Chapter 629

Shen Ze is not a hypocritical person, but at this time, he said goodbye to Zhang Zilan one by one.

Then he left with Qin Chao.

"Aze, I'll see you off."

Zhang Zilan followed Shen Ze out of the Zhang family compound.

After arriving at the door, Shen Ze said to Zhang Zilan, "Auntie, you don't have to send it. Let's go by ourselves."

Zhang Zilan holds Shen Ze's wrist, then she looks dignified and says to Shen Ze sincerely, "aze, tell me honestly, do you want to go back to the western war zone?"

Shen Ze smell speech, thought Zhang Zilan really guess.

He did not hide, nodded, truthfully replied: "well, I do want to go back to the Western Theater."

"The rat kingdom is now under great pressure. The Western Theater is under great pressure. I want to go back and have a look."

"Well, I understand you."

Zhang Zilan nodded and said, "but you have to promise me that it will be safe."

Speaking of this, Zhang Zilan's face showed a touch of worry.

"My aunt knows that there are a lot of dangers here, and she is worried."

As we all know, there have been a lot of conflicts between the rat country and the dragon country, and from the current situation, it is very likely that there will be a large-scale war between the two countries.

Once a war happens, the Western Theater will face the battlefield and fall into a hot water.

Now, Shen Ze is going to take the initiative to invest, which is likely to become a hot spot.

Zhang Zilan can't do without worrying.

Shen Ze also understood Zhang Zilan's worry. After pondering for a moment, he said to Zhang Zilan, "aunt, I'm Shen Diaolong. Zhang Zilan is staring at Shen Ze. He said in a deep voice," aze, you promise me, but you must do what you say! "

"Good." Shen Ze nodded solemnly.

Later, Zhang Zilan told Shen Ze a few words.

After that, they said goodbye.

"When you get there, send me a message and say hello." Zhang Zilan said and waved to Shen Ze.


Shen Ze nodded heavily, then he didn't hesitate any more, turned around and took Qin Chao away.

The special plane arranged by Qin Chao stopped on the top of a nearby building.

Qin Chao took Shen Ze to the top of the building, and then they took a special plane to the western war zone.

Before that, Zhang Che had been following Shen Ze.

This time, instead of taking Zhang Che to the western war zone, Shen Ze let the latter return to Ning Yansong.

The western war zone is Shen Ze's territory. When he returned to his territory, he was surprised that he no longer needed Zhang Che, the top martial arts man, to accompany him.

Before that, Shen Ze kept his itinerary secret when he left Yanjing. This time, he also kept his itinerary secret when he went to the western war zone.

Except for a few people who knew that Shen Ze had returned to the western war zone, no one else knew about it.

Before Shen Ze returned to the western war zone, he said hello to the western war zone ahead of time and did not let anyone disclose the matter.

After almost two hours' voyage, Shen Ze secretly returned to the western war zone.

This is Shen Ze's return to the western war zone after several years' absence.

Because of the rapid development of Longguo in recent years, every war zone has been upgraded and changed a lot.

There are also many new things in the western war zone, and the facilities have changed, but all of these are very familiar to Shen Ze.

Knowing that Shen Ze was going to return to the western war zone, the 300000 children of Qinglong army were extremely happy.

Now, in the face of the rat army, Shen Ze's return is undoubtedly very exciting.

Shen Ze is the head of the western war zone and the soul of the western war zone. Once Shen Ze returns, everything can be solved!

Three hundred thousand Qinglong soldiers believe that as long as Shen Ze comes back, all problems will be solved.

Even in the face of the rat army, it's no big deal.

After all, Shen Ze led 300000 Qinglong soldiers to defeat millions of rats.

Now, the army transferred from the country of rats is not one million, so what's the fear?

Sometimes, when a person becomes the belief in everyone's heart, even if he doesn't do anything, as long as he appears, he can inspire and stabilize people's heart.

Shen Ze is such a person.

In the eyes of many people in the Dragon Kingdom, Shen Ze is a god like existence.

He is the most important weapon of the country, the sharp blade of the country, and the God needle of the country. As long as he is there, the people of the Dragon kingdom will be able to settle down.

For the western war zone, this situation is obviously more obvious.

For 300000 children of Qinglong army, Shen Ze is their belief. With Shen Ze, all problems are not problems.

After learning that Shen Ze was going back to the western war zone, several generals of the western war zone immediately informed him of the matter.

Three hundred thousand Qinglong soldiers gathered at the school yard an hour ahead of time.

Everyone was dressed in formal clothes, neatly arranged in the school field.

They all stood motionless and kept quiet, waiting for Shen Ze to come.

I do not know when, the sky came the sound of the helicopter propeller.

A military helicopter, from far to near, slowly flew over the school yard.

Hearing the sound of the propeller, 300000 Qinglong soldiers knew that Shen Ze was coming. They were very excited.

However, although everyone was very excited, they still remained motionless.

After flying over the apron, the helicopter landed slowly. After a while, the helicopter landed on the apron.

Shen Ze and Qin Chao are both in their seats.

After the plane stopped, Qin Chao got up first and opened the cabin door for Shen Ze.

Shen Ze got up and took the lead out of the helicopter.

As soon as Shen Ze's figure appeared, 300000 young men of Qinglong army, no matter what their positions were, fell to their knees one after another, bowed their heads and kowtowed, and called out: "see you, long Shuai!"

The voice of 300000 Qinglong soldiers' sons came together like a sea of mountains, shaking the earth.

Faced with such a scene, Shen Ze has long been used to it. His face is calm and calm.

After getting off the helicopter, Shen Ze went straight to the high platform.

Then, with a kind of look down, he looked at the 300000 Qinglong soldiers who were kneeling in the dark. He opened his mouth and said a word gently: "up."

Shen Ze's voice is not big, but with the blessing of vigor, 300000 Qinglong soldiers can hear his voice.

"Thank you, long Shuai!"

At the same time, they all stood up and stood up again.