: "his power in the national assembly and Presbyterian Council has grown. There is indeed that capital to threaten me."

Shen Ze didn't comment much on this. Later, he asked, "just because you were threatened by Huang Shiping, did you automatically withdraw?"

Shen Ze was puzzled about this.

With his understanding of Ning Yansong, the latter should not take the initiative to retreat because of Huang Shiping's threat.

Ning Yansong's temper should be just like Huang Shiping's.

As for what the outcome is, we won't do much about it.

Moreover, Ning Yansong is very capable of being the first power holder in the Dragon kingdom.

Even if Huang Shiping's wings are gradually abundant and his power is huge, he may not be able to defeat Huang Shiping with Ning Yansong's skill.

In fact, when Huang Shiping found Ning Yansong and threatened him, Ning Yansong's first reaction was furious.

He had intended to fight Huang Shiping to the end, but in the end he gave up because he didn't want to cause unrest.

Huang Shiping is a rascal, but Ning Yansong can't be as rascal as Huang Shiping.

Huang Shiping can ignore the safety of the country and the people, but he would rather take care of Yansong.

In order to maintain the stability and prosperity of Longguo, Ning Yansong chose to give in.

Conforming to Huang Shiping's idea, he retired automatically.

As a result, Huang Shiping was promoted to the top position in the Dragon kingdom.

At the moment, Shen Ze asked why he would retreat because he was threatened by Huang Shiping.

After pondering for a long time, Ning Yansong didn't say what he really thought and why. Instead, he said in a tired tone: "maybe it's because he's old. He just wants to be happy and doesn't want to fight."

Hearing Ning Yansong's reply, Shen Ze raises his eyebrows.

He took a deep look at Ning Yansong and said nothing more.

Although Ning Yansong said so, Shen Ze knew that Ning Yansong didn't think so.

He knew very well that the old man sitting opposite had a heart for the world and for the country and the people.

It must be because he didn't want to cause unrest in the Dragon kingdom that he succumbed to Huang Shiping's threat and took the initiative to step down from the position of the first power holder in the Dragon kingdom.

Thinking of these, Shen Ze sighed in his heart.

This old man is really a real and unparalleled National. He is willing to hand over his power for the sake of the country and the people.

All of a sudden from the top of the executive, into a cloth almost no real power.

This kind of disposition and character is awe inspiring and highly worthy of respect.

Shen Ze understands that Ning Yansong made such a choice, but he still has some concerns.

After pondering for a while, Shen Ze asked Ning Yansong: "Huang Shiping is a shameless man who is greedy for power and good profit. If you step down like this and let him easily sit in the position of power holder, you are not afraid that he will destroy the foundation of the Dragon kingdom?"

Hearing Shen Ze's question, Ning Yansong's expression changed slightly.

Obviously, like Shen Ze, he is aware of this problem.

Ning Yansong frowned, pondered for a moment and said, "in his position, seek his position."

"Although Huang Shiping took the position of power holder, he was also constrained by the Presbyterian Council and the national court, so he could not do anything wrong."

"Of course, even if he is not punctual and does some bad things, it will not set off any big storm."

"Huang Shiping sat in that position, and he would certainly perform well if he cared about his reputation."