Chapter 525

As soon as the result of the congressional vote comes out, not only half of the voices of the people are against it, but also some voices from within the government are against it.

As for the Ministry of war, all the 300000 sons of the Qinglong Army stood up against it, and there were also some voices of opposition in several other war zones.

However, in the first place, the commanders of several other war zones suppressed these opposing voices.

Shen Ze also gave orders for the first time, so that the whole green dragon army would not speak any more.

The whole green dragon army was full of indignation. They wanted to speak out, but because of Shen Ze's orders, they didn't dare to disobey. They could only resist their anger and keep silent.

As a result, there is no voice of opposition in the whole military department, which makes the world feel very strange.

Even the Ministry of War didn't stand up against it. Does that mean Shen zezhen's decline?

The matter of the resolution has been a storm all over the country, and it can't be calmed down for a long time.

Shen Ze didn't pay much attention to the ups and downs of the outside world, but continued to live his leisure life.

After returning to the courtyard, Shen Ze took a nap.

Get up in the afternoon, water the flowers and bask in the sun.

In the evening, Shen Ze cooks dinner himself.

After seven in the evening, the sun had just set.

Shen Ze and Qin Chao just sat down. An old man in Tang costume came to the four courtyards with a middle-aged man.

Two people are not others, it is Ning Yansong, and his name as the top Wufu's intimate retinue Zhang Che.

It's like returning to his own home. Ning Yansong takes Zhang Che directly to the dining room.

"It's just that we haven't had dinner yet. It's a good time to come!"

Seeing that Shen Ze hasn't started eating yet, Ning Yansong smiles and finds a chair to sit down.

Then he told Zhang Che, "go to the kitchen and get two sets of chopsticks."


Zhang Che nodded, then went to the kitchen to get the chopsticks.

Looking at the smiling Ning Yansong, Shen Ze said: "who let you come here to eat and drink again?"

Ning Yansong heard the speech and laughed.

He looked at Shen Ze and said, "I'm an old man and I can't eat and drink much. Why don't you let me eat and drink?"

"Your Shenze family is rich. Are you afraid that I will eat you poor?"

Shen Ze smell speech, to Ning Yansong sneer.

"Next time you eat and drink, you can make it yourself. Don't want to eat it ready-made!"

As soon as Shen Ze said this, Qin Chao put in a smile: "today's dinner is made by the young master."

After listening to them, the smile on Ning Yansong's face became much brighter.

He nodded heavily and said, "OK, next time I cook, I won't eat ready-made food!"

"I remember that!" Shen Ze said.

Ning Yansong smile cunning: "next time I forget, you remember to remind me."

Shen Ze snorted coldly, saying nothing.

Just then, Zhang Che returned to the dining room with two sets of chopsticks.

After that, they all sat down and began to eat and drink.

Shen Ze knew that Ning Yansong was the kind of person who never went to the three treasures hall.

Ning Yansong came to Siheyuan tonight because of something.

But Ning Yansong didn't speak, and Shen Ze didn't ask.

Everyone chatted while eating and drinking. Unconsciously, they solved the food and wine on the table.

After they had enough to eat and drink, they all leaned back on their chairs and had a quiet rest.

After that, Qin Chao took the initiative to clean up the dishes and chopsticks and went to the kitchen.

Shen Ze got up and went to the yard to blow.

Ning Yan followed Shen Ze tightly and went to the yard.

Zhang Che sat still in his chair.

Shen Ze looked up at the bright starry sky. Then he took out a pack of cigarettes and asked Ning Yansong, "would you like one?"

Ning Yansong shook his head and said, "quit."

Shen Ze smell speech, didn't say anything, he himself took out a cigarette, lit up to smoke.

Ning Yansong put his hands on his back and looked up at the bright starry sky.

After a while, Ning Yansong broke the silence and said, "you went to the Congress today. Why didn't you interrupt the meeting and prevent the resolution from coming out?"

Shen Ze pondered for a moment, calmly said: "this time to stop, there will be another time, there is no need."

Ning Yansong said: "then you are not in vain?"

Shen Ze said: "it's not in vain. It's enough to show a sudden attitude."

Ning Yansong heard the speech and pondered for a long time.

Then he said, "Huang Shiping is determined to remove your position as Grand Marshal of the Ministry of war and the title of dragon god this time. Don't you take any action?"

Shen Ze didn't say a word, just shook his head.

Seeing Shen Ze shaking his head, Ning Yansong frowned and his eyes became suspicious.

Ning Yansong asked uncertainly, "are you going to take no action to let Huang Shiping withdraw your position as Grand Marshal of the Ministry of war and the title of Dragon God?"

Shen Ze didn't say a word. He acquiesced.

Ning Yansong saw this and frowned deeper.

He said in a dignified and low voice: "if you do this, it's equivalent to giving up your arms. I'm afraid it will make Huang Shiping's ambition more inflated."

Shen Ze light said: "if I quit, he should need to clean up the mess."

"Even so, it doesn't matter much."

Ning Yansong looks very seriously said: "I don't want to see you back down."

Ning Yansong then said in a deep voice: "at the beginning, I signed a gentleman's agreement with Huang Shiping and voluntarily retired because you can balance him."

"If you're going to step back now, Huang Shiping will be able to run wild and cover the sky with his hands."

In the end, Ning Yansong's face was full of worry.

In Ning Yansong's eyes, Huang Shiping has some skills, but he is too keen on power and is infatuated with power, so it's not proper for him to sit at the top of the Dragon kingdom.

Ning Yansong signed a gentleman's agreement with Huang Shiping and took the initiative to retire.

One is to maintain the stability of the Dragon Kingdom, the other is because of the existence of Shen Ze.

With Shen Ze as the God needle to balance Huang Shiping, Ning Yansong can rest assured.

Now, Shen Ze wants to step down, and this matter is already in progress, which makes Ning Yansong very worried.

If Shen Ze lost the position of Grand Marshal of the Ministry of war and the title of Dragon God, Huang Shiping would become the person with the highest status in the Dragon kingdom.

Even if Shen Ze has the strength and capital to balance Huang Shiping, the significance is different.

Without the title of Dragon God and the position of Grand Marshal of the Ministry of war, if Shen Ze confronts Huang Shiping again, his reputation will be very unfair and his words will not be right, and Huang Shiping will easily be called a hat.

At that time, Shen Ze will be restricted and will be tied up against Huang Shiping.

This is not the situation Ning Yansong wants to see.

"Boy, you can't step back yet."

Ning Yansong looked at Shen Ze with a kind of pleading eyes, like begging, and said word by word: "I hope you work hard for a few more years, and you will retire when Huang Shiping retires!"