Chapter 517

All things in the world are relative, how high they are won, how miserable they will be when they fall down!

Once praised how fierce, now slandered how fierce.

A Book of virtue does not match the pay text, once again pushed Shen Ze to the top of the storm!

This time, although not everyone is against the removal of Shen Ze's position as Grand Marshal of the military department and the title of Dragon God, nearly half of the people still do not change their original intention and always support Shen Ze.

And this also formed two camps, tugging and arguing in the public opinion field.

What happened was Huang Shiping playing tricks behind his back.

Huang Shiping will not miss such a good opportunity to punish Shen Ze.

Not long after the imperial court denounced Shen Ze, Huang Shiping was ready to hold a Congress to discuss and vote on whether to remove Shen Ze's position as Grand Marshal of the military department and the title of Dragon God.

Huang Shiping made an announcement about the preparations for the convening of the national assembly.

Moreover, in order to show fairness and justice, Huang Shiping announced that he would invite the generals of the Ministry of war to attend the Congress.

Not long after the announcement, Huang set a date for the Congress to be held in a week.

Huang Shiping can't wait to do this. Everyone knows Sima Zhao's mind!

Shen Ze didn't pay attention to the noise of the outside world.

Although it would affect him, he didn't care.

"Young master, that old man Huang Shiping is really hateful. You don't pay attention to him. He's pushing his nose on his face. He's going too far!"

Qin Chao was angry for Shen Ze and denounced Huang Shiping.

"That old man, after taking office, has been aiming at you everywhere. It's just shameful to have nothing to look for!"

"Young master, I think you need to make a strong counterattack!"

"If that old man wants to remove your position and honor, you can let him roll down from the position of the first executive!"

"That old man is the one who does not deserve to be in the position of the first power holder!"

Qin Chao was filled with indignation and was very dissatisfied with Huang Shiping.

"Mao is impetuous, it's hard to achieve great things."

As a client, Shen Ze is not so excited as Qin Chao. He is always calm.

Seeing that Shen Ze was in no hurry, Qin Chao said anxiously, "young master, it's going to burn your eyebrows. How can you be so calm?"

"If you don't fight back again, Huang Shiping will ride on your neck and bully you!"

At this moment, is a very intuitive performance of the emperor is not urgent eunuch urgent scene.

"He can't get on my neck yet."

Shen Ze light said: "wait for the Congress that Huang Shiping prepares to hold, I go to attend to go then."

When Qin Chao heard the speech, he picked his eyebrows.

"To attend the Congress that Huang Shiping is going to hold?"

Qin Chao's face was horizontal, and he said: "young master, you will beat that old man's face on the congress at that time!"

After that, Qin Chao suddenly thought of something. He frowned and said, "young master, this congress convened by Huang Shiping is specially for criticizing you. He won't invite you to attend it then, will he?"

Shen Ze said lightly: "I don't need his invitation, just go directly."

When Qin Chao heard the speech, he thought that the master was planning to break into the parliament?

I'm afraid there will be another big storm!

The affairs of the Shen royal family have not been settled yet. Now they are coming to the parliament again.

It's an eventful time. It's a wave coming again!

Of course, Qin Chao is also very clear in his mind.

For Shen Ze, it's very easy to deal with the Shen family, but it's still very difficult to fight with Huang Shiping.

There is a lot of danger in it. If you are careless, you may lose everything.

However, Qin Chao believed in Shen Ze's strength very much.

In his eyes, Shen Ze will never lose.

Just like Shen Ze is an invincible God of war on the battlefield.

No matter what kind of enemy we face, we will not lose!

Qin Chao's eyes flashed cold, thinking that Huang Shiping, you old man, is waiting to suffer!

Before that, the world did not know where Shen Ze was.

Now, once Shen Ze came back to Yanjing, he set off a huge wave, which made Yanjing fall into turbulence.

First it was king Shen, and then it fought with Huang Shiping. It was hard for Yanjing to be calm.

Moreover, the fight between Huang Shiping and Shen Ze has become increasingly fierce, which inevitably makes the world more uneasy.

However, the various forces and powerful men in Yanjing were all prepared for it.

If Huang Shiping and Shen zezhen had a big fight, the consequences would be unpredictable.

Be careful and be prepared.

Yanjing entered a state of high tension, and the tension gradually radiated around, and finally affected the whole dragon kingdom.

There is a feeling that Gods fight and mortals suffer.

In fact, it is true that Shen Ze and Huang Shiping both shake their feet, which will shake the Dragon kingdom.

If two people fight each other, the impact will be greater.

Just a little wind and grass will make a lot of noise.

This kind of feeling makes the people of the Dragon Kingdom seem to have returned to the wartime state, and everything seems to be separated from the rest of the world.

As time goes on, the day of the Congress is getting closer and closer, and the tension in the whole country is also getting stronger and stronger.

There is almost a consensus in the world that this time Huang Shiping convened the Congress, he purposely aimed at Shen Ze.

It can be seen from the contents of the meeting that Huang Shiping wanted to remove Shen Ze's position as Grand Marshal of the military department and the title of Dragon God.

And what the final result will be, people's hearts more or less or some number.

Huang Shiping called the Congress just for Shen Ze. Naturally, he will do a good job in preparation.

The outcome of this congress resolution is likely to be the removal of Shen Ze from the position of Grand Marshal of the military department, or even the title of Dragon God.

Of course, even if the resolution comes out, it will be difficult to implement it.

After all, Shen Ze won't wait to die. He can't let Huang Shiping cut him off.

The final result is predictable.

With the attention of the people of the whole country, the day of the Congress finally came!

Congress will be held at 1 p.m.

This morning, as usual, Shen Ze got up early, ran for fitness, had breakfast, and then practiced with Qin Chao again.

During this period of time, Shen Ze gave Qin Chao devil like training almost every day.

Unfortunately, today, Qin Chao was promoted to a master after the training.

Since then, there has been another young martial arts master in the Dragon kingdom!

"Ha ha, I'm finally promoted to a master!"

Qin Chao is very happy and very grateful to Shen Ze.

"Thank you very much, young master. If it wasn't for your good guidance, I didn't know that I would be able to break through to the master's level in a short time!"

"Sure enough, it's still a young master

"Stop bragging and make lunch." Shen Ze said.


Qin Chao immediately ran to make lunch.

He knew that he had to go to the national assembly in the afternoon, so he had to hurry up.