Chapter 518

Qin Chao went to cook, while Shen Ze first took a hot bath, then went to the courtyard and lay on a bamboo chair in the sun.

Because it was just two people eating, Qin Chao made two dishes and one soup.

After a while, the meal was ready.

Shen Ze and Qin Chao had lunch together.

After lunch, at about 12 o'clock, Qin Chao consciously cleaned up the dishes and chopsticks, while Shen Ze went back to his room.

Although not invited by the national assembly, Shen Ze will still attend the Congress today.

Of course, his behavior is mandatory.

However, as the Grand Marshal of the Ministry of war and the supreme Dragon God, who can stop him from joining the Parliament? Who dares to stop?

Shen Ze plans to attend the formal meeting in formal attire.

After returning to the room, Shen Ze turned out his suit of military uniform specially made when he was granted the title of Grand Marshal of the Ministry of war.

Shen Ze took off his casual clothes and put on the Grand Marshal's clothes.

His Grand Marshal uniform is similar to other military uniform, but there are some big differences, such as the epaulets.

On the epaulets of Shen Ze's Grand Marshal uniform, there are six stars embroidered.

Even for the generals of the upper level, there are only three stars on the epaulets of their uniforms.

There are six stars embroidered on the epaulets of Shen Ze's Grand Marshal suit, which shows how unusual his identity and status are.

Shen Ze is the only one in the history of the Dragon kingdom!

Unprecedented, but also represents the future!

This is Shen Ze's special identity and status!

Shen Ze stood in front of the mirror, dressed in Marshal's uniform, and looked in the mirror.

Then he took out a wooden box.

After opening the lid of the wooden box, the inside of the box flickered with a brilliant light.

It turned out that there were stacks of merit medals in the wooden box.

These meritorious medals are the highlight of Shen Ze's military achievements in four years!

Shen Ze lowered his head and looked at the medal in the box for a moment.

Then he reached for the medal and put it on the Grand Marshal's uniform.

One by one.

It took a few minutes for Shen Zecai to wear all his medals on the Grand Marshal's uniform.

When everything is ready, Shen Ze turns around and walks out of the room.

When Shen Ze came to the yard, Qin Chao just finished cleaning up the kitchen and came out of the kitchen.

At the moment, the sky is clear and sunny.

Looking at the young man standing in the yard, dressed in formal clothes, upright, towering as a mountain.

Qin Chao's eyes showed a strong color of respect, especially when he saw the man's chest covered with meritorious medals.

This man is not a mortal. He is really a God. He is the eternal God in the heart of 300000 Qinglong soldiers!

It's a great honor to be able to fight with the Grand Marshal in the battlefield. I have no regrets in this life!

Qin Chao was full of emotion.

He pestle in place for a long time, is to calm down.

Then, he stepped forward and came to Shen Ze with a sonorous and powerful step.

"Qin Chao, commander of the vanguard battalion of the Qinglong army, has met the Grand Marshal!"

Qin Chao looked solemn. He opened his mouth with a sonorous tone and made a military salute to Shen Ze.

Shen Ze nodded to Qin Chao, and then said, "go and change your clothes as soon as possible."


Qin Chao nodded and ran into the room.

After a while, Qin Chao came out wearing the special uniform of Qinglong army.

Then Shen Ze and Qin Chao went out together.

The two drove in a black business car to the Great Hall of the national assembly.

The venue of the Congress is the national assembly hall, a landmark building in Yanjing.

Congress starts at 1 p.m.

As time approached, people who came to the meeting entered the Great Hall of the national assembly.

The Great Hall of the national assembly is very large and can seat about 10000 people.

This time, most of the people who came to the meeting were members of the Ministry of culture and education of the State Council, and only a few of them were from other ministries.

Among these few people, there are people from the Ministry of war.

A total of four people came to the War Department, but each of them was a big man of the war department.

They are Wang Tianyuan, commander in chief of Qilin army, Jiang Zhen, commander in chief of Zhuque army, Li Guangrong, commander in chief of Xuanwu army, and Wu Yan, commander in chief of white tiger army.

Except for Shen Ze, the commander-in-chief of the Qinglong army, all the other commanders of the fourth World War were present!

In principle, the Congress invited the commander-in-chief of the fourth World War to participate, and Shen Ze should also be invited to participate.

I don't know if it's because Shen Ze is the target of this congressional fight, or because Huang Shiping simply doesn't want to invite Shen Ze.

Shen Ze, on the other hand, is the Grand Marshal of the army, commanding the whole army.

As we all know, Huang Shiping convened today's Congress to criticize Shen Ze, to revoke Shen Ze's position as Grand Marshal of the military department, and to honor him as the Dragon God.

In principle, since Shen Ze is the immediate superior, people in the Ministry of war should avoid coming to this Congress.

It is self-evident that the commander-in-chief of the fourth World War came to Congress.

Some may have come to vote against it, some may have come to vote for it, but in any case, the Ministry of arms is not an iron barrel.

If we find this sign, we will inevitably have other ideas.

Shen Ze's power will be weakened if he can't control the army absolutely.

Other people in power can make things out of it.

For example, the division of the Ministry of war, try not to let Shen Ze in the Ministry of war to cover the sky.

The reason why Shen Ze was able to give power to the government and the opposition was that he was the Grand Marshal of the Ministry of arms, the cornerstone and weapon of the country.

Once Shen Ze lost his real power in charge of the Ministry of war, his power and influence would be weakened a lot, and he would no longer be able to reach the point where his power fell to the ruling and opposition.

Huang Shiping, the new president, wanted this to happen.

He didn't have to get rid of Shen Ze, but wanted to weaken Shen Ze's power, so that the major forces in the court could reach a balance point, so that he could better control the whole dragon kingdom.

Of course, Huang Shiping is not for any country or people, but for his own power, let himself go to the peak of power and enjoy endless scenery.

All the people who came to the Congress were punctual and arrived at the Great Hall of the national assembly before one o'clock.

Nearly 10000 people were sitting in the Great Hall of the national assembly. At a glance, it was dark.

The people who came to the Congress were all high-quality people. All of them kept quiet. The Great Hall of the National People's Congress was silent.

All of you arrived. Near one o'clock, Huang Shiping, dressed in a black Chinese tunic suit, walked into the Great Hall of the national assembly.

Seeing Huang Shiping enter the meeting hall, all the people sitting in the Great Hall of the national assembly stand up and clap their hands.

We welcome and respect Huang Shiping as a leader.

Huang enjoyed the feeling and atmosphere of being respected.

With a smile on his face, he waved to the crowd and walked towards the high platform, which meant he was very proud.