Chapter 582

After listening to Shen Ze's words, Ning Yansong pondered for a long time. He seemed to think of something, and a touch of sadness appeared on his face.

"I can understand that you want to bring out some evil spirits and some bad things, but it's a bit risky."

Ning Yansong said in a deep voice: "as soon as you step down, those ambitious people in China will run out to make trouble, and many people abroad will have evil intentions."

After a while, Ningyan Matsushita said: "no matter whether you really go back to the field or not, if you do so, it will certainly cause great trouble."

Shen Ze is very calm and calm, he said lightly: "those bad things will be exposed sooner or later, I just put these ahead of time."

Shen Ze pondered for a moment, and then said, "the state of dragon has developed so fast in recent years that many things have not been well done."

"Exposing some problems this time can slow down the state of long and lay a good foundation."

"If the problems accumulate a lot in the future, they will break out. That's the real possibility that the Dragon kingdom will be doomed."

Shen Ze picked up his glass and sipped the wine. Then he looked at Ning Yansong and asked, "why, do you think Longguo can't deal with the problems that will be exposed now?"

Ning Yansong nodded sincerely.

"It's really not sure that the state of dragon can handle it well now."

Ning Yansong thought about it and said, "if I were still in power, the problem would be easier to deal with."

"Compared with me, the old guy who is now the first executive of the Dragon kingdom is still a lot worse. Moreover, he has just been in that position for a short time and can't do many things easily."

"When the state of long falls into the situation of internal and external troubles, it will be very difficult for the old man to deal with them."

Shen Ze is not so pessimistic as Ning Yansong. He said faintly: "Huang Shiping's ability is a little poor, but he is still a grass-roots bag. With a think tank and a National Academy, it's not a big problem."

After listening to Shen Ze's words, Ning Yansong gave Shen Ze a white look and said with a kind of sarcastic tone: "it's a good thing that you've done so many things. I don't think it's a big problem?"

Shen Ze's face was not red and his heart was not beating. He said faintly, "good idea."

Ning Yansong smell speech, eyes ruthlessly scraped Shen Ze one eye, he some angry said: "OK, I can't chat with you happily, I don't want to talk nonsense with you again."

Shen Ze sniffed the words and said with a smile: "why, after not being in power, his temper is getting bigger and bigger?"

Ning Yansong blew his beard and glared: "I'm angry with you!"

When Shen Ze heard the speech, he laughed more happily: "it's really rare to be able to annoy you."

Ning Yansong

Ning Yansong is speechless. He is very angry and doesn't pay attention to Shen Ze any more. Instead, he takes up the wine to drink.

Seeing this, Shen Ze gave a faint smile. He didn't say anything more. He also took a big drink.

After a while, Qin Chao cooked the meal with the help of Zhang Che.

After the meal was served, the four sat down to eat.

Qin Chao and Zhang Che both saw that Shen Ze and Ning Yansong were unhappy in their conversation, so they did not speak, but kept quiet and ate in silence.

This meal, some people eat with relish, some people eat fresh light, no appetite.

Qin Chao and Zhang Che are not idiots. Seeing that the atmosphere is not right, they take the lead in eating and get off the table, leaving Shen Ze and Ning Yansong to eat.


Eating, Ning Yansong seems to be angry, suddenly clapping chopsticks, said: "I don't eat!"

Shen Ze smell speech, placidly also put down chopsticks, "eat almost, I don't eat."

Ning Yansong smell speech, raise Mou son, the eyes is gloomy ground stares at Shen Ze.

After staring at for a while, Ning Yansong said in a low voice: "Shen boy, you bet so much this time. It's really a little thoughtless."

"I want you to promise me now that there will be a mess in Longguo that can't be cleaned up by then. You should stand up and clean up!"

Ning Yansong was very tough in his later words.

Shen Ze picked to pick eyebrow, the tone is not salty to say: "why must I stand up to clean up?"

"There are so many talented people in Longguo that I don't think I'm needed."

Ning Yansong face a horizontal, coldly said: "don't tell me about other things, these things are you do, you have to stand up to solve."

Shen Ze looked at the old man and said that if he didn't agree, he would eat him alive. He couldn't help laughing.

Don't you mean you're playing dirty when you're old?

This old man is really going back to life.

Shen Ze thinks that if he doesn't promise Ning Yansong today that he will come forward to solve the problem, Ning Yansong will not give up.

So, after pondering for a moment, Shen Ze nodded and said, "if you really need me, I will stand up."

Ning Yansong knows what kind of person Shen Ze is.

He didn't dare to push Shen Ze too fast. After listening to Shen Ze's words, he nodded and said nothing more.

Then, two people then big eyes stare small eyes, mutually looked not agreeable.

I don't know how long later, Shen Ze said coldly: "old man, you know my temper, don't push an inch!"

Ning Yansong is not empty at all. He contends with each other and says, "why, do you still have to fight with me?"

Shen Ze said seriously, "I can't guarantee that."

Ning Yansong heard the speech, straightened his chest, and said angrily, "come and have a try!"

Looking at Ning Yansong's fearless appearance, Shen Ze snorted coldly and said, "just you old bone, I can let you fall apart with a move of my mind."

Ning Yansong knew that Shen Ze was telling the truth, but he still put on an indifferent look: "you should move your mind!"

Shen Ze

This old man is really a dead pig. He is not afraid of boiling water and doesn't take him seriously?

Shen Ze feels that Ning Yansong is now a child again. He has the same temperament as a child. He doesn't want to worry about it.

Shen Ze stares at Ning Yansong, and then says: "I don't want to see you. Get out of here!"

Shen Ze didn't give orders, he just went to ningyansong.

Ning Yansong is also a respectable person. If you don't stay here, you can stay there.

Since Shen Ze has started to drive people out, he will not continue to stay.

"Boy, remember what you said today."

Ning Yansong fixed his eyes on Shen Ze and said in a deep voice, "you are fierce with me now. If you can't do it then, I'll see how fierce you are!"


Ning Yansong was just like a little girl who was angry. As soon as he finished, he got up and walked out of the hospital.

"Zhang Che, it's time for us to go away!" The old man roared angrily as he walked.

Zhang Che, who is staying in the room chatting with Qin Chao, immediately rushes out of the room and catches up with Ning Yansong.

Shen Ze looks at Ning Yansong's and Zhang Che's back, unable to laugh or cry.