Chapter 591

There is a ghost outside the yard. Do you want to find it out?

After hearing Zhang Che's words, Qin Chao frowned and looked suspicious.

Shen Ze is calm, no surprise, he was also aware of a ghost outside the yard, just ignored it.

"Somebody's staring at us!"

Qin Chao said: "we must take him out and kill him!"

The ghost outside the yard is a master of martial arts who is good at hiding.

If it wasn't for Shen Ze and Zhang Che, who are the top martial artists, they wouldn't be aware of each other.

After listening to Qin Chao's words, Zhang Che didn't move for the first time, but looked at Shen Ze with inquiring eyes.

Aware of Zhang Che's eyes, Shen Ze said, "take it out first."


Zhang Che nodded.

As soon as his voice fell, Zhang Che stood up.

Then, his body turned into a remnant and shot out of the courtyard.

Zhang Che's speed is as fast as lightning!

Almost in a flash, Zhang Che came out of the yard.

The ghost staring at the courtyard is Jiang Feng. He is the deputy director of Yanjing martial arts school and a martial arts master.

Jiang Feng is hiding in a towering tree outside the courtyard. He is covered in the crown of the tree and can't be seen with naked eyes.

Jiang Feng is very good at concealing breath. If he is not a man with strong divine sense, he will not be aware of his existence.

Zhang Che and Shen Ze are both top martial artists, which is another matter.

"Chi Chi..."

Space distortion, towering trees, Zhang Che's figure slowly emerged.

Zhang Che light mouth said: "can appear."

As soon as Zhang Che appeared, Jiang Feng knew that he had been exposed.

He was surprised and angry, and at the same time very worried and uneasy.

Although Jiang Feng doesn't know Zhang Che, Zhang Che can detect him, which means that the opponent's martial arts strength is higher than him.

Jiang Feng is afraid that Zhang Che will attack him, so he doesn't dare to run away.

After listening to Zhang Che, he appeared.

Jiang Feng twisted his body and got out of the tree crown.

Then he jumped out of the big tree and came to Zhang Che.

Zhang Che raised his eyes and stared at Jiang Feng coldly. He said in an indisputable tone: "follow me in."

Zhang Che's meaning is to let Jiang Feng take the initiative to meet Shen Ze with him.

Jiang Feng understood Zhang Che's meaning, and his face sank when he heard the latter's words.

After pondering for a moment, Jiang Feng shook his head and said, "I'm not going."

Fearing Zhang Che's use of force, Jiang Feng then added: "I'm Chang Jiang Feng, the vice Hall of Yanjing martial arts school. Don't force me to do what I don't want to do."

Jiang Feng shows his identity, but he wants Zhang Che to be afraid and dare not act rashly.

Zhang Che has no such consciousness at all. After listening to Jiang Feng's words, he looks at Jiang Feng with sharp eyes.

Zhang Che said coldly, "if you don't move by yourself, I'll have to do it."

On hearing Zhang Che's words, Jiang Feng suddenly felt stiff and nervous.

Jiang Feng looked at Zhang Che with fear in his eyes, and said in a deep voice, "I'm from the martial arts association. You can't mess around."

When Zhang Che heard the speech, a touch of sarcastic radian appeared in the corner of his mouth.

He didn't talk to Jiang Feng anymore. Since Jiang Feng didn't move, he moved.

Perhaps it is to see that Zhang Che is going to start, Jiang Feng is in a hurry and plans to run away.

Jiang Feng showed the fastest speed he could, and swept toward the distance.

Seeing Jiang Feng running away, Zhang Che's mouth shows a sneer of disdain.

It's naive and ridiculous to run away under his eyes!

Zhang Che did not move for the first time, but let Jiang Feng escape for a while before catching up.

The speed of Jiang Feng's escape is obviously not as fast as Zhang Che's.


Zhang Che seems to have turned into a strong wind and caught up with Jiang Feng in an instant.

Zhang Che crossed Jiang Feng. Then he turned around and stared at Jiang Feng like lightning.


Then, under Jiang Feng's frightened gaze, Zhang Che stretched out a hand and quickly grasped Jiang Feng's neck.

The next moment, Jiang Feng was lifted up by Zhang Che, his feet off the ground and his body suspended.

At the same time, the sense of suffocation will be covered by Jiang Feng, let him all over uncomfortable, very uncomfortable.

"Don't mess about, sir!"

Jiang Feng looks flustered, eyes show the color of fear, he hastened to beg.

At the moment, Zhang Che is impressively locked with the breath of Jiang Feng, so that Jiang Feng can not move, so that no force.

At this time, Jiang Feng's life is in Zhang Che's hands.

Zhang Che as long as a slight effort, can pinch Jiang Feng's neck, let Jiang Feng on the spot.

Jiang Feng was terrified that Zhang Che would do harm to him.

Zhang Che doesn't mean to kill Jiang Feng. He stares at Jiang Feng coldly and says indifferently: "don't talk nonsense."

Jiang Feng smell speech, immediately submissive nodded, and then he closed his mouth, did not make any sound.

Seeing that Jiang Feng is honest, Zhang Che immediately grasps Jiang Feng like a chicken and walks towards the courtyard.

Zhang Che grabs Jiang Feng and goes straight to Shen Ze.

At this time, Shen Ze and Qin Chao are still having lunch.

Seeing Zhang Che grabbing Jiang Feng in, Qin Chao immediately stops eating and puts down his chopsticks.

He stepped forward, looked Jiang Feng up and down, and said, "who is this thing?"

"Changjiangfeng, the vice Hall of Yanjing martial arts school," Zhang said

"People from the martial arts association?"

After confirming Jiang Feng's identity, Qin Chao's face turns black.

He glared fiercely at Jiang Feng and asked in a harsh voice: "Ouyang Qingfeng sent you to watch us?"

Jiang Feng face dew bitter, he did not squeak, default.

Seeing Jiang Feng's acquiescence, Qin Chao was very angry.

Qin Chao stares at Jiang Feng and says: "did you eat bear heart and leopard gall? Dare to come and watch us, don't you want to live? "

Jiang Feng suffered a face, pretended to be wronged and said: "I don't want to watch you, but I have to listen to the president's order."

Jiang Feng said, impressively want to appear that he is forced helpless, involuntarily.

After hearing the speech, Qin Chao immediately scolded: "we are not fools. Don't say these high sounding words here. You can't fool us!"

Jiang Feng is speechless, he can only cry, pretending to be bullied.

Qin Chao is not that kind of soft hearted person. He doesn't care whether Jiang Feng is forced or not.

In his opinion, Jiang Feng's coming to spy on Shen Ze is a capital crime and should be punished.

Qin Chao turned to Shen Ze and said, "master, this guy has come to spy on you. He has committed a capital crime. I suggest killing him now!"

As soon as Qin Chao said this, Jiang Feng suddenly trembled, and a thick color of fear appeared on his face.