Chapter 557

Compared with Wang Tianyuan, Huang Shiping is obviously more worried and worried.

He really wanted to get rid of Shen Ze, but after Shen Ze fell, how should he clean up?

What happened after that gave Huang Shiping a headache and calmed him down. His mind to get rid of Shen Ze was not so strong.

Now, after all, it's not a good time to get rid of Shen Ze.

For Huang Shiping, it wasn't long before he became the first leader of the Dragon Kingdom, and many things were not stable.

If Shen Ze's accident leads to the chaos of the Dragon Kingdom and forms a situation of internal and external troubles, Huang Shiping has no absolute grasp to deal with it.

A little careless, lose all!

Huang doesn't want to take such a risk.

For a moment, Huang Shiping's heart to kill Shen Ze was shaken.

After a while, Huang Shiping raised his head and looked at Shen Ze with a kind of complicated eyes. His voice was very low and he said, "Shen Ze, even if I don't do anything to you, I won't let you touch Wang Tianyuan anyway."

Huang Shiping's tone was firm and he said word by word, "I want to protect Wang Tianyuan!"

Huang Shiping said that, the meaning is very obvious.

Even if he doesn't move Shen Ze, he won't let Shen Ze kill Wang Tianyuan.

On hearing Huang Shiping's words, Shen Ze understood the meaning of the former.

However, he did not change his mind.

"Wang Tianyuan, I will kill you today, no matter who blocks it!"

As soon as the words fell, Shen Ze immediately released all his breath.

A real murderous spirit swept from him and filled the whole hall in an instant.

Huang Shiping immediately felt like he was in the battlefield where thousands of troops were rushing to fight, as if he saw a sea of corpses.

This kind of feeling, whether it is Huang Shiping, or Wang Tianyuan and the old man in black robe, all of them have cold heart and cold air.

It's terrible!

At this moment, in Huang Shiping's eyes, Shen Ze is just like the God of death who has killed countless lives. He has just come to the world from hell, and his whole body is full of horror and ferocity.

It's terrible!

Since leaving the battlefield, Shen Ze has not released any murderous spirit.

Today, it is the first time that he has released his murderous spirit after many years.

Shen Ze's murderous spirit is very terrifying. It can make people bleed from seven orifices. Finally, his body can't bear to die.

All the people in the hall, Huang Shiping, an ordinary man, are protected by the old man in black robe. The others are all strong in martial arts, so they can barely bear the murderous spirit released by Shen Ze.

Of course, it gives them a lot of pressure, both physically and mentally.

Just when everyone felt the pressure, Shen Ze moved again.

His action is very simple. He just raised his hand and waved in the direction of Wang Tianyuan.


With Shen Ze's hand waving down, it seems that there is a huge wave rushing towards Wang Tianyuan.


The space vibrated, and the courtyard rocked violently again.

Shen Ze moves, and the four retinues in front of Wang Tianyuan react.

They suddenly burst out of the whole body momentum, have released the breath, toward the front.


Shen Ze's "great waves" are conspicuously opposed to the breath released by the four squires.

It's like two huge waves crashing into each other, forming a very terrible storm.

The storm swept around, and the hall and the whole wall began to collapse.

Then, the whole courtyard collapsed.

For a time, the rocks were flying and the dust was flying.

Normally, when this happened, everyone would want to escape to avoid being buried in the ruins, but Shen Ze didn't move.

As a strong warrior, they abruptly broke the rubble and did not allow themselves to be buried.

As a result, the whole courtyard collapsed, but there were no stones in the hall where Shen Ze was.

It's like forming a basin of ruins.

When everything is calm, Shen Ze and others are still in the same place.

All the people present were safe and sound.

Shen Ze waved his hand at will. Although the power of terror broke out, Wang Tianyuan's four retinues united and successfully resisted his attack.

However, Shen Ze's force was stronger than Wang Tianyuan's four retinues.

Although the four squires resisted his attack, they were all affected. One by one, the Qi and blood in their bodies were surging, and their breath became a little disordered.

Although Shen Ze has some consumption, it doesn't matter.

If the collision goes on for a long time, Shen Ze will be able to win the battle and defeat Wang Tianyuan's four retinues.

Shen Ze was even able to get rid of the four squires.

Of course, it will take a little time.

After the first collision between the four retinues and Shen Ze, they had a clear idea.

They knew that if they collided with each other all the time, they would not be able to stop Shen Ze in the end, thus putting Wang Tianyuan in a dangerous situation.

To be on the safe side, the middle-aged man turned to Wang Tianyuan and said, "Marshal Wang, please leave here first."

They are not sure if the old man in black will help them. In addition, the old man in black needs to protect Huang Shiping.

Therefore, for Wang Tianyuan's safety, the middle-aged man strongly suggested that Wang Tianyuan leave here first.

Wang Tianyuan left here, on the one hand, to ensure his safety, and on the other hand, they would not be so constrained.

Because we want to protect Wang Tianyuan's safety, we can't concentrate on dealing with Shen Ze.

If Wang Tianyuan leaves here, they can focus all their attention on Shen Ze, so that they can deal with Shen Ze more easily.

After Shen Ze's action, Wang Tianyuan wants to leave here.

After all, although he had four retinues and Huang Shiping to protect him, he was still worried that his life would be endangered.

Because Shen Ze is so terrible!

Wang Tianyuan always feels that he is being targeted by Shen Ze, and his family and life cannot be protected.

Thirty six stratagems are the best.

For Wang Tianyuan, the best choice now is to leave here.

"OK, I'll withdraw first. You stop Shen Diaolong!"

Wang Tianyuan nodded and agreed without hesitation.


Four middle-aged men should nod their heads at the first time.

In response, Wang Tianyuan did not want to stay any longer. He immediately set out to rush towards the ruins without even thinking about it.

Wang Tianyuan is a master of martial arts. He moves very fast, just like a gust of wind.

"It's not so easy to go."

If Shen Ze wants to kill Wang Tianyuan, he will not let him go.

His body moves, and he wants to kill Wang Tianyuan.

When Shen Ze moved, the four middle-aged men attacked him to stop him!