Chapter 551

Whether Shen Ze or Wang Tianyuan, they both have a consensus that they both want to kill each other.

Wang Tianyuan shows his intention to kill Shen Ze. Shen Ze is not surprised.

As for inquiry, it's just a casual one.

Shen Ze already had the answer in his heart, and he didn't need Wang Tianyuan's answer at all.

At the moment, listening to Wang Tianyuan's reply, he didn't kill him, which makes Shen Ze feel that Wang Tianyuan is hypocritical and has no backbone.

Shen Ze put down his other foot. Then he looked at Wang Tianyuan with a banter in his eyes and said with a smile, "don't you think Marshal Wang's words are against his will?"

In Shen Ze's words, there is a hint of irony.

After listening to Shen Ze's words, Wang Tianyuan's face became a little ugly.

Wang Tianyuan stares at Shen Ze coldly, then says in a deep voice: "Wang didn't say anything against his will."

Then, Wang Tianyuan was fighting and said relatively, "when did the Dragon God become so small hearted and hold on to something?"

When Shen Ze heard the words, he laughed softly.

After a while, Shen Ze Lian went to smile on his face, and his face suddenly became a little cold.

His eyes staring at Wang Tianyuan suddenly became as sharp as a sword, and his voice became cold in vain: "Marshal Wang doesn't want to kill me, but I really want to kill him."

When Shen Ze said this, it was like stating a trivial matter.

But his words, to Huang Shiping and Wang Tianyuan's ears, were like thunder, which made them jump with fear and sweat.

Wang Tianyuan, in particular, missed half a beat.

No matter Wang Tianyuan or Huang Shiping, they didn't listen to Shen Ze's words. Wang Tianyuan suddenly entered a state of silence.

He can't refute, because what Shen Ze said is true.

Whether he had voiced his opposition to Shen Ze before, or had joined the Congress and this time jointly submitted a letter to suggest that Shen Ze should be removed from the post of Grand Marshal of the military department, Wang Tianyuan really went beyond his authority and violated the rules and regulations of the military department.

After a while, Wang Tianyuan said, "even if Wang violates the rules and regulations of the Ministry of war, it's not serious enough to commit a capital crime. Let the Dragon God execute Wang?"

Shen Ze smelled the speech and gave a cold smile, revealing his white and gloomy teeth.

"I am the Grand Marshal of the Ministry of war. If I say you have committed a capital crime, you have committed a capital crime!"

"If I kill you today, you won't see the sun tomorrow!"