Chapter 630

After standing up, the three hundred thousand Qinglong soldiers stare at Shen Ze with a kind of adoration, respect and joy.

"Warmly welcome long Shuai back to the western war zone!" I don't know who yelled.

Then, everyone roared with excitement.

For 300000 Qinglong soldiers, Shen Ze's return is a very happy thing.

Standing on the high platform, Shen Ze looks at the happy faces of the three hundred thousand sons of Qinglong army and listens to the roar of the crowd.

Even if his mind is calm, there are many waves in his heart, which can't be calm for a long time.

After many years, when he returned to the western war zone again, Shen Ze felt that his blood was surging back.

This kind of feeling is very familiar and also very nostalgic.

At this moment, Shen Ze is thinking, maybe he still prefers to enjoy this feeling rather than being an idle person and living a carefree and leisurely life.

Of course, this is just what Shen Ze thinks at present. Whether there will be any change depends on the specific situation.

Shen Ze also didn't stop the crowd shouting, his eyes swept from the green dragon army son Lang one by one.

I don't know how long later, 300000 Qinglong soldiers stopped shouting.

The whole school was calm and serious.

After the whole audience calmed down, Shen Ze held his hands and said, "I'm going back to the western war zone. It's a secret for the time being."

"From now on, the Western Theater will be under my unified control."

"Yes, long Shuai!"

Three hundred thousand young men of the Qinglong army answered in unison.

The western war zone is Shen Ze's territory. There are many things that don't need to be said. After Shen Ze has explained them for a few words, he doesn't mean to talk any more nonsense.

Then Shen Ze said, "let's go!"

It's already a little late at this time. Shen Ze let everyone go. It's time to do something and have a rest.

No one dares not to follow Shen Ze's orders.

Immediately, 300000 Qinglong soldiers left the school yard quickly and orderly.

After the crowd dispersed, Shen Ze went to the mansion.

That night, Shen Ze called all the generals in the western war zone to hold a small meeting.

He had a detailed understanding of the recent situation along the western border and the movement of the rat army.

The information of the western war zone is first-hand information, which is more practical and accurate than that obtained by the National People's court.

Shen Ze was surprised to learn that the army of the rat kingdom had been stationed at the border of the two countries, as if ready to invade the Dragon Kingdom at any time.

Before that, the enemy had attacked a small city on the western border of Longguo, killing many innocent people.

In order to avoid this happening, and to be able to respond to the surprise attack launched by the rat army at any time, the Western theater also made the corresponding deployment.

The Western Theater of war has also opened a front at the border of the two countries to prevent the enemy from invading or launching another sneak attack.

The three hundred thousand Qinglong troops are all of high quality. Even if they are less than the enemy, they can still cope.

This is the consensus of the whole Qinglong army.

However, although he was able to cope with it, Shen Ze made some other arrangements.

At the meeting, Shen Ze said: "contact the National People's court, let the National People's court arrange, and dispatch some troops from other war zones to the western border."

"OK, I'll get in touch." A general responded.

Shen Ze nodded, and then said, "let's get ready for a tough fight."

After a short pause, a dangerous light flashed in Shen Ze's eyes.

"If rat country dares to offend again, we will make a very strong counterattack!"

On hearing Shen Ze's words, the generals on the scene were all awed in their hearts and looked dignified.

As Shen Ze's subordinates, they are all very clear about Shen Ze's temperament and style.

If the enemy offends again, Shen Ze is likely to enter the territory of rat country and carry out strong retaliation and counterattack.

And if things get to that point, a big war may be inevitable.

All of a sudden, it's like it's getting serious.

The generals are aware of the seriousness of the matter.

Then, their mood becomes a little complicated.

In their view, it is best that there will not be a large-scale war between rat country and dragon country, which is a relatively good thing for both countries.

After all, a large-scale war will consume too much and kill a lot of people. If it can't happen, it's better not.

However, the recent frequent provocations of the rat kingdom against the Dragon Kingdom have not only made the soldiers in the western war zone feel uncomfortable, but also made other people in the Dragon Kingdom feel uncomfortable. Everyone has a bad breath in their hearts and wants to punish the rat kingdom.

At the same time, other countries, such as Eagle country and bear country, have put pressure on dragon country and caused trouble recently.

The Dragon Kingdom needs a beautiful battle to frighten the enemy, or even scare away the enemy, so as to relieve the pressure on the Dragon kingdom.

Shen Ze said this because he had such an idea.

Shen Ze has never been a passive defense or a man waiting to die.

In the past, when he was in command of the western war zone, he liked to launch attacks on his own initiative, directly causing the enemy to lose their armor and escape. He could no longer have the idea of offending the Dragon kingdom.

This time, Shen Ze had such a plan. If the rat Kingdom attacked the Dragon kingdom again, he would send troops into the rat Kingdom and kill the enemy.

Shen Ze wants the rat Kingdom and other countries to know that the Dragon kingdom is no longer a soft persimmon to be slaughtered!

If you dare to offend me, I dare to beat you to death!

I don't care about you. I don't care about life and death. If I don't accept it, I'll do it. It's over!

The Dragon Kingdom needs to show this kind of determination and skill, otherwise any country thinks it can provoke the Dragon kingdom.

It's necessary for Longguo to lighten its muscles, otherwise the tiger will not be angry. You will think me a sick cat!

Not to mention all the people of the Dragon Kingdom, but as soldiers, we must have this attitude and blood, otherwise we can't talk about defending our country?

All the generals on the scene understood Shen Ze's meaning, but they didn't express any other opinions.

Moreover, although I think it's a bit too strong, everyone still holds the idea of support.

As a big country, we should dare to show our sword!

As a soldier, we should have the spirit of sword!

Why do people talk so much when they call home?

It's over!

After explaining the things and saying what should be said, Shen Ze ordered the meeting to break up and let the generals leave the mansion.

After the others left, Qin Chao asked Shen Ze, "long Shuai, why don't you let out the news about your return to the western war zone?"

In Qin Chao's view, if the news of Shen Ze's return to the western war zone is released, it will not only inspire people, but also have a deterrent effect on rat country and other countries.

After all, Shen Ze is the world's first God of war, invincible, never defeated, is a man who has created myths and miracles!