Chapter 540

In those days, Shen Ze was known as a god killer on the battlefield.

Among the 300000 Qinglong soldiers, he is the one who drinks the best and kills the most enemies.

There are countless enemies who died in Shen Ze's hands. He was really baptized by blood and fire.

After the war subsided, Shen Ze did not use much force, let alone take the initiative to attack others.

Of course, with Shen Ze's current force, even if he has not yet returned to the peak state, few people are worthy of his initiative to launch an offensive.

Shen Yuan is not the first, nor will he be the last.

"Shen Yuan, you take this Dragon God's move!"

When Shen Ze said this, the whole world seemed to fall into a dead silence in an instant.

Whether Shen Yuan or the Shen family standing on the ground, their faces became extremely dignified.

The name of man, the shadow of tree.

Shen Ze's prestige spreads all over the world.

Everyone knows that his fighting power is terrible.

If the world's first God of war takes the initiative to attack, what kind of offensive will it be?

It must be extraordinary!

All the people on the scene were all staring at Shen Ze with bright eyes.

Under the gaze of the crowd, Shen Ze clenched his right hand into a fist.

Then, with one punch, he went forward.

It's very simple and clean. It's ordinary. It doesn't look very powerful.

However, with Shen Ze's blow, the calm sky suddenly began to surge.


It's a huge fist formed by the strong wind. It's condensed out of thin air!

The crowd was surprised to see that this powerful fist, with an overwhelming and decadent momentum, roared away towards Shen Yuan.


Where the powerful Qi giant fist passes, the void vibrates, the air explodes, and the sky is constantly distorted, as if it will break at any time.

First calm, then earth shaking!

One blow stirs the universe, which is very shocking!

This is horrible!

Seeing the power of Shen Ze's blow, even standing on the ground and far away, the people of Shen clan were still scared and frightened.

If they face Shen Ze's fist, they will turn into powder in an instant, and the ashes will be gone!

And can Shen Yuan resist Shen Ze's earth shaking blow?

For Shen Ze and Shen Yuan who are strong in martial arts, raising their hands and feet is a terrible killing move.

Any offensive doesn't need to be too complicated. It's simple and can kill people invisibly.

Shen Ze's fist, though simple in appearance, was powerful enough to blow away a hill.

No matter who is the master of martial arts, no matter who can not resist!

And even the general master of martial arts can't completely resist it!

When Shen Yuan saw Shen Ze's blow, his eyes became sharp as a sword.

His face became more dignified than ever, and his whole body was tense.

Shen Yuan has been promoted to be a martial arts master for many years. He has always been a strong man who can come and go freely, and who can control others' life and death.

No matter who he is facing, he can be calm.

But today, facing Shen Ze, he has always been very vigilant, even a little nervous, as if facing the enemy, has been ready.

Obviously, Shen Ze put a lot of pressure on Shen Yuan.

But then again, in the face of Shen Ze, the world's number one God of war, who is not nervous about the top warrior who has killed the martial arts master?

In the face of Shen Ze's blow, Shen Yuan did not dare to be careless, but gave birth to 120 solemnities.

He didn't dare to ask big questions at all, but intended to deal with them with all his strength.

"Let me try. Is it your fist or my palm?"


Shen Yuan roared, and his whole body's momentum was promoted to the extreme.

Then he spread out his fingers and clapped forward with one hand.

As before, there was a huge golden palm in the void.


This golden palm is like a huge millstone, where it passes, it will crush the void to pieces!

For a moment, the sky appeared in a fist, formed by the destruction of the storm, as if to tear the whole sky, showing a terrible scene!

People of Shen clan standing on the ground saw this scene, and their faces showed a strong color of fear.

It's horrible!

The master of martial arts is really out of the category of human beings. He can't measure it according to common sense!

If it is not for the same level of martial arts masters, who go up is a word, death!

This battle, Shen Ze and Shen Yuan are all out, who can get the upper hand?

It's in an instant that the master moves.

In the absence of reaction from the crowd, one punch and one palm were smashed together in the void.

"Bang Bang..."

This is Lang Lang Qian Kun, like a bolt from the blue.

In the sky as if there are countless thunder burst, deafening explosion sound one after another.

It's like thunder from the sky. It's awesome!

At the same time, there was a violent collision between the giant fist and the golden palm.


Under the gaze of the people's panic, the Golden Palm suddenly broke apart, turned into countless pieces of gold, and dissipated in the air.

And that huge fist, instead of dissipating, seems to be more solidified and real.

In addition, the speed and prestige of moving forward are more rapid.

The next moment, this huge fist was bombarded on Shen Yuan's body.


When the huge fist bombarded Shen Yuan, it broke up and formed a storm!

Natural vision, a tornado appears in the void, tearing the sky.




There was a cry of fear in King Shen's mansion.

Obviously, seeing that Shen Yuan was hit by a huge fist, the people of Shen clan were very worried about Shen Yuan's safety.

Shen Zeshi displayed such a terrible blow, which directly smashed Shen Yuan's palm print. It shows how terrible it is!

And this huge fist bombards Shen Yuan now. How can Shen Yuan bear it?

I'm afraid it's over!

Most of Shen's people feel pessimistic. They feel that Shen Yuan can't bear it and will come to a bad end.

Due to the collapse of the giant fist, a storm has formed, which distorts the picture.

Shen Yuan was in a storm, so the people of Shen clan didn't know Shen Yuan's situation for the first time, and they were all extremely worried.

I do not know how long, the sky storm dissipated.

The sky is clear and the world is quiet.

When the storm dissipated, people were surprised to see Shen Yuan's figure.

Shen Yuan was still standing in the air, but he was undamaged. Now he was ragged, disheveled and covered with blood. He looked very embarrassed and miserable.

Seeing Shen Yuan like this, we all know very well.

In the confrontation with Shen Ze, Shen Yuan lost!