Chapter 556

Of course, the middle-aged man didn't just block with his arms. He also used his whole body strength to protect his body with vigorous Qi and resist Shen Ze's fist with the strongest defense.

If he is an ordinary martial arts master, under the full defense of a middle-aged man, he will only suffer some skin injuries at most.

But Shen Ze is not an ordinary master of martial arts.

The power of his punch is too terrible.

The middle-aged man can't retreat completely.

With Shen Ze's fist, the two arms used by the middle-aged man to block immediately broke!

And it's not over.

A strong force poured down from Shen Ze's fist like a waterfall and bombarded the middle-aged man's chest.


There was a dull noise.

The middle-aged man's clothes burst open on his chest, and then there was a splash of flesh and blood.

In the twinkling of an eye, the middle-aged man's chest became a piece of blood, blood dripping, looking very miserable and terrible.

At the same time, the middle-aged man was also affected by a terrible force. His body stepped back uncontrollably, as if swept by a strong wind.

Wang Tianyuan stands behind the middle-aged man.


The retreat of the middle-aged man was a surprise collision with Wang Tianyuan, which led them to go backward together.

Of course, at this time, the other three retinues were not idle, and they all helped the middle-aged man and Wang Tianyuan to stabilize themselves.


As soon as he stabilized his figure, the middle-aged man opened his mouth and spat out a big mouthful of blood, and his face became a little pale.

Because of the middle-aged man, Wang Tianyuan, who has been in a mess for several steps, is burning with anger in his eyes and his face becomes very ugly.

"Who the hell told you to go back? Even if you die, you will be blocked by me! " Wang Tianyuan calm face, angry voice scolds a way.

"Yes, marshal Wang!"

The middle-aged man gritted his teeth in response.

This is bent over him, after reaching out to wipe the blood from the corners of his mouth, he suddenly straightened his waist and blocked Wang Tianyuan's body again.

"You all go up together and stop this boy!"

Wang Tianyuan said in an indisputable tone and pushed the other three squires.

It is obviously impossible for Wang Tianyuan's four retinues to say that they have no resistance to Shen Ze.

After all, Shen Ze's evil name was killed alive.

Shen Ze is the real number one God of war in the world. He is one of the top martial arts men. He has killed two martial arts masters.

Such a terrible character, who will not bet in the face of heart, heart born in awe of the meaning?

Although Wang Tianyuan's four retinues are all strong warriors in the first echelon, they still don't have any points in mind when they face Shen Ze.

If they can, they obviously don't want to fight Shen Ze.

However, although they were in awe and didn't want to, they still listened to Wang Tianyu's idea. Even if they tried their best to stop Shen Ze at all costs.

As a valet, it is natural to have the awareness of valet.

They are here to protect Wang Tianyuan and everything is based on this.

If they have to pay the price of their lives, they will also stick to it.

Obviously, these four retinues of Wang Tianyuan have the spirit of contract.

At the command of Wang Tianyuan, the other three squires came forward and stood in a row with the middle-aged man to face Shen Ze.

At this time, Huang Shiping said again, "Shen Ze, I advise you to stop, otherwise something bad will happen at that time. Don't blame others!"

Huang Shiping's words were full of threat and implied meaning.

Huang Shiping said that, the meaning is very obvious.

If Shen Ze doesn't stop, he really wants to fight. Then he may have an accident.

"Don't worry, Mr. Huang. I'll be fine." Shen Ze spoke lightly, and his words were full of confidence and confidence.

Even if the black robed old man and Wang Tianyuan's four retinues deal with him together, he won't do anything serious.

Even if he can't kill Wang Tianyuan, he has the ability to retreat completely.

In the current situation, we just try to see if we can kill Wang Tianyuan.

This is the purpose of Shen Ze's coming here tonight. Naturally, he can't give up easily.


After listening to Shen Ze's words, he knew that Shen Ze would not change his mind. Huang Shiping snorted coldly and said, "since you are determined to go your own way, what's the matter? No wonder other people!"

Shen Ze smell speech, light a smile: "Huang Lao don't worry, what happened to me, absolutely won't blame you, but how others think, I can't manage."

Shen Ze obviously still has something to say.

Nowadays, Shen Ze is still the supreme Dragon God, the Grand Marshal of the Ministry of war, and the national idol.

If something really happened to him, we can imagine how much repercussion he would cause.

Shen Ze said these words to remind Huang Shiping of them.

If Shen zejin had an accident here that day, it would cause a lot of bad things.

If Shen Ze really died here today, then the green dragon army must be the first to stand up and protest.

Shen Ze's death is related to Huang Shiping and Wang Tianyuan. If they are not careful, both of them will become the Crusades of the Qinglong army.

And this is just the Qinglong army, not mentioning other people who regard Shen Ze as their faith and idol.

If those people come out to protest again, how much turmoil it will cause is unpredictable.

And no matter what, it's not going to be good.

These are just inside the Dragon kingdom.

If Shen Ze, the God of the sea in the Dragon Kingdom, falls down, without Shen Ze, the head of the hundred generals and the world's first God of war, whether the countries will have an idea about the Dragon kingdom is not certain.

Most likely, because of Shen Ze's accident, there was chaos in the Dragon kingdom. The superposition of these two things made other countries think about the Dragon Kingdom and invade it.

This world, after all, is the world of the jungle.

There is a saying that when you are sick, you will die!

When there is an accident in your dragon Kingdom, everyone will rush to eat up the benefits.

Whether it is Huang Shiping or Wang Tianyuan, they can obviously think of these things.

Even if they want to get rid of Shen Ze and make him fall, they still have to admit that as long as Shen Ze is young and the best player in the world, no other country will dare to think about the Dragon kingdom.

I have to admit that the Dragon Kingdom still needs Shen Ze very much now!

Of course, Wang Tianyuan is not the first executive in the Dragon kingdom. He will not consider so much.

He has been blinded by hatred and is eager to kill Shen Ze.

Huang Shiping is the leader of the Dragon kingdom. Although he really wants to have the exclusive supreme power, he still doesn't want to see chaos in the Dragon Kingdom and let other countries come to harass the Dragon kingdom.

If the country can't exist safely, what's the point of his being in power?