Chapter 583

Ning Yansong came to find Shen Ze today just to criticize him.

Shen Ze is really speechless.

Dare feeling is that he did wrong, was ningyansong so education!

What an unpleasant night.

Of course, because he promised Ning Yansong that he would come forward to solve the problem when he needed himself, Shen Ze suddenly felt that he was in trouble again.

I should have rejected Ning Yansong, no matter how the latter.

Shen Ze felt that he had miscalculated and sighed in his heart.

However, he did not think much.

Before the problem is solved, there is no need to worry.

Shen Ze asked Qin Chao to clean up the dishes, while he ran to take a bath.

After a hot bath, Shen Ze went back to his room to have a rest.


The issue of Shen Ze's return to the field is still under continuous hot discussion.

Because of Shen Ze's resignation, the position of Grand Marshal of the Ministry of war and the position of commander in chief of the Western Theater were vacant.

The position of Grand Marshal of the Ministry of war should be contested by the commanders of all war zones, and it has little to do with other people.

Zhao Xinghua has just taken the position of commander in chief of the central theater of war. Naturally, he has no strength to compete for the position of Grand Marshal of the Ministry of war.

The commanders of the eastern, northern and southern war zones are all military commanders who have been in office for many years. They are obviously qualified to fight for the Grand Marshal of the military.

However, the imperial court did not send a message to reestablish the Grand Marshal of the Ministry of war.

But even so, the commanders of the three war zones began to plan secretly to prepare for the election of Grand Marshal of the army.

After all, the position of Grand Marshal of the Ministry of war is very unusual.

What is the Grand Marshal of the Ministry of war?

All the soldiers and horses in the world belong to me!

Even if it is not simple, the commanders of the three war zones still want to go further and take the position of Grand Marshal of the Ministry of war.

Of course, judging from the current situation, the Grand Marshal of the Ministry of war will not be able to appear for a while.

The commander-in-chief of the Western Theater is obviously less important than the Grand Marshal of the army.

The Grand Marshal of the Ministry of war can be selected in no hurry, but it is obvious that the commander of the Western Theater should be selected as soon as possible. After all, in the case of no leader, it is easy to cause trouble.

Therefore, the establishment of the commander-in-chief of the western war zone has been put on the agenda by both the National People's court and the gate warlords.

It is obviously a very good thing for all the powerful forces to arrange their own people to be the commander of the western war zone.

As long as you are a powerful man in the arms department, it will be of great help to your own family or power.

All the powerful forces of the front gate were conspicuously hit by the idea of the commander in chief of the western war zone.

These powerful forces have used all kinds of contacts, power and financial resources to send their own people to the position of commander in chief in the western war zone.

The forces of the gate valves fought in secret, and their heads were broken.

The surface is calm, but the undercurrent is turbulent.

The western war zone is Shen Ze's base camp.

Shen Ze has absolute ruling power and influence in the western war zone.

Even though Shen Ze is no longer commander-in-chief of the western war zone, he is still absolutely dominant and influential in the western war zone.

It is obviously a very difficult thing for all the gate valve forces to put their own people in command of the virtual war zone.

It's not that kind of powerful force with powerful means. Obviously, it can't do it.

What's more, it was not only the powerful forces of the main gate that made the idea of the commander in chief of the western war zone, but also the leaders of all parties in the National People's court who made the idea of the commander in chief of the western war zone.

Even Huang Shiping, the first power holder of the Dragon Kingdom, had the idea of commanding the western war zone.

In Huang Shiping's view, the western war zone is Shen Ze's headquarters, and Shen Ze has absolute ruling power and influence in the western war zone.

He knows that even if Shen Ze leaves the post of commander-in-chief of the western war zone, he still has the ability to raise his arms and respond to the situation in the western war zone.

In short, Shen Ze can still command the Western Theater even without the post of commander in chief of the Western Theater.

Such a situation is obviously not what Huang Shiping wants to see.

In Huang Shiping's opinion, since Shen Ze has returned to the field, he doesn't want to let Shen Ze return one day.

He wants to completely overhead Shen Ze, so that Shen Ze is really out of the army, no longer have any ability to command the Western Theater.

In order to achieve this, Huang Shiping felt that it was very necessary for him to put in a confidant to be commander in chief of the western war zone.

In this way, it can not only help him, but also better limit Shen Ze.

With such an idea, Huang Shiping followed it.

Huang Shiping wanted to transfer one of his confidants to parachute in the western war zone and be the commander of the western war zone.

However, Huang Shiping's idea has not yet been put into practice, and there has been some movement in the western war zone.

A spokesman for the Western Theater held a video phone call to announce the next actions of the Western Theater.

In memory of Shen Ze, the commander-in-chief of the western war zone, the western war zone decided not to re-establish the commander-in-chief within half a year.

In doing so, the western war zone has the feeling of setting up a new foothold and completely keeping the National People's court out of the way.

In doing so in the western war zone, it also means risking the world's great condemnation.

This move by the western war zone has aroused heated discussion.

"What is the Western Theater doing? Are you going to stand on your own? I've decided on my own whether to set up a new commander or not! "

"How can I feel that it's like a rebellion in the Western Theater?"

"Isn't that what Shen Diaolong meant?"

"Whether it's Shen Diaolong or not, it's enough to see how terrifying Shen Diaolong's ruling power and influence are in the western war zone!"

"Yes, Shen Diaolong really has absolute influence and ruling power in the western war zone."

"I feel that even if Shen Diaolong is not the commander-in-chief of the western war zone, he can still command the western war zone."

"The western war zone has so strongly expressed its meaning and attitude that I don't know how the national court will deal with it?"

"Shen Diaolong was first removed from the position of Grand Marshal of the Ministry of war and the position of Dragon God by the national court, which has already made the western war zone very unhappy. At this time, the national court is afraid that it can no longer do anything to provoke the western war zone."

"If we make the western war zone angry and really do something to stand on its own or rebel, it will not be worth the loss."

"You're right. I'm afraid the imperial court can only bear it now. It's better to do more than one thing. It's better to do less than one thing. It's better to do small things as much as possible."

"Shen Diaolong's return to the field has brought the Dragon kingdom into a troubled period. Maintaining stability is the most important thing now, and reestablishing the commander-in-chief of the western war zone is negligible."

"Yes, as long as the Dragon kingdom is stable, the rest is not very important."

There are many different opinions in the world.

However, our views are quite consistent.

We all support and affirm the idea that the western war zone will not reestablish a commander-in-chief for the time being.