Chapter 526

Ning Yansong looks serious, every word is said very seriously.

Obviously, he really doesn't want Shen Ze to retire, but he really wants Shen Ze to stay in his current position for a few years.

A few years later, the first leader of the state of dragon will take over.

At that time, Huang Shiping will step down, and Shen Ze will no longer have to check and balance Huang Shiping, but can step down.

Ning Yansong pondered for a moment, and then he said: "boy, you can see that I'm an old man. I'll work hard for a few years."

Shen Ze didn't answer for the first time.

He looked at the crescent moon hanging high in the night sky. After smoking all the cigarettes, he turned his head and looked at the old man standing beside him.

In front of him, the gray haired old man worked hard for the country of dragon.

Even if you want to retreat from the highest position, you have to think about the future ahead of time.

Of course, everything the old man thought was for the overall interests of the country and the people.

Today, although he is an idle man, he is still worried about national affairs.

Keep the mission in mind and never forget the original intention!

For the country and the people, unparalleled statesman!

For Ning Yansong's sincerity to the country and the people, even if his heart is like a rock, Shen Ze, who has always been calm, has been greatly touched.

If he did not agree, the old man would kneel down and beg.

This old guy can't refuse!

Shen Ze sighed in his heart.

Then he nodded and said, "OK, old man, I promise you, I won't step back for a while."


Ning Yansong hears the speech and immediately smiles.

"If you don't step back, I'll be relieved."

Looking at Ning Yansong, who turned into an old fox in a twinkling of an eye, Shen Ze laughed speechlessly.

Ning Yansong laughed for a while, and then said: "Huang Shiping must want to withdraw your position as Grand Marshal of the Ministry of war and the title of Dragon God. You have to find a way to fight back. You can't let him continue to do it."

Shen Ze nodded and said, "it's simple."

Ning Yansong is clear about Shen Ze's ability. He knows that Shen Ze is not bragging.

"Then deal with it yourself, and I won't give you any advice."

Ning Yansong then added: "if you need my advice, please let me know at any time. I'll be on call, old man."

Ning Yansong has been in the first position of the Dragon kingdom for several years. He has great talent and is very proficient in all aspects of his official career.

In these aspects, Ning Yansong is obviously very good at, and is very suitable to be a military adviser for Shen Ze.

When Ning Yansong said these words, although he said them with a smile, Shen Ze knew that the former was serious.

Shen Ze replied, "I won't be polite to you when I need to."

Ning Yansong smiles and pats Shen Ze on the shoulder: "OK, just don't be polite to me."

The purpose of Ning Yansong's visit to Siheyuan tonight is to persuade Shen Ze to stay in his present position and continue to be the Dragon Kingdom's sea god needle.

Now the goal has been achieved, and then he and Shen Ze talked about some trivial things.

Time passes unconsciously.

Near eleven o'clock, Ning Yansong said goodbye and left with Zhang Che.

Before returning to his room for a rest, Qin Chao couldn't help asking Shen Ze, "young master, I'd rather ask you about today's Congress."

Shen Ze did not hide, nodded.

Qin Chao then asked curiously, "how do you say that?"

"Shen Ze replied:" rather old advised me not to retreat

When Qin Chao heard the speech, he raised his eyebrows and asked nervously, "what did you say, young master?"

Shen Ze said calmly, "I promised him not to retreat for the time being."

"Well, if you don't go back."

When Qin Chao heard the speech, he immediately beamed.

Qin Chao didn't want Shen Ze to quit. He was obviously very happy to learn of the result.

Looking at Qin Chao with a silly smile, Shen Ze shook his head helplessly.

Then he said, "speak in my name and refuse to be removed."


Qin Chao nodded heavily and said, "I'll do it later."

"Well, I'll go back to my room and have a rest first."

Shen Ze nodded and then turned to his room.

After seeing Shen Ze enter the room, Qin Chao turns around and goes back to his room.

According to Shen Ze's orders, Qin Chao spoke out in the name of Shen Ze and refused to be dismissed or abdicated.

As soon as Shen Ze's voice came out, it caused great repercussions.

Although it was in the middle of the night, it still caused a hot discussion.

On the major social media, on the network platform, there is a heated discussion about this matter.

"Sure enough, Shen Diaolong will not wait to die. He will let the imperial court remove his position as Grand Marshal of the Ministry of war and the title of Dragon God!"

"Shen Diaolong himself stood up against it, and it was obvious that it would not go on smoothly."

"Shen Diaolong didn't do anything serious. Even if the National Assembly held a meeting to vote, it can't be said that Shen Diaolong's position and position would be removed."

"It's a matter of great importance. It's not a trivial matter. If Shen Diaolong objects, I don't think it can be done!"

"As Shen Diaolong is now, if he doesn't want to retire, I don't think anyone can help him, even Huang Shiping!"

"Today, the Congress is in vain. There's not a word from Shen Diaolong yet."

People all over the world talk about it and express various opinions.

"Shen Diaolong should be removed from the position of Grand Marshal of the Ministry of war and the position of Dragon God. Otherwise, his ambition will be further expanded, and there will be turmoil at that time. That's not good!"

"If Shen Diaolong wanted to go further, he would have done it earlier. Why wait until now?"

"Anyway, I think Shen Diaolong should step down."

"I don't think Shen Diaolong should step down. He is the God of the sea in the Dragon kingdom. If he steps down, there will be trouble in the Dragon kingdom."

Some people support Shen Ze's continued reign, while others oppose Shen Ze's continued reign.

Shen Ze, as an idol of the whole people and a well-known man, has great influence.

Soon after he spoke, the green dragon army followed him, and then a part of the court supported Shen Ze.

Of course, because of Shen Ze's voice, other war zones of the Ministry of war have some voices again, even if the commanders of several war zones want to suppress them.

As a result, the situation has been turned around all of a sudden, with more people and more voices supporting Shen Ze, forming an overwhelming advantage.

This scene, can be said to be a echo!

This makes the world see how terrifying Shen Ze's influence is!

The world is shocked at the same time, and did not feel too surprised, everything is expected.

After all, that young man is a national hero, the foundation stone of the Dragon Kingdom, and the brightest star of this era!

He is regarded as a God and an idol of the whole people!

How can influence be general?