Chapter 624

Since ancient times, there have been frequent conflicts and even large-scale wars on the western and northern borders of the Dragon kingdom.

A few years ago, when Shen Ze was in the western war zone, there was a large-scale battle between the Dragon Kingdom and the neighboring countries on the western border.

The battle of Dingding took place at that time.

The ultimate battle between the two great powers.

Millions of enemy troops almost broke through the Western defense line and invaded the mainland of dragon kingdom.

Fortunately, Shen Ze was brilliant and courageous. He led 300000 Qinglong troops and successfully resisted millions of enemy troops.

Moreover, in the case of fighting less and fighting more, the enemy forces suffered a lot of casualties and fought a very beautiful and famous battle of fighting less and fighting more.

Because the scale is unprecedented huge, the situation is the most tense, so this war is known as the Dingding war!

Shen Ze won the battle and became the first God of war!

The victory of Dingding war is a very good thing for the Dragon Kingdom, but it is a shame and a very bad thing for the enemy.

After all, in the case of a large number of people, we have not been able to beat the declining dragon state.

This is like a thorn in the heart, so that the enemy people firmly remember.

The hatred and resentment between the two countries have accumulated deeply, and the conflicts between the two countries are constant.

Moreover, the enemy has always wanted to retaliate against the Dragon state.

Now, after learning that Shen Ze had returned home from the war, the enemy was the most restless and took frequent actions.

The enemy countries are constantly making trouble on the western border, clearly trying to intensify the conflict and make things worse.

In the end, this led to a small-scale blood fight, with casualties on both sides.

And once there's a casualty, it's a big deal.

This has caused the people of the two countries to get angry and scold each other, and the hostility of the two peoples has become more and more serious.

When the voice of the people reaches a certain level, it can affect the judgment and action of the country.

If this hostility intensifies to a very serious degree, it will make the two countries make some radical actions to appease these emotions, such as launching a war.

As a result, the situation along the western border of dragon Kingdom has become more and more tense, giving people a feeling that fierce war will break out at any time.

Dragon country and mouse country are powerful countries in the whole world.

If there is another war between the Dragon Kingdom and the rat Kingdom, the consequences are obviously unimaginable.

After all, the outbreak of war between the two countries was still a kind of cold war. Now we all have good development, more technology and modernization.

If the war breaks out again, it will be a kind of hot war, and if it happens, it will obviously cause very serious casualties.

The casualties of soldiers are a major event. Once a war breaks out, it will consume a lot of human, material and financial resources, which is a very bad thing for any country.

Even big countries like dragon country and mouse country are not well able to withstand the outbreak of large-scale war.

After all, once a large-scale war breaks out, it is likely to lead to a protracted war and a wider war.

After all, the world has gradually become a whole. It is obviously impossible for the war between the two big powers not to involve other countries.

The conflict between the rat Kingdom and the Dragon Kingdom has attracted the close attention of the whole world.

Other countries want to see if there will be a large-scale war between rat country and dragon country.

In fact, many countries want to see a war between the Dragon Kingdom and the rat kingdom.

Because both the Dragon Kingdom and the rat kingdom are big countries, occupying a place in the world, they naturally gain a lot of benefits.

If a large-scale war breaks out between the Dragon Kingdom and the rat Kingdom, the national strength of both countries will be reduced, and their competitiveness in the world will be reduced.

At that time, other countries will be able to take advantage of the situation and compete for more interests.

Many countries want to see a war between the Dragon Kingdom and the rat Kingdom, but they don't know what the rat Kingdom thinks, but the Dragon Kingdom doesn't want to have a large-scale war with the rat kingdom.

Because once a war breaks out, it will do a lot of harm to the Dragon Kingdom, and almost no good.

As a last resort, the Dragon kingdom will not launch a large-scale war.

Therefore, although the conflict with the rat state has intensified, the Dragon state still holds the mentality of peace, holding peaceful consultations, or talks, exchanging views or interests with the rat state.

Since the defeat in the Dingding war, the rat Kingdom has been one head lower than the Dragon kingdom.

Over the years, the rat Kingdom has always wanted to catch up with and surpass the Dragon Kingdom, but it failed.

Moreover, the rat country has always wanted to avenge the defeat of that year, and wanted to regain its prestige in the international arena.

Therefore, the state of rat wants to fight against the state of dragon.

However, despite the strong desire to fight, rat Kingdom did not directly come up to fight. After all, war is not a child's business, so we can't make decisions at will.

Of course, the rat Kingdom did not directly launch a large-scale war against the Dragon Kingdom, and part of the reason was that the Qinglong army guarded the western border of the Dragon kingdom.

As we all know, the Qinglong army is the most powerful force in the Dragon kingdom.

Facing the Qinglong army guarding the western border of the Dragon Kingdom, the rat Kingdom dare not act rashly. Even if it wants to move, it will be well prepared.

Before that, the rat state would still respond to the consultations and talks initiated by the Dragon state, but the two sides have not negotiated a reason. On the contrary, the people's voices in the two countries are becoming more and more hostile.

In recent years, the development of Longguo has been very rapid, just like a miracle. Its achievements have shocked the whole world.

Both Yingguo, far away from the Dragon Kingdom, and xiongguo, above the northern part of the Dragon Kingdom, did not understand the development of the Dragon kingdom.

Of course, before the Dragon Kingdom, both the eagle Kingdom and the Bear Kingdom, which had been powerful countries, were very wary of the development of the Dragon kingdom.

The world's plate is so big, so many interests.

Both the eagle Kingdom and the Bear Kingdom obviously don't want the Dragon kingdom to grow stronger. After all, if the Dragon kingdom is stronger, it will certainly have a greater voice and influence in the world.

At that time, the Dragon kingdom will certainly threaten or even seize the interests of the eagle Kingdom and the Bear Kingdom.

This is a situation that neither the eagle nor the bear want to see.

Therefore, both Yingguo and xiongguo want to suppress Longguo and keep it from growing.

Now, there is a conflict between the Dragon Kingdom and the mouse kingdom. The eagle Kingdom and the Bear Kingdom are adding fuel to the Dragon Kingdom and creating more trouble.

The eagle kingdom is engaged in business in the waters of the Dragon Kingdom, while the Bear Kingdom is engaged in business in the northern border of the Dragon kingdom.

For a moment, it's like being besieged on all sides. The pressure on the Dragon kingdom is very great, and the trouble it faces is very big.

Under the pressure, some people can bear it, while others can't.

But one thing is inevitable, that is, the people of the Dragon Kingdom feel the pressure, and panic spreads unstoppably.