Chapter 625

Once the panic spreads, it will obviously cause more panic.

For a moment, the whole dragon kingdom was in a panic.

For the people of the state of dragon, it's obvious that they haven't had enough of a peaceful life after just a few years. They don't want to live a life of fear, backwardness and poverty.

At this time, most of the people in Longguo want everything to calm down.

Of course, there are a lot of radicals who want to fight violence with violence, show their muscles to the world, and kill all intrigues directly, so that those countries that have ideas about the Dragon kingdom can get rid of those bad ideas.

And although this is still a way, but it is to pay a great price.

Of course, Longguo has not yet been able to compete with many countries.

Moreover, even if there is such strength, it will not be launched under normal circumstances.

All parties are making trouble, and the pressure on Longguo is very great.

Under the leadership of Huang Shiping, the State Council was in a state of high concentration and tension.

Huang Shiping is very busy, because he has to deal with all kinds of things, and because he has no experience, he is not very good at dealing with many things.

Huang Shiping's incompetence and that of the whole national court have caused many complaints in Longguo, and many people are dissatisfied with Huang Shiping.

These voices make Huang Shiping very unhappy. Therefore, he blames Shen Ze for everything and hates Shen Ze even more.

However, even if Huang Shiping hated Shen Ze very much, he couldn't let it out.

After all, he doesn't know where Shen Ze is. How can he settle accounts with Shen Ze?

Of course, although the people of Longguo were dissatisfied with Huang Shiping and Guoyuan, they did not forget Shen Ze.

Because these things have a lot to do with Shen Ze.

"This Shen Diaolong is really out of character. If he didn't come back, these bad things wouldn't happen now."

"Yes, Shen Diaolong is too irresponsible. At the beginning, he was pushed to that position and let him enjoy his wealth. Now he pats his ass and leaves. He really has no sense of responsibility!"

"Yes, if Shen Diaolong was still the commander-in-chief of the western war zone, the rat kingdom would not dare to offend the western border."

"I think this Shen Diaolong is just for his own cheerfulness. After enjoying all his glory and wealth, he left his job. He is a selfish man!"

"Those of you who come out to blame Shen Diaolong now are standing and talking without backache, only saying sarcastic things!"

"At the beginning, Shen Diaolong was removed from the position of Grand Marshal of the Ministry of war and the position of Dragon God by the national court. Why didn't you expect to stand up and speak for him? Now he's back to the field. When something happened to the state of dragon, you thought of him. Then why did you go?"

"You sarcastic people are shameless. What's the point?"

"Yes, when Shen Diaolong was forcibly removed from the position of Grand Marshal of the Ministry of war and the position of Dragon God by the national court, he must have been cold hearted. That's why he came back to the field and removed himself from the position of commander in chief of the western war zone."

"If Shen Diaolong had not been cold hearted and had not retired, these things would not have happened now."

"The reason why these things happened in the state of dragon today is that the imperial court is responsible, and so are the people of the state of dragon."

"When Shen Diaolong was in power, he only saw the bad things of others. Now that he is not in power, he knows the importance of others. It's ridiculous!"

"If Shen Diaolong is in power now, other countries will not dare to offend the Dragon kingdom. Shen Diaolong is really too important to the Dragon kingdom!"

"Shen Diaolong is not a real God. He doesn't have three heads and six arms. He doesn't have to be so important. Even without him, the Dragon kingdom can handle these things."

"I think the Dragon kingdom can't do without Shen Diaolong. I think it's necessary to invite Shen Diaolong out of the mountain again to take charge of the western war zone again!"

"I also support Shen Diaolong!"

"I don't support it. Shen Diaolong is a man who has no responsibility. It's useless to let him go out of the mountain again!"

"I'm against it, too!"

"I support it anyway!"

The people of the state of dragon launched a heated discussion and expressed their views one after another.

Some people criticize Guoyuan and Huang Shiping, others criticize Shen Ze, and others support Shen Ze's comeback.

The whole dragon kingdom is in full swing.

As time goes on, when the border conflict becomes more and more intense, and the pressure on Longguo becomes greater and greater, the voice of Shen Ze's comeback is more and more loud.

"Now this situation can only be solved by asking Shen Diaolong to come out!"

"Yes, Shen Diaolong is the first God of war in the world and the most important weapon of the Dragon kingdom. As long as he comes back, all problems will be solved."

"Now we really can't continue to drag on, otherwise it will be very difficult for Longguo to get on the right track. If it can't continue to develop, it will be backward."

"If Huang Shiping and the national court can't handle it well, it still needs Shen Diaolong to come back!"

"I suggest that Shen Diaolong return, restore his position as Grand Marshal of the army and commander in chief of the western war zone, and even restore his position as Dragon God."

"I also advocate, I also support!"

"I propose, I support!"

There are more and more voices advocating Shen Ze's comeback, and only the voice of support is left in the end.

Shen Ze knows that a lot of people want him to come back, but he has no plan to come back.

Because Shen Ze doesn't think it's time for him to come back.

At this time, although the pressure on the Dragon kingdom is very great, it is still within the acceptable range.

Although Huang Shiping's national court can't handle all things properly, most things can be handled well.

In Shen Ze's opinion, these are quite good.

When Shen Ze left Yanjing, he hid his journey. Except for a few people who knew that he was in Fengxiang village in Hangzhou, no one else knew.

Because Shen Ze didn't speak and didn't come back, his message seemed to be broken and disappeared. For a long time, there was no news of Shen Ze.

In this regard, the whole dragon nation has become more worried.

Is Shen Diaolong a complete recluse and unwilling to return to the world?

It is not only the people of the state of dragon who pay attention to Shen Ze's movements, but also other countries, especially those that have taken action against the state of dragon.

After learning that Shen Ze has disappeared and there is no sign of a comeback, those countries that are targeting the Dragon kingdom are making a big difference.

Eagle and bear countries have taken more radical actions, increasing pressure on dragon country.

And the rat country is a posture that wants to fight to the death with the dragon country, constantly dispatching domestic forces to the border between the two countries.

As the troops of rat country continue to converge towards the western border of dragon country, the pressure on dragon country becomes greater and greater, and the panic spreads more and more severely.