Chapter 602

Fang Ling asked suspiciously, "is there someone behind your master telling him to kill Shen Diaolong?"

"It's just my guess. I'm not sure, but I'm sure there must be someone behind the master," Xu said

Fang Ling's face became more dignified.

Because from the current situation, things are more complicated than she thought.

Fang Ling looked at Xu Xiao and asked, "who do you think is the person behind your master?"

Xu Xiao shook his head and said, "I don't know."

After a while, Xu Xiao said again, "but I'm sure that this backstage manipulator is willing to locate high-power people."

Fang Ling heard the speech and nodded in agreement.

Can anyone who can direct Ouyang Qingfeng be an ordinary person?

Moreover, what Ouyang Qingfeng was instructed to do was to kill Shen Diaolong.

The man behind the scenes must be a big boss, and he must have a grudge against Shen Diaolong, otherwise he would not have ordered Ouyang Qingfeng to kill Shen Diaolong.

Xu Xiao and Fang Ling are both super intelligent people.

Speaking of this, both of them subconsciously thought about who would be behind Ouyang Qingfeng?

Fang Ling's idea is more bold. After a while, she looks at Xu Xiao's eyes as if she suddenly thought of something.

Fang Ling asked in a low voice, "Xu Xiao, do you think the person behind your master is the first leader of the Dragon kingdom?"

What Fang Ling refers to is Huang Shiping, the first executive of the Dragon kingdom!

After listening to Fang Ling's words, Xu Xiao felt that Fang Ling's idea was too bold, but he didn't express his opinion for the first time. Instead, he looked thoughtful.

Although Fang Ling's idea is bold, it has some basis and reason.

As we all know, Huang Shiping and Shen Diaolong have never dealt with each other.

Xu Xiao and Fang Ling know this.

Moreover, they have come up with the idea that the man behind Ouyang Qingfeng is a big boss.

Huang Shiping's status as the first power holder of the Dragon kingdom is also very consistent.

From these combinations, it is really possible that Huang Shiping is the person behind Ouyang Qingfeng.

As the first ruler of the Dragon Kingdom, Huang Shiping has the right to order Ouyang Qingfeng to kill Shen Diaolong.

Besides, some things also make sense.

For example, it was because Huang Shiping asked Ouyang Qingfeng to kill Shen Diaolong that Ouyang Qingfeng was so determined and never changed his mind.

Ouyang Qingfeng is not a fool. He knows the consequences of killing Shen Diaolong, but he still chooses to do so without hesitation. Obviously, he has a certain reliance.

And Huang Shiping is Ouyang Qingfeng's dependence!

At that time, after Ouyang Qingfeng killed Shen Diaolong, Huang Shiping can help him with everything that appears and calm everything down.

Huang Shiping is now the highest leader of the state of dragon, obviously with such ability.

With this guarantee, Ouyang Qingfeng can kill Shen Diaolong.

Thinking of these, Xu Xiao is surprised to think that Fang Ling's guess is probably right.

Although some can't believe it, Xu Xiao said in a deep voice: "I think about it carefully. I think your guess is probably right. The person behind the master may be the first leader of the Dragon Kingdom now!"

Listening to Xu Xiao's words, Fang Ling became more firm in her mind: "yes, I think so, too."

"The person behind your master is the number one, then everything can make sense!"

Thinking of this, Fang Ling said with emotion: "I didn't expect that there was a game between two big research men behind this!"

Whether in the eyes of Fang Ling or Xu Xiao, Huang Shiping and Shen Ze are both leading researchers.

One is the current top leader of the Dragon Kingdom, and the other is the first person of the former dragon kingdom. Even though there is no public office, he can respect the world because he holds 300000 green dragon troops.

Thinking of the game between Huang Shiping and Shen Ze behind this, Fang Ling and Xu Xiao both feel a little sorry.

At the same time, they also realized the seriousness of the matter and became more dignified.

Fang Ling and Xu Xiao are very clear, like Huang Shiping and Shen Ze, the impact of the game will be how terrible!

A bad control is likely to bring about great turmoil in the Dragon kingdom!

Aware of these, Fang Ling and Xu Xiao's heart became a little heavy.

As the people of the Dragon Kingdom, Fang Ling and Xu Xiao obviously do not want to see the Dragon kingdom in turmoil.

Since Shen Ze's battle of Dingding, he has created a peaceful and prosperous age for the Dragon kingdom.

Over the past few years, the war has subsided, the country has developed rapidly, the national strength is growing, and the people live and work in peace and contentment. Everything has become beautiful and promising.

And if the fight between Shen Ze and Huang Shiping leads to chaos in the Dragon Kingdom, it's really unacceptable.

If the two sides fight, on the good side, it will only cause some unrest in the Dragon kingdom. On the bad side, it will shake the foundation of the Dragon Kingdom and lead the Dragon kingdom into a situation of internal and external troubles.

Even a little careless, will let the Dragon into a state of irreparable.

After all, it's a world of the jungle.

When the world powers see that you have problems, they will obviously rush to devour you.

For the great powers, they are always waiting for a gluttonous feast!

Thinking of these things, Fang Ling and Xu Xiao are both deeply worried.

Both of them were silent, frowning and meditating, and the office was silent.

I don't know how long later, Fang Ling raised her eyes and stared at Xu Xiao. She looked very serious and said, "Xu Xiao, if it's really a game between Huang Shiping and Shen Diaolong, it's too much involved!"

"If we really let them fight, no matter what the result is, it will certainly lead to chaos in the Dragon kingdom. I can't imagine what the end of the Dragon kingdom will be."

After a short pause, Fang Ling said in a very dignified tone: "if it's for the sake of the Dragon Kingdom, I think it's very necessary to stop all this happening."

Fang Ling asked, "can we find a way to prevent your master from attacking Shen Diaolong?"

Xu Xiao didn't want to see the turmoil in the Dragon Kingdom, so he nodded in agreement after hearing Fang Ling's words. "We should really try to stop all this."

"It's just that it's hard to think about it."

Fang Ling pondered for a while and said, "it's still up to you to tie the bell. I think we should make it clear to your master, and then we can discuss it."

Xu Xiaowen said, eyebrow a pick: "with master pick Ming?"

Fang Ling nodded and said, "yes, just tell your master what we think of and let him put all the hidden things on the table."

Xu Xiao couldn't think of a better way, so after listening to Fang Ling's words, he nodded and said, "OK, do as you say!"