Chapter 603

After leaving the martial arts school, Qin Chao went straight back to siheyuan.

Qin Chao came to Shen Ze and said with disdain: "master, the old man Ouyang Qingfeng, dare to do it or not. He doesn't admit that he called Jiang Feng to watch you."

Shen Ze smelled the speech and gave a smile.

"It's normal that he doesn't admit it. It's not a glorious thing after all. If he does, it's not a brain problem."

"I think he's just a turtle with a shrunken head, and he's a leader in martial arts and Taoism. It's not in line with him at all!"

Shen Ze said softly, "don't worry about him."

Qin Chao nodded, then he asked: "master, are we going back to Hangzhou?"

Shen Ze thought about it, shook his head and said, "stay in Yanjing for the time being."

If Shen Ze wants to come back to his hometown in Hangzhou, there will be Zhang Zilan's family. If someone wants to do something bad to him, it may affect Zhang Zilan's family.

Moreover, he didn't want Zhang Zilan's family to worry about him.

"Master, don't you want to go back to Fengxiang village? Why have you changed your mind now? " Qin Chao asked suspiciously.

Shen Ze said: "now that there is such a mess, it's better to wait until it is solved before going back."

On hearing Shen Ze's words, Qin Chao immediately understood the meaning. He nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

Later, Qin Chao suddenly thought of something and said, "master, you said we have solved Jiang Feng, and then you said hello to Ouyang Qingfeng. Do you think he will take the next step?"

Shen Ze thought about it and said, "I think it will."

Qin Chao smell speech, picked pick eyebrow, "he still has this courage?"

Shen Ze laughed and said, "why don't you have the courage?"

"From the time he sent me the post, he had the courage to kill me!"

When Qin Chao heard the speech, he frowned tightly.

Qin Chao said in a very low voice: "who gave Ouyang Qingfeng the courage to kill you?"

Shen Ze said with a faint smile: "although I killed Ouyang Qingfeng's disciple, I didn't have a direct hatred with him. He must have been instigated by someone behind me to kill me."

"Is there someone behind Ouyang Qingfeng?"

Qin Chao smell speech, eyebrows suddenly twisted into a line, face also become a little dignified.

Qin Chao asked suspiciously, "who will direct Ouyang Qingfeng to target you?"

"Although Ouyang Qingfeng is not a public official, he is also the president of the martial arts association and the leader of the martial arts circle. He is a top martial arts man who has been famous for many years. If he is not a big man, I'm afraid he can't be instructed?"

"Moreover, it's not an unusual small thing that the backstage agent instructs Ouyang Qingfeng to deal with the master."

"I think the man behind the scenes must be a powerful man, and he has a grudge against you, or he would not have asked Ouyang Qingfeng to deal with you."

After listening to Qin Chao's inference, Shen Ze smiles and gives Qin Chao a teachable look.

Shen Ze said with a smile: "when did you become so smart? I can infer that. "

Qin Chao flattered Shen Ze very timely.

"I've been following you all the time. It's hard to be not smart."

Shen Ze couldn't help laughing when he heard the speech.

Then, he said: "then you think about it again, who is the person behind Ouyang Qingfeng?"

Qin Chao scratched his head and said subconsciously: "let me think, I think it will be Huang Shiping."

When Shen Ze heard the speech, his face was smiling, but he didn't say a word.

Seeing Shen Ze's appearance, Qin Chao seemed to wake up. He widened his eyes and said in surprise: "master, you are not the same as I think, are you? I just think it subconsciously and say it casually! "

Shen Ze eyes deep color, thin lips slightly open, leisurely said: "I think that behind the scenes is really Huang Shiping."

Qin Chao felt shocked when he heard the speech.

This makes him blind cat meet dead mouse, right?

However, thinking that the person behind Ouyang Qingfeng might be Huang Shiping, Qin Chao's face became very dignified again.

His conjecture may not be of any value, but if Shen Ze thinks so, the matter will never be separated.

Because Qin Chao is very clear about what kind of evil Shen Ze is. Since Shen Ze thinks so, most of the things are like this!

"Damn, is it Huang Shiping who's responsible for all this? How despicable that old fellow is

Thinking of Huang Shiping playing tricks behind his back, Qin Chao suddenly got angry and scolded.

Before that, Huang Shiping repeatedly took many measures against Shen Ze.

Shen Ze was removed from the position of Grand Marshal of the Ministry of war and the position of Dragon God, which was created by Huang Shiping.

Shen Ze even resigned from the post of commander in chief of the western war zone, and now he has become an idle person in name.

Qin Chao is already very unhappy and dissatisfied with the culprit.

Now, knowing that the person behind Ouyang Qingfeng may be Huang Shiping, and knowing that Huang Shiping wants to kill Shen Ze, Qin Chao is not only upset with Huang Shiping, but also has a strong desire to kill him.

In this world, no matter who, who dares to kill the master, he will kill who!

This is not only Qin Chao's idea and belief, but also 300000 Qinglong army's son Lang's idea and belief!

Who dares to move Shen Ze, they will be the enemy!

Whoever wants to kill Shen Ze, they will kill him!

No matter who the other party is, what identity, what status!

Qin Chaoyue wanted to be more and more angry. He was so angry that his face was livid and his teeth were gnashing. A strong murderous air rose from his body.

Qin Chao said: "if Huang Shiping really wants to kill his master, he should send him to see the Lord first!"

Huang Shiping is now the supreme leader of the state of dragon. Qin Chao is obviously disrespectful and committed the crime of beheading.

Qin Chao knew this very well, but he expressed it without hesitation.

Of course, that's what he really thinks.

If Huang Shiping is really sure to kill Shen Ze, he will be able to send Huang Shiping to see Yama.

Even if it would be a great disaster, I would not hesitate to do so.

Qin Chao was very angry and said: "I really don't know what Huang Shiping thought. The master has made great contributions to the Dragon Kingdom and the people, and has not done anything harmful to the interests of the country and the people."

"Moreover, as the most important weapon and blade of the country, it has played an unimaginable role in maintaining the stability of the Dragon kingdom by deterring the overseas."

"I really don't understand why that old guy Huang Shiping would kill his master!"