Chapter 541

Although Shen Yuan can still stand in the sky, from his current situation, it is obvious that he has been hurt a lot.

And although I don't know what kind of injury Shen Yuan has suffered, it doesn't look optimistic.

Shen Yuan has almost become a bloody man. How can he do well?

There were two figures in the void, one intact, and the other covered with blood.

There is a sharp contrast between them.

In the first formal confrontation, Shen Yuan was defeated by Shen Ze!

Realizing this, the hearts of all Shen people became very heavy.

Shen Yuan is the only martial arts master in Shen family. After all, he has been promoted for many years.

If Shen Yuan is not Shen Ze's opponent, who can Nai Shen Ze?

I'm afraid we can't get revenge for Shen's family!

This is a very frustrating and desperate thing.

At the same time, they were very worried about Shen Yuan's safety.

Now in this situation, if Shen Ze attacks Shen Yuan again, how can Shen Yuan resist?

Just when they were anxious, Shen Yuan, who was standing in the air, slowly raised his head.

The gray hair spread, revealing a face full of the vicissitudes of pale color.

Shen Yuan is very calm. He looks up at Shen Ze.

The old man's eyes are so cold and deep that people can't see through them.


Shen Yuan coughed twice, and a shocking bloodstain spilled from the corner of his mouth.

Shen Yuan raised his hand and wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth. Then he said to Shen Ze, "the first God of war in the world is worthy of being the first God of war in the world. Shen Yuan is not your opponent."

Although the people of Shen clan have realized this, they still have a very complicated emotion when they hear Shen Yuan's words that he thinks he is not Shen Ze's opponent.

Shen Yuan is not Shen Ze's enemy, so everything is in vain!

The people felt very desperate and their faces were as pale as ashes.

What should we do now?

Shen Ze and Shen Yuan have been fighting each other. It's obvious that today's situation can't be improved.

If Shen Ze is not good enough and wants to wash the Shen family with blood, waiting for the end of the Shen family will be a complete ruin!

If so, there is no hope of life!

Thinking of this, Shen clan people are very upset.

"Shall we all run away?" Someone suggested.

"The patriarch can't stop Shen Ze. If Shen Ze kills, none of us will live!"

"Thirty six stratagems are the best. If we want to survive, we have to escape!"

"Run away quickly, or you can't escape later."

As soon as someone says they want to run away, others suddenly have the same idea, which makes people panic.

Hearing the people of Shen clan saying escape there, Shen Yu couldn't help but sneer: "you are all cowards. You want to escape before you are treated like anything else!"

"It's normal for Shen family to fall down because they have your goods."

In the face of Shen Yu's sarcasm, the people of Shen clan were angry and shy. Their faces turned red one by one, just like the buttocks of monkeys. They looked very embarrassed.

Someone can't help but scold Shen Yu: "it's not your turn to talk sarcastically. Shut your mouth!"

"A traitor of the family, what face mocks us?"

"I'm not a good product. I'm not qualified to talk about us!"

All the people, with your words and my words, took up Shen Yu one after another.

For these words, Shen Yu did not care at all.

He said coldly: "if you really have seed, don't run away, but fight side by side with Shen Yuan and fight to the end."

"In this way, I think Shen Yu looks up to you, otherwise you are just talking rubbish!"

Shen Yu was ruthless to these respectable Shen people, who were fishing for fame.

Although Shen Yu's subjective meaning is relatively strong, he is more in line with the truth and does not exaggerate.

Therefore, other Shen clan people can only listen and can't refute. They feel very frustrated and angry.

"Shen Yu, if you don't shut up, don't blame me for attacking you!"

There are also two masters of martial arts in the Shen family. One is a middle-aged man named Shen Gang, and the other is an old man over 60 named Shen Chun.

At the moment, Shen Gang stares at Shen Yu with fierce eyes and says warning words.

At this time, another martial arts master, the old man named Shen Chun, turned his head and stared at Shen Yu.

The meaning of both is obvious.

If Shen Yu talks any more, they will attack Shen Yu.

Shen Yu is not stupid. He understands what they mean.

But he didn't care.

"My mouth is on my mouth. I can say what I want."

Shen Yu said with disdain, "if you don't like me, just do it!"

Shen Gang's temper was fierce. When he heard Shen Yu's words, he immediately raised his eyebrows and asked harshly, "do you really think we dare not fight you?"

Shen Yu said, "you can have a try."

Shen Yu's talent for martial arts is not weak. Although he has not been promoted to a martial arts master, he is one of the top masters.

If it is the same realm, Shen Yu is not afraid of anyone.

Even if it's one against two, it's not impossible.

"Today, I will replace the patriarch and punish you as a scum of the family!"

Seeing that Shen Yu doesn't pay attention to himself, Shen Gang is angry. In a fit of anger, he attacks Shen Yu.

The middle-aged man gave a big drink and rushed to Shen Yu like a tiger.

The next moment, a fierce fight will begin!

Shen Yu and Shen Gang fight together.

Although Shen Yu can't be said to be invincible in the same situation, his efforts to be strong are worth it.

Shen Gang and Shen Yuan are almost the same age, but his martial arts strength is much worse than Shen Yu.

So, when they fight alone, Shen Yu gets the upper hand and Shen Gang gets the lower hand.

If this is the case, we can all imagine that Shen Gang will eventually lose the battle as time goes on.

Just as Shen Gang was eating, the martial arts master named Shen Chun suddenly helped Shen Gang and joined the battle.

For a moment, Shen Yu fought against Shen Gang and Shen Chun.

One to two martial arts masters!

When other Shen clan members saw that Shen Yu, Shen Gang and Shen Chun were fighting, they all looked strange.

What the hell are you doing?

At this time, shouldn't we deal with Shen Ze together?

In the eyes of these Shen family members, Shen Ze is the most serious problem now. It is the most important thing to deal with Shen Ze. As for Shen Yu, it is not so important.

If Shen Ze is dealt with, Shen Yu can deal with it at any time.

Because of another episode, the other Shen people didn't know what to do.

Previously, people clamored to escape, but now nobody moved.

Perhaps what Shen Yu just said played a role in this.

After all, people need face, trees need skin.

For the sake of face, these Shen clansmen insist on not running away!