Chapter 516

One is the first power holder in the Dragon Kingdom, and the other is the supreme and powerful Dragon God.

On the front of public opinion, the two sides stood up to speak in person and fought against each other.

This is the first time and the first time.

And the impact of this can be imagined!

The whole nation is boiling with hot discussion!

Before that, after Huang Shiping took over the position of the first ranking executive of the Dragon Kingdom, he secretly did something against Shen Ze.

Let the people in the same camp remonstrate and remove Shen Ze from the position of Grand Marshal of the military department.

From then on, people with a heart knew that the conflict between Huang Shiping and Shen Ze had begun.

And this time, the two openly challenge, the discord and conflict on the table.

Now, everyone knows that Shen Ze and Huang Shiping are not at peace, and they are fighting each other.

Because of their identity and status, they fight against each other and hurt each other, which is not a good thing for the Dragon Kingdom and its people.

Both Shen Ze and Huang Shiping are great people who can cause shock to the whole dragon kingdom with one step.

Two such level of big fight, it will cause how much turbulence, dare not imagine!

People who think of this are worried.

It's hard for the Dragon kingdom to have the present peaceful and prosperous times, and the national strength and people's life are still thriving. It can't be destroyed!

Almost all the people of the Dragon Kingdom don't want to see the struggle between Shen Ze and Huang Shiping bring the Dragon kingdom into turmoil.

For ordinary people, wealth and power are too far away. It is the most important to live a good life in the present.

If the people want to live a safe and beautiful life, peace is the foundation of the country.

If the country is not peaceful, there will be no good days.

Therefore, most people don't want to see Shen Ze and Huang Shiping fighting.

However, at present, both sides stand up in person to reprimand each other and put the matter on the table, which is obviously a very bad sign.

Does this mean that both sides are going to fight openly, which is why they are so hard?

Although the world is worried about this, it's the business of the two most important people who have no control at all.

In addition to publishing some views on social platforms hoping for peace, we can't do anything else but return to life.

Of course, there will be an explosion of public opinion and all kinds of voices.


Before, Huang Shiping manipulated behind the scenes and asked his subordinates to remonstrate and remove Shen Zexin from the position of Grand Marshal of the military department, which made Shen Zexin unhappy.

This time, because of the affairs of the Shen family, Huang Shiping directly jumped out against Shen Ze and made adverse remarks, which made Shen Ze unable to bear.

Tigers don't get angry when I'm sick?

Shen Ze thinks that if he doesn't fight back, Huang Shiping will feel that he is a bully, so he will kick his nose and face, and be more unscrupulous at him.

Once you can, but again you can't.

Therefore, Shen Ze also jumped out this time to fight back against Huang Shiping.

Shen Ze's remarks have aroused great repercussions.

Those who are keen on Shen Ze support what Shen Ze said, rebuke Huang Shiping and say that Huang Shiping is not.

This made Huang Shiping fall into the vortex of public opinion.

Most of the common people are subconsciously hostile to the aristocratic family.

Huang Shiping stood up to speak for the Shen royal family, which caused some people's dissatisfaction.

Now with Shen Ze's further guidance, there will be more dissatisfaction with Huang Shiping.

This obviously had a great influence on Huang Shiping's position as the first executive in the Dragon kingdom.

He who wins the people wins the world.

If Huang Shiping can't win the support of the people, how can he be the first power holder?

Huang Shiping is obviously very upset and angry about Shen Ze's remarks against him.

He had regarded Shen Ze as a thorn in the flesh and a thorn in the eye. Now that such a thing happened again, he obviously hated Shen Ze even more.

Although the think tank has dissuaded him, Huang Shiping is still angry and speaks out in person again.

"What qualifications do you have to question what I said and did?"

"You should recognize your identity and status, don't cross the border!"

Huang Shiping responded with two words.

Of course, every sentence is very important.

Once Huang Shiping's words spread, the public opinion field was boiling again.

Seeing that Shen Ze and Huang Shiping are fighting against each other, the uneasiness in the hearts of the world becomes more intense.

Shen Ze doesn't like to talk. He has already met Huang Shiping once. Even if the latter says yes again, he has no interest in doing so again.

Shen Ze ignored Huang's second voice.

Of course, Huang's first voice was ignored.

Shen Ze will still destroy the Shen royal family, and this already decided decision will not change.

The Silver Dragon carving still surrounds Shen's mansion, restricting the personal freedom of all Shen's people.

Shen Ze's attitude is so firm that anyone who wants to help the Shen royal family is deterred, and this also makes the people of Shen clan more desperate.

Shen Ze didn't plan to destroy the Shen family all at once. Instead, he cooked frogs in warm water and let the Shen family collapse little by little.

gain victory with unstained swords.

However, the butterfly effect is still very large.

All the forces, families and great figures who have made friends with the Shen family have cut off their relations with the Shen family.

Without contacts and financial resources, all the members of the tribe who are in the Ministry of war or the Ministry of culture are dismissed, and they have no right to support.

The fall of the Shen family is a sure thing. It's just around the corner!

"Shen Diaolong goes his own way, regardless of the people's livelihood and the stability of the Dragon kingdom. He wants to destroy the Shen family. He is too selfish to be the Dragon God in the Dragon kingdom."

The second time Huang Shiping spoke, Shen Ze did not respond.

Huang Shiping thought Shen Ze was wrong, so he failed to make a refuting response.

Therefore, Huang Shiping made a third voice and once again criticized Shen Ze, saying that Shen Ze was wrong.

And this time, it caused the most repercussions, pushing Shen Ze to the top of the storm again.

No matter the flood outside, I am still.

Shen Ze still ignored it.

It was not long after Huang Shiping's third voice that someone in the imperial court jointly wrote a letter again, proposing to remove Shen Ze's position as Dragon God and Grand Marshal of the Ministry of war.

And, this time, it gives a good reason.

Because Shen Ze abused his power for his own private affairs, regardless of the people's livelihood and the country, he was not worthy to continue to be the Grand Marshal of the Ministry of war and the supreme Dragon God.

This time, the people in the imperial court didn't seem to be remonstrating, but they seemed to have sent out a letter against Shen Ze.

As soon as the report came out, it caused a heated discussion again.

Before that, the people almost held a unified opposition to the proposal of the National People's court to remove Shen Ze from the post of Grand Marshal of the military department.

This time, the voice of the people is not unified. There is a lot of support for the removal of Shen Ze's position as Grand Marshal of the military department and the title of Dragon God.

For a moment, things became very bad for Shen Ze!