Chapter 417

Shen Ze and Ning Yansong both know that Huang Shiping is a guy who is fishing for fame.

Therefore, Ning Yansong thinks that after Huang Shiping takes the position of the first power holder in the Dragon Kingdom, he won't do anything supernormal because he cherishes his wings.

Shen Ze understands Ning Yansong's meaning.

And because he also knows what kind of person Huang Shiping is, he understands Ning Yansong's idea.

However, he still felt that it was inappropriate.

Shen Ze seriously said to Ning Yansong, "it's not a good thing for the Dragon kingdom to let Huang Shiping be in power."

For Shen Ze's idea, Ning Yansong agreed and nodded.

Then, with a calm face, he said, "this is forced by the situation, and there is no way."

Huang Shiping's wings are gradually abundant, and his influence is so huge that no one else can shake him.

Before that, except Ning Yansong, who could barely compete with Huang Shiping, no one else in the Presbyterian Council could.

Ning Yansong, in order not to disturb Longguo, gave up the position of the executive.

Of course, there is also a part of the reason for this, because he is already on the joint of the replacement of the old and the new, and sooner or later he will retire.

Even now, at the risk of destabilizing the Dragon Kingdom, he has defeated Huang Shiping.

But in a few years, when the deadline comes, Ning Yansong will still retire from the position of the power holder.

At that time, Huang Shiping will still be sitting in that position.

Because of the previous struggle, Huang Shiping will probably retaliate against Ning Yansong and even move the whole camp where Ning Yansong is.

If that is the case, the consequences will be very serious, and it may even cause unrest in the Dragon kingdom.

Out of this consideration, Ning Yansong's mind of giving in was much heavier.

Of course, Ning Yansong is not stupid. Although he promised Huang Shiping to take the initiative to step down, he didn't do it for nothing.

Ning Yansong also made a request to Huang Shiping.

Huang Shiping, after sitting in the position of the first power holder, can't beat down his colleagues or take advantage of them.

This is an agreement that Ning Yansong and Huang Shiping reached openly in front of others in the Presbyterian Church.

Although Huang Shiping is not a real gentleman, he will not do anything to hurt his face.

As the saying goes, people want face, trees want skin.

Such as Huang Shiping, fishing for fame is the most important thing to face, so it is extremely unlikely to do anything against the agreement.

And it is seizing this point of Huang Shiping that Ning Yansong would take the initiative to retreat at the beginning.

"Although I took the initiative to retire, I didn't retire in vain."

"I made an agreement with Huang Shiping to prevent him from moving to the foundation of the Dragon kingdom."

"Although Huang Shiping is not a very good person, he still pursues something."

"If he wanted to sit in that position, he would not be foolishly making trouble."

Ning Yansong has never been in the habit of explaining to others, but at the moment, he still slowly said these words to Shen Ze.

After listening to Ning Yansong's words, Shen Ze nodded and said softly, "I hope it's as you wish."

Now, Huang Shiping has become the first executive in the Dragon kingdom.

It's a foregone conclusion. It's no use saying more now.

What can be done is to take precautions.

Ning Yansong is also worried about Huang Shiping becoming the first power holder, but he also knows that no matter how much he says now, it won't help.

Seeing that Shen Ze didn't want to talk about it any more, he didn't say anything more.

They were silent for a moment.

After a while, Shen Ze raised his head and stared at Ning Yansong.

He broke the silence and said, "old man, do you think Huang Shiping will cut me?"

Ningyansong smell speech, Huoran raised his head, on the line of sight of Shen Ze.

After looking at Shen Ze for a while, Ning Yansong's eyes narrowed slightly and said in a low voice, "yes."

After Ning Yansong expressed his judgment and opinion.

Then, he said, "Huang Shiping has always been at odds with you. He has never dealt with you."

"Moreover, because of your identity and status, he is in the position of power holder. No matter from which aspect, he is likely to take you to the sword."

Shen Ze knows what Ning Yansong said.

He and Ning Yansong's judgment is the same, whether Huang Shiping will directly cut him may not be sure, but for him is positive.

Of course, there's a good chance that he will be operated on.

"Do you think I should abolish Huang Shiping when he cuts me?"

Shen Ze's eyes narrowed slightly when he said these words, and his killing chance burst out.

Although Ning Yansong is not a warrior, his awareness is very keen.

Shen Ze's heart beat violently when he felt the murderous chance on him.

Ning Yansong deeply gazed at Shen Ze for a moment, and said in a deep voice: "boy, don't you want to move Huang Shiping?"

Shen Ze's face was expressionless and his eyes were deep.

He asked quietly, "allow Huang Shiping to operate on me, and do not allow me to touch him?"

At the moment, Ning Yansong couldn't figure out what Shen Ze thought.

After pondering for a moment, he said, "if you fight with Huang Shiping, it's really going to be a mess."

"I don't want to see that."

Ning Yansong expressed his real idea directly.

"You don't want to see that?"

Shen Ze picked to pick eyebrow, the tone is not salty to say: "that you want to see the situation that Huang Shiping takes my knife?"

Ning Yansong shook his head.

"With your current status and status, Huang Shiping does not dare to cut you off easily."

Shen zeyouyou said: "now he may not dare, but I will retire one day."

"As soon as that day arrives, Huang Shiping is afraid that he can't wait to fight me."

Speaking of this, Shen Ze's tone became a little cold.

"I don't like passive defense. I like to take the initiative."

"If there is a fight between Huang and me, then I will choose to strike first."

After listening to Shen Ze's words, Ning Yansong frowned.

Ning Yansong knows Shen Ze very well.

He knew that, with Shen Ze's temperament, he would not wait to die and do passive defense. Instead, he would show his sharpness and take the initiative to attack.

With Shen Ze's skill, if he attacks, he will be overwhelmed by thunder.

As the first person in dragon Kingdom, if Shen Ze takes the initiative to attack, it will cause a huge shock.

What's more, the object Shen Ze wants to move is Huang Shiping, the first power holder in the name of the Dragon kingdom.

The shock caused by this will obviously increase by another order of magnitude.

You can imagine what kind of turbulence will be caused by the contest between the two top figures in dragon kingdom!

Ning Yansong has always attached great importance to the overall situation and the people of the country.

He put the country and people at the top, power and wealth at the bottom.

Ning Yansong is surprised to see Shen Ze and Huang Shiping fight.