Chapter 552

Shen Ze's two sentences are very powerful and overbearing.

Directly convicted Wang Tianyuan, and said to kill Wang Tianyuan today, so that Wang Tianyuan can not see the sun tomorrow.

And Shen Ze is the Chief Marshal of the Ministry of war, and the whole army has the final say.

If Shen Ze convicts Wang Tianyuan, Wang Tianyuan cannot refute it.

Wang Tianyuan's face changed. After pondering for a long time, he said, "it's OK for the Lord Dragon God to convict Wang of a capital crime, but Wang admits that he has not committed a capital crime and will never wait to die!"

Wang Tianyuan said these words firmly and showed his attitude.

If Shen Ze really wanted to convict him of death, he would not wait to die and let Shen Ze execute him.

After listening to Wang Tianyuan's words, Shen Ze is noncommittal, showing a look of disapproval.

If you don't plead guilty and don't wait to die, how can I control you so much?

Shen Ze looked at Wang Tianyuan with joking eyes, and said to Wang Tianyuan with a smile: "if I hit you now, how many chances do you think you will survive?"

When Wang Tianyuan heard the speech, he felt a little hairy in his heart, because he was nervous and his body became tense.

If Shen Ze attacks him now, he will not survive.

After all, with Shen Ze's martial arts strength, who can resist?

This is a super ruthless man who has killed two martial arts masters before and after. Who can guarantee that he will be safe?

All over the world, I'm afraid I can't find one!

Listening to Shen Ze's words, Wang Tianyuan was more nervous and nervous.

However, Wang Tianyuan was able to keep calm.

Even though Shen Ze is not joking, he still thinks that Shen Ze won't kill him.

After all, he is still the commander-in-chief of the central war zone.

If Shen Ze really killed him in this way, it would certainly lead to chaos in the central war zone. Moreover, because of his bad reputation, it would also cause bad public opinion.

Wang Tianyuan thinks that Shen Ze is not such a person who just wants to achieve his goal and ignores others.

What's more, as Huang Shiping said, now we are not completely shameless.

Shen Ze should not act rashly.

Of course, the most important thing is that Wang Tianyuan can't kill anyone if he wants to.

If he really wanted to kill him, Shen Ze had a chance to fight him in Haicheng, but he didn't do that at that time.

Now, Wang Tianyuan still thinks Shen Ze is not so bold, or is ready to kill him.

When Wang Tianyuan dies, the Kirin army will riot. That will cause a riot!

Let's not say whether Shen Ze can control it. Even Huang Shiping doesn't want to see it.

Huang Shiping, who is sitting on one side at the moment, obviously won't allow such a thing to happen.

Therefore, Huang Shiping will not watch Shen Ze kill Wang Tianyuan.

Thinking of this, Wang Tianyuan was relieved.

Wang Tianyuan pretended to be tough and courageous. He raised his head to meet Shen Ze's cold sight, and said in a deep voice: "the Lord Dragon God is powerful, so Wang is naturally not an opponent."

"However, Wang is not a soft persimmon to be kneaded. It's not so easy to be killed."

Shen Ze said with a smile: "there are many experts in the yard. I really have some trouble trying to kill you."

Wang Tianyuan smelled the speech and showed a noncommittal expression. There were several martial arts masters in his courtyard.

All his four retinues were powerful.

Huang Shiping also has a close retinue who is a top martial arts man, hiding in the dark.

In this courtyard, there are five strong warriors.

Although Shen Ze is powerful, he still can't find a way to deal with the five strong men of martial arts at the same time.

Wang Tianyuan thinks that even if he can't do anything about Shen Ze, Shen Ze can't kill him easily if he really wants to do something about him.

Wang Tianyuan believes that the five strong warriors are enough to stop Shen Ze from killing him.

Seeing Wang Tianyuan's full confidence, Shen Ze can't help but feel funny.

He mouth a Yang, light say: "do you think I can't kill you?"

Wang Tianyuan took a look at Shen Ze and didn't say a word.

He didn't speak, which was obviously tacit.

There are five strong warriors here. Wang Tianyuan doesn't believe Shen Ze can kill him.

"In that case, let's try."

Shen Ze light mouth at the same time, a terrible pressure from his body diffuse.

Huang Shiping and Wang Tianfu, sitting in the hall, were the first to feel the pressure.

They felt like they had fallen into the ice cellar, cold all over their bodies, and their blood seemed to be solidified, with a strong sense of suffocation.

Wang Tianyuan is a martial arts practitioner and a master of martial arts. He can barely bear it.

Huang Shiping is not a martial arts practitioner. He obviously can't bear it. He feels very uncomfortable.

However, not long after Shen Ze released his authority, a soft breath came out and wrapped Huang Shiping's body.

Because of the package with this breath, Huang Shiping suddenly had no pressure and returned to normal.

At the same time, the four middle-aged men standing outside the hall were aware of the terrible pressure emanating from the hall.

As soon as their faces changed, they all put on a ready posture.

They are ready to rush into the hall at any time to protect Wang Tianyuan.

The martial arts strength of the four middle-aged men is unpredictable. Qin Chao, who was promoted to martial arts master not long ago, obviously can't stop them.

The four middle-aged men directly ignored Qin Chao, who was standing in front of the hall. They focused all their attention on the hall and paid close attention to the situation in the hall.

"It's interesting."

Aware that the man in the dark helped Huang Shiping resist the pressure of his own release, Shen Ze's corner of his mouth stirred up an arc of interest.

Not surprisingly, the first rulers of the Dragon kingdom in the past dynasties were all protected by top martial artists.

The one who secretly protects Huang Shiping, according to Shen Ze's conjecture, has the same martial arts strength as him, and is a real top martial arts strongman.

Because there was someone in the dark to protect him, Huang Shiping didn't feel much, just like a nobody.

However, Wang Tianyuan was under a lot of pressure. He was sweating all over, his face turned white, and he clenched his teeth. He didn't look very well.

Shen Ze glanced at Wang Tianyuan faintly, then he turned his head and looked at Huang Shiping sitting on one side.

Shen Ze thin lips slightly open, light said: "if I to marshal Wang hand, don't know Huang old will stop?"

In the face of Shen Ze's inquiry, Huang Shiping, who has been out of the way, frowned unhappily.

To tell the truth, Huang Shiping doesn't want to be involved in the grudge between Shen Ze and Wang Tianyuan.

He even wants to see Wang Tianyuan and Shen zedou fight as hard as they can. It's better to fight against both sides. He's willing to take advantage of them.

He was obviously reluctant to let him go himself.