Chapter 418

Shen Ze is the first powerful minister of the Dragon kingdom.

He is in charge of the military department, holding the important weapons of the country, which can be called the real power of the government and the opposition.

Huang Shiping is the most powerful person in the Dragon kingdom.

According to normal thinking, Huang Shiping is like an ancient emperor, while Shen Ze is like an ancient general.

Judging from their positions, Huang Shiping is a higher level and has more power than Shen Ze.

However, because Shen Ze was the God in the first World War of Dingding, he was honored as the Dragon God and enjoyed the highest honor and treatment.

In fact, Huang Shiping is the first person in the Dragon kingdom.

But in the eyes of the world, Shen Ze is the first person in the Dragon kingdom.

And worthy of the name!

It's just like this. If the two most prominent figures, both in appearance and in essence, really fight, it's hard for Longguo not to be in turmoil.

Both Shen Ze and Huang Shiping are people who can shake their feet and make the whole dragon Kingdom shake with them.

We can imagine what kind of destruction they will cause if they meet each other.

Light is a river of blood, many casualties.

If it is serious, the Dragon kingdom will be in turmoil and its foundation will be damaged.

No matter what the situation is, Ning Yansong, who loves peace and attaches great importance to the overall situation, does not want to see and cannot accept it.

Although Ning Yansong understands Shen Ze's temperament, he knows that Shen Ze is a strong person and will not be manipulated by others.

But Ning Yansong still said: "boy, old man, I really don't want to see you and Huang Shiping meet each other, which will cause the turmoil of the Dragon kingdom."

Ning Yansong look dignified, with a kind of like begging general tone said: "in my old man's sake, you don't fight."

Shen Ze did not respond to Ning Yansong's proposal.

He looked at Ning Yansong calmly and asked, "so you want to see Huang Shiping do it to me?"

Ning Yansong shook his head and said in a positive tone, "of course I won't watch Huang Shiping do it to you."

"That's why I came to you this time."

Shen Ze picked pick eyebrows, motioned Ning Yansong to continue.

Ning Yansong breathed a long breath, and then he looked at Shen Ze and said: "boy, I know that with your ability, you can plan strategies."

"Even in the face of Huang Shiping, you can still make sure that you are safe."

"Besides, you don't dare to move anyone."

"Whether Huang Shiping will move you or not is still a matter of two opinions. We can't make a definite judgment yet."

Shen Ze interrupted Ning Yansong and said, "old man, I know all these things. You can gossip with me and get down to business."

Ning Yansong smelt speech, wry smile.

Then he nodded.

Next, Ning Yansong pointed to the green shirt man standing behind him in a leisurely manner.

Ning Yansong said: "Zhang Che, a top martial arts man."

Seeing Ning Yansong introduce himself to Shen Ze, a green shirt man named Zhang Che, out of politeness, he doesn't put on airs any more.

However, Zhang Che did not say anything superfluous.

He just threw a look at Shen Ze, which was regarded as a greeting.

Shen Ze takes a look at the man in green shirt to show his response.

After looking at Shen Ze, Zhang Che immediately lowered his head and did not move.

Qin Chao, who stands behind Shen Ze, is dissatisfied with Zhang Che's disrespect for Shen Ze.

Qin Chao stares at Zhang Che with a cold and sharp eye.

The man in green shirt can clearly detect Qin Chao's hostile eyes, but he pretends to know nothing, and is not moved and does nothing.

Shen Ze didn't feel wrong about what Zhang Che had done.

He snorted, indicating that Qin Chao should not be hostile to the man in green shirt.

Qin Chao understood Shen Ze's meaning. After staring at Zhang Che with a sad look in his eyes, he withdrew his eyes and recovered to a calm state.

Seeing that Shen Ze and Zhang Che knew each other, Ning Yansong said, "boy, if you need anything in the future, Zhang Che will appear in front of you for the first time to help you."

When Shen Ze heard the words, he picked his eyebrows.

Ning Yansong gave him a promise and guarantee.

With the help of a top martial arts man, Shen Ze is naturally like a tiger.

Even if you can't have a good rest, you can have a lot of peace of mind.

Shen Ze doesn't know what cost Ning Yansong spent to find the man in blue shirt.

Ning Yansong asked Zhang Che to help Shen Ze at the critical moment, which was like giving him a big gift.

Love is deep and kindness is heavy.

"Thank you very much."

Instead of refusing, Shen Ze gladly accepts it and expresses his gratitude to Ning Yansong.

"You're welcome between you and me."

Ning Yansong waved to Shen Ze and said, "the old man can't do much now. I'm satisfied to help you."

Shen Ze nodded and said nothing more.

As for Ning Yansong's kindness, he naturally kept it in mind.

After talking about Zhang Che, Shen Ze and Ning Yansong talked about state affairs.

He talked about the current situation in Longguo and the situation in the whole world.

Of course, the two talked mainly about the domestic situation.

The talk lasted all afternoon.

It's sunset, it's evening.

On behalf of Shen Ze, Qin Chao sent Ning Yansong and Zhang Che to the door.

During Qin Chao's salute, Ning Yansong and Zhang Che successively boarded the luxury car with Yanjing license plate.

Then, under Qin Chao's gaze, the car drove away slowly.

When the car disappeared in the field of vision, Qin Chao was able to restore his usual casual appearance.

Later, Qin Chao returned to the reception hall.

At this time, Shen Ze is cleaning up the tea set.

Seeing this, Qin Chao immediately helps Shen Ze clean up.

After hesitating and hesitating for a while, Qin Chao still couldn't help asking: "young master, if Huang Shiping attacks you, do you really want to fight back?"

Before Shen Ze answered, Qin Chao said, "if Huang Shiping really dares to fight against you, you will directly abolish him and pull him down from that position."

"That guy has no virtue and is incompetent. He doesn't deserve to sit in that position."

After hearing Qin Chao's indignant words, Shen Ze frowned.

He suggested in a flat tone: "before you say something, think about it first. Don't talk but think. It's funny."

In the face of Shen Ze's rebuke, Qin Chao suddenly choked speechless and blushed.

After a while, some of Qin Chao's commissars were chubaba, but he said forcefully, "young master, I'm telling the truth, not nonsense."

Shen Ze, hearing the speech, turned his head and glared at Qin Chao.

Qin Chao immediately closed his mouth and did not dare to retort.

Shen Ze looked at Qin Chao with disgust in his eyes, and then said, "things between Huang Shiping and me need to be treated with caution. We can't make decisions rashly."

"You don't have to be tough to deal with Huang Shiping."