Chapter 590

In Ouyang Qingfeng's account, Xu Xiao let out his engagement with Shen Ze, and found someone, deliberately with rhythm.

Before that, the voice of mocking and criticizing Shen Ze in public opinion was Xu Xiao's handwriting.

He found some water army with rhythm, so that things become a one-sided phenomenon.

Now, the western war zone has come forward to voice, and immediately suppressed public opinion.

Even if Xu Xiao found out that the water army was collecting money to do business, he did not dare to risk his life and continue to take Shen Ze's rhythm.

After all, it was the western war zone, and the Qinglong army it belonged to was the strongest army in the Dragon kingdom.

Three hundred thousand green dragon army destroy and pull decadent, who can resist?

The voice of the western war zone played a decisive role, so that all the voices that said Shen Ze was not disappeared.

For such a situation, Ouyang Qingfeng obviously does not want to see.

"It's a good time for this western war zone to jump out. If we wait a little longer and let public opinion create pressure on Shen Diaolong, maybe Shen Diaolong will fight."

Ouyang Qingfeng said with a gloomy face: "now that the public opinion has been suppressed, what else can we do to force Shen Diaolong to fight?"

In the face of Ouyang Qingfeng's inquiry, Xu Xiao couldn't give an answer for a moment and a half.

Xu Xiao shook his head and said, "I can't think of any good way to force Shen Diaolong to fight."

Seeing that Xu Xiao, a think tank, couldn't find a good way, Ouyang Qingfeng frowned.

"I can't think of a way. Is this the end of the matter?"

Ouyang Qingfeng said with a calm face and a low voice: "Shen Diaolong is injured now. It's a good time to deal with him. If I fight with him again after his injury is healed, I'm not sure what will happen to him."

Ouyang Qingfeng seems to have suddenly thought of something. He has a horizontal face and a fierce flash in his eyes. He says in a murderous way: "if there is really no good way, I will go to the door and fight against Shen Diaolong."

Xu Xiaowen said, "master, you can't act so impulsively."

Xu Xiao pondered for a moment, and then said: "Shen Diaolong now knows that you have an idea for him, and will certainly make preparations. If you rashly come to him and do something to him, you may fall into a very bad situation."

Ouyang Qingfeng thought Xu Xiao was right. He nodded and then asked, "I want you to send someone to watch Shen Diaolong. Is there any news?"


Xu Xiao nodded and replied, "it seems that Shen Diaolong is going to leave Yanjing. Besides, a man who looks very complicated goes to his courtyard."

"Is there a man who looks not simple going to Shen Diaolong's yard? Is Shen Diaolong going to leave Yanjing? "

After hearing Xu Xiao's reply, Ouyang Qingfeng's face became more gloomy.

"Shen Diaolong is looking for a helper. Is he really ready?" Ouyang Qingfeng guessed.

Xu Xiao speculated: "it should be so."

"The man who went to Shen Diaolong's residence should be a strong man with excellent martial arts."

"When Shen Diaolong asked him to go to his yard, he should be asked to be his bodyguard."

After hearing Xu Xiao's words, Ouyang Qingfeng frowned tightly and said in a very low voice, "if Shen Diaolong really finds a strong warrior to be his bodyguard, it's not good to attack him."

Xu Xiao thinks so, so he nods to Ouyang Qingfeng.

After pondering for a while, Xu Xiao said with a kind of advice in his voice: "master, it's not easy to kill Shen Diaolong. Do you want to consider giving it up?"

After hearing Xu Xiao's words, Ouyang Qingfeng's eyes suddenly became very gloomy and cold.

He frowned and pondered for a while. Then he said in a somewhat complicated tone, "I have no way back to kill Shen Diaolong. I have to continue to do it."

"The bow didn't turn back. The war note has been sent. Shen Diaolong already knows that I have evil intentions towards him. With his temperament, he will certainly not let me go."

"If I don't kill Shen Diaolong, he will kill me."

"Now, he and I have come to the point where either you die or I die."

After saying these words, the color of indecision in Ouyang Qingfeng's eyes disappeared, replaced by the color of determination.

Obviously, just listening to Xu Xiao's words, Ouyang Qingfeng's idea wavered, but at the moment, his determination to kill Shen Ze became firm again.

After listening to Ouyang Qingfeng's words, Xu Xiao sighed in his heart.

Sure enough, it's no use persuading Ouyang Qingfeng now.

Ouyang Qingfeng didn't want to kill Shen Ze, and things really like Ouyang Qingfeng said, he has shown his mind to Shen Ze, how can he get rid of it?

People like Shen Diaolong will certainly not let Ouyang Qingfeng, who has a heart killing effect on him, live a good life.

Shen Diaolong is not in trouble now, but it doesn't mean he won't do that in the future.

Xu Xiao was impressed that Ouyang Qingfeng was right.

If Ouyang Qingfeng doesn't kill Shen Diaolong, Shen Diaolong will kill Ouyang Qingfeng.

Between the two people, it really seems to have reached the point of never ending.

Xu Xiao didn't know what to say, so he fell into silence for a moment.

Ouyang Qingfeng pondered for a while. Then he broke the silence and said, "Xu Xiao, you have people staring at Shen Diaolong for 20 hours. As soon as you have news, report it to me immediately."

Ouyang Qingfeng's eyes are exposed and he says coldly: "Shen Diaolong can't leave Yanjing. I'll kill him in Yanjing!"

Xu Xiao was awed by the speech.

Although he didn't feel right, he nodded and answered.

"You go!"

Because he didn't want to give Shen Diaolong a good way to fight, and didn't figure out how to start with Shen Diaolong, Ouyang Qingfeng's mood became very bad.

He was not in the mood to say anything more, so he waved to Xu Xiao to leave.


Xu Xiao nodded, then turned and left.

After Xu Xiao left, Ouyang Qingfeng said with a gloomy face, "Shen Diaolong, if I want to kill you, you can't escape!"

Ouyang Qingfeng's heart is born with an idea.

As the president of the martial arts association, Ouyang Qingfeng can command all the martial arts members of the martial arts association.

He plans to gather the martial arts experts to surround and kill Shen Ze.

In this way, even if Shen Ze had help, he could not survive.

Ouyang Qingfeng face a horizontal, ferocious said: "Lao Tzu forced urgent, Lao Tzu do it!"

Shen Ze doesn't know what Ouyang Qingfeng is thinking.

At noon that day, Zhang Che followed Ning Yansong's advice and came to the courtyard.

At lunch, Zhang Che, who was always silent, said, "there is a ghost hiding in the dark outside the yard. Do you want to find it out?"