Chapter 631

After several years in the army, Shen Ze rose from a nobody and became the commander of the western war zone.

Since Shen Ze became commander-in-chief of the western war zone, all the wars he participated in have been victories and never lost.

Even in the face of the invasion of millions of rats, Shen Ze led 300000 Qinglong troops to resist.

Moreover, he not only resisted, but also launched a counterattack and won a great victory.

Shen Ze fought the battle of Dingding and created a peaceful and prosperous age for the Dragon kingdom.

He became a God in the first World War and became famous in the world.

Shen Ze is recognized as the world's first God of war, the head of a hundred generals, both civil and military, is regarded as the existence of God.

Such Shen Ze is the important weapon, the sharp blade and the cornerstone of the Dragon kingdom.

With him, any country can play a deterrent role.

After all, Shen Ze has real talent and ability, and he is still in the age of being a fighter, strong and young.

Moreover, Shen Ze is also a top martial arts man with a brilliant record of killing two martial arts masters.

Such Shen Ze is no different from God.

And because there is such a Shen Ze in the Dragon Kingdom, who dares to act rashly?

The reason why so many things happened in the international turmoil this time is that Shen Ze was removed from the position of Grand Marshal of the Ministry of war and the position of Dragon God, and he took the initiative to return to the field and take the initiative to remove the commander of the western war zone.

The world thinks that Shen Ze really retired from the world and didn't care about the affairs of the world. That's why he had a bad mind.

Some people have a different mind, which makes the country turbulent.

Overseas powers have made great efforts to create international turbulence.

All this is due to Shen Ze, which shows how influential Shen Ze is.

Qin Chao asked this question because he thought that if Shen Ze released the news of his return to the western war zone, many things would be avoided.

Although there is no indication that Shen Ze wants to be commander in chief of the western war zone again, his return to the western war zone sends a signal that he may want to come out of the mountain again and command the western war zone again, rather than a state of seclusion.

When Shen Ze left Yanjing before, almost everyone thought that Shen Ze was really going back to the field, retired from the world, and didn't care about the world. That's why these things happened later.

If the news of Shen Ze's return to the western war zone is released, it will be able to let the world know that Shen Ze has not yet retired completely.

What's more, it's the time when the army of the rat kingdom is pressing the western border of the Dragon Kingdom, and returning to the western war zone can explain some problems.

When the Dragon kingdom is in a dilemma, or endangering the western war zone, Shen Ze will still step forward!

As long as we show this to the world, many things can be easily solved!

Qin Chao couldn't figure out why Shen Ze didn't release the news of his return to the western war zone.

In his opinion, it is a matter of no harm to let out the news of Shen Ze's return to the western war zone.

Therefore, Qin Chao did not understand.

Shen Ze should have thought of everything he could think of, but why didn't Shen Ze do it?

After listening to Qin Chao's inquiry, Shen Ze knows what Qin Chao is thinking.

He pondered for a moment and replied, "I know it's time to release the news, but not now."

Shen zedun for a while, and then said: "dragon country now is not need me."

"Whether it's something on the side of the rat kingdom or something else, the Dragon kingdom can handle it."

"I need to see that Longguo has the ability and strength to deal with it, rather than being in a lazy and comfortable state all the time."

"Whether I'm here or not, the Dragon kingdom will face these problems one day."

"If Longguo wants to go further, it must have the ability and strength to deal with these things, otherwise it will never reach the forefront of the world."

Shen Ze is obviously more forward-looking than Qin Chao.

Since Shen Ze won the battle of Dingding and created a peaceful and prosperous age for the state of dragon, the state of dragon has entered a stage of rapid development.

A big and powerful country has risen strongly, redistributing the interests of the world and reshuffling the order.

The rise of the Dragon kingdom is a threat to the interests of other powers, such as the eagle Kingdom and the Bear Kingdom.

In fact, from the beginning of the development of the Dragon Kingdom, the eagle Kingdom and the Bear Kingdom have been obstructing and suppressing the Dragon Kingdom, but the attack is not so fierce and obvious.

After all, at that time, eagle and bear were the main competitors.

Today, the Dragon Kingdom has become a threat to the status and interests of the Bear Kingdom and the eagle kingdom. Naturally, the two powers can no longer be ignored.

For the sake of their own national interests, both eagle and bear countries will obviously suppress dragon country with more powerful and tough means.

Whether Shen Ze is in power or not, this day will come.

Shen Ze's return may have played a role in advance, but it doesn't matter much.

Standing high, you can see far. Shen Ze's position has always been very high, and he can see far.

Shen Ze's idea is different from Qin Chao's, and Qin Chao obviously does not have Shen Ze's long-term idea.

Shen Ze is very clear that the Dragon Kingdom has reached a bottleneck period. Either it can go further and become a powerful country that can dominate the world and occupy a seat, or it will be suppressed by the strong forces of the eagle Kingdom and the Bear Kingdom and will never be able to hold up its head.

Shen Ze's purpose is to make the Dragon Kingdom more powerful. Although it can't be done once and for all, it can at least enjoy peace and prosperity for a very long time.

Of course, Shen Ze has some risks in doing so, and he also knows that some things are not considered too mature, and there are still flaws.

However, all these shortcomings do not hide the good, and the main body is still good.

"I know all the things I've done. You don't need to ask too much." Shen Ze said to Qin Chao.

Qin Chao smell speech, nodded.

Then, he seemed to think of other things. After a moment's hesitation, he said in a deep voice: "long Shuai, if we really fight against the rat Kingdom, I'm afraid we will sacrifice many brothers."

When Qin Chao said this, he obviously didn't want to see the sacrifice of paoze in the western war zone.

Shen Ze doesn't want to, but he knows that he has to do something if he doesn't do it.

Shen Ze pondered for a while, said: "if you want to play a day, you must have blood and sacrifice, which is inevitable."

"I don't want to, either, but there are things I have to do."

Shen Ze looked serious and said: "if I really need to sacrifice that day, I will choose to sacrifice my life without hesitation."

Listening to Shen Ze's words, Qin Chao seemed to have a sudden realization. He nodded heavily and said, "I understand. Thank you for your instruction!"