Chapter 515

Although the Shen royal family could dominate the party, it was only before the troops came out.

Although there are many martial arts masters in the Shen royal family, compared with the fully armed forces, they still can't see enough and can't fight at all.

The people of the Shen family not only did not dare to break out of the Shen palace, but also worried that the soldiers in silver would wipe them out.

This torrent of iron and steel, once it enters the government, will be destroyed and decayed, irresistible!

The state of dragon has always stipulated that the five armies under the command of the Ministry of war are not allowed to enter the city except under special circumstances, let alone pull out in groups to deal with a family.

Before that, although they knew that Shen Ze was the Grand Marshal in charge of the army, they all thought that it was impossible for Shen Ze to send troops to deal with Shen.

Now when they see the soldiers in silver, they find that Shen Ze's capital is more terrible than they think.

There are five war zones in the Dragon kingdom. There are five organized armies, namely, the green dragon army, the Xuanwu army, the Zhuque army, the white tiger army, and the Qilin army.

There are five armies, and the uniform of each army is printed with the pattern of its own army.

No matter the people of King Shen or others, they can see that the soldiers in silver who surrounded the king Shen were not part of the fifth World War.

And that means it's an outside force.

Shen Ze has forces outside the system that can be mobilized, which is obviously more terrible.

Although most people don't know which organization these silver soldiers belong to, there are some powerful people who secretly investigate.

As a result, the news soon came out.

These soldiers in silver are from the mysterious organization Silver Dragon carving!

Once the news came out, it caused a sensation again.

Silver Dragon carving is one of the most mysterious organizations in the Dragon kingdom. It is said that it was created by a research magnate from the Ministry of war or the Ministry of culture.

Every time the Silver Dragon carving appears, there will be a disaster of blood.

Silver Dragon carving rarely appears in China, almost all in foreign countries.

And every time it appears abroad, it will cause a blood chaos, which makes the world terrified and terrified.

When they learned that the soldiers in silver who surrounded King Shen's mansion came from the Silver Dragon carving, the Shen family was more frightened and frightened.

This is God Shen's mansion surrounded by silver dragon sculptures. How can we play?

Although I haven't seen the power of Silver Dragon carving with my own eyes, the world has heard of it.

People of the Shen family have heard of it.

This is a famous organization that has been killed abroad. How can the Shen family fight against it?

Previously, the soldiers in silver had surrounded King Shen's residence and restricted the personal freedom of the people of King Shen, which made the people of King Shen resentful and full of complaints.

When they learned that the soldiers in silver were from the Silver Dragon carving, the Shen family were all honest.

There was no complaint, nor dare to regenerate the slightest heart of resistance, all honestly stay in the Shen palace, dare not step out of the palace.

As we all know, Shen Ze had a conflict with the Shen royal family, and made bold suggestions to destroy the Shen royal family.

Therefore, people subconsciously think that Shen Ze is the master behind the Silver Dragon carving that surrounded the Shen family.

Previously, it was said that the Silver Dragon carving was founded by a senior researcher from the Ministry of war or the Ministry of culture. Shen Ze was very consistent with it in all aspects.

In addition to the causes and consequences, it is a fact that Shen Ze created the Silver Dragon carving.

This man, who is half human and half god, is really extraordinary.

Even if we don't move the Army Department, we can destroy the Shen royal family just by sending out the Silver Dragon carving.

In the eyes of the world, like a big Mac, the royal family that can dominate one side is like a mole ant in front of the Dragon God, which can be easily crushed to death.

Although there have been some rumors about speaking for the Shen family recently, the world has reached a consensus.

The Shen family is over!

Even if it doesn't destroy the family, it will not be as brilliant and prosperous as it used to be, and it will fall down from the royal family!

The world thinks that they will witness the history and the collapse of the Shen family!

As soon as the news spread that the Silver Dragon carving had surrounded King Shen's residence, the voice of King Shen's death would be heard everywhere.

Those forces or families who made friends with the Shen royal family unilaterally severed their relations with the Shen royal family one after another.

Those who want to help the Shen royal family, in a wait-and-see state, have given up helping the Shen royal family, no longer pay attention to the help of the Shen royal family.

The defeat was like a mountain.

In a twinkling, the Shen family is gone!

The people of King Shen who were trapped in King Shen's mansion were very desperate and helpless.

Not many people in the whole dragon Kingdom dare to provoke Shen Ze, let alone offend him.

No matter the major forces or the powerful clans, they are obviously unwilling to take the risk of offending Shen Ze and help the Shen family.

In the whole court hall, almost no one stood up to speak for the Shen family.

But one of the accidents is that Huang Shiping, the first power holder in the Dragon Kingdom, stands up to speak for the Shen royal family as if he were risking the world's great injustice.

"Each of the four royal families in Yanjing is related to the foundation of the Dragon kingdom. They have made a great contribution to the Dragon Kingdom and should not be moved arbitrarily."

"Once the Shen royal family suddenly perishes, it will damage the foundation of the Dragon Kingdom and cause great turbulence."

"If Shen Diaolong destroys the Shen family because of his personal feud, he has no sense of responsibility at all. He is sorry for the Dragon Kingdom and its people."

Before that, Huang Shiping had been operating behind his back, making the media voice and reprimanding Shen Ze.

Now, he directly stood up and personally reprimanded Shen Ze, saying that Shen Ze was wrong.

Huang Shiping, after all, is the executive of the Dragon kingdom. His voice is obviously very influential and has aroused widespread heated discussion in the world.

As Huang Shiping is now the first executive of the state of dragon, he has many supporters in the court.

Those people follow the trend and make a voice for Huang Shiping.

Thus, Shen Ze was pushed to the top of the storm.

As for what Shen Ze has done, public opinion is on both sides.

On the one hand, he supported Shen Ze to destroy the super power of the Shen family, and on the other hand, he denounced that he should not destroy the Shen family for his own sake, which led to the turmoil of the Dragon kingdom.

The two camps are in hot debate on various social media and Internet platforms.

The outside world is full of rumors, but Shen Ze, as the protagonist and the party concerned, is as immobile as a mountain.

He is absolutely indifferent to the voice of the outside world, regardless of whether they support or oppose him.

When he acted, he didn't need to explain to others, and it was not his turn to tell others what to do and what to say!

Shen Ze ignored the arguments of the world.

However, Shen Ze did not ignore Huang Shiping's words for the Shen family.

"When did the ruler of a country become the running dog of a powerful family?"

"You Huang Shiping speak for the powerful family, what qualifications to sit in the position of the power holder?"

Shen Ze himself uttered these two words of sarcasm and questioning Huang Shiping.

As soon as these words came out, they caused the shock of the whole dragon kingdom.

Huang Shiping and Shen Ze both spoke in person and scolded each other. Is this a confrontation?